Project cars DLC

  • Thread starter SK8RBOI
I believe there was a functioning version of Indy in the beta, though I never had it so it may be misguided beliefs on my end, the lack of ovals is hurting this game bad,

I haven't drove on a oval since April of 2015 which was on Gran turismo 6. So yea I'm ready to get back to that. I really, really ,really love road course racing but man it would be so exciting to have Daytona and Indy in project cars.
It is great to hear Ian say that there may additional DLC in the future. While I would expect very little, if anything, his saying that gives some hope.
I've just finished to read the links of the posts of Ian Bell..and, yes,for sure every game got bugs and issues... But those from Pcars are to much... And stil waiting for fix of the invisible walls after one year or Silverstone Classic online that is still broken, just like engine sounds online , replays from online....
Come on Ian...look at games like assetto, GT,DriveClub, DiRT Rally,Forza... All them are AAA games and yes, the got some issues and bugs, but none in comparison with Project C.A.R.S.

About the post about more DLC.. He only answers the first question about DLC in the future Project C.A.R.S 2 game, that they are thinking to launch DLC every 12 weeks and not monthly like they did in Pcars 1.

About updates, he said the same since Christmas, one year of DLC and support and other year (this one) with some update support.

Will there be more DLC? One for sure, the 9th June with the "Ridge Racer livery pack" and the launch of the "perfect Edition" in Japan.

More than that.. I really doubt it.
look at games like assetto, GT,DriveClub, DiRT Rally,Forza... All them are AAA games and yes, the got some issues and bugs, but none in comparison with Project C.A.R.S.
Well, excluding Assetto Corsa, all of those games had massive budgets and support from major publishers. Assetto on the the other hand is a much smaller and less ambitious game than PCars with no day/night cycle or weather, fewer tracks, and fewer cars.

I'm not trying to excuse the bugs that are in PCars (even though I really didn't experience very many bugs on my copy of the game), but you can't make black and white statements like that when things are far more complex than you want to acknowledge. Now that PCars is an established franchise, they won't have to spend nearly as much time developing the engine and convincing license distributors that their cars should be in the game. SMS will have more time and resources to be able to iron out everything in PCars 2.

But I do agree with you that I don't think there will be any more DLC. SMS's marketing team has not been very good about giving us clear and reliable information, and that has only led to people and fans being disappointed. They really just need to tell us straight that they will not be adding anymore content. Stop being so secretive about it.
When People are actually testing stuff and find out that your lap times are slower with more cars on track that's actually a huge "bug", I mean in reality your lap times should be faster cause the grip increases with more cars. I jumped into the game yesterday and it is actually a whole lot of fun, it's just things like this timing issue and others that make it look bad.
Well, excluding Assetto Corsa, all of those games had massive budgets and support from major publishers. Assetto on the the other hand is a much smaller and less ambitious game than PCars with no day/night cycle or weather, fewer tracks, and fewer cars.

Mmmmm I'm sorry, because even Project C.A.R.S hasn't the budget like GT or Forza has.
But saying that Assetto Corsa has less ambition?? Did you try their game? The track and car quality and driving physics are lots better than those of project C.A.R.S, their FFB is also lot better.. For me this little studio ubicated in Vallelunga circuit, Italy got more ambition that turn 10,PD or SMS shows..

But we were talking about bugs and issues.. And I'm sorry, because Project C.A.R.S is the buggiest game that I'm playing.. Most of them online.. And in Online leagues it's frustrating.
Offline, now after one year and years of delay it's just OK.
Yes it's a good game, but SMS has been a buggy studio since their shift games.. And the excuse of Ian Bell that all AAA games have bugs is ok but an ridiculous excuse.. In my point of view.. And after shift 1 and 2 and Project C.A.R.S i'm sure if they didn't make a new and easier engine optimisation that Project C.A.R.S 2 will be full of bugs..


*That is the complete Assetto team.. A game that is considered the best driving simulation physics... For sure that most studios can learn about them,their ambition and love for cars..

But saying that Assetto Corsa has less ambition?? Did you try their game? The track and car quality and driving physics are lots better than those of project C.A.R.S, their FFB is also lot better.. For me this little studio ubicated in Vallelunga circuit, Italy got more ambition that turn 10,PD or SMS shows..:cheers:
Sorry, I came off a bit too abrasive. Assetto Corsa is a little less ambitious in terms of content (that way, there are fewer things to go wrong), but they are able to dedicate significantly more time and man-power to improving the quality of their game. They definitely have an amazing product on their hands, as is the case for all those other games you listed, but there objectively is less in the game. Again, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

And yeah, I don't deny that there are bugs in the game, but for some reason, I was one of the lucky ones that doesn't seem to have many issues (other than the occasional frame drop during the first two or three laps of a race). Maybe that's just the Xbox version, but I can only comment on my own experience. If you have a super buggy version of the game, then I'm sorry to hear that.

Also, Ian Bell hasn't been the best about public image, but I think they're heading in the right direction as a studio. If all they do for PCars 2 is add more cars and tracks and remove the bugs, even without updating the physics engine, I think it would be a pretty brilliant game!
Sorry, I came off a bit too abrasive. Assetto Corsa is a little less ambitious in terms of content (that way, there are fewer things to go wrong), but they are able to dedicate significantly more time and man-power to improving the quality of their game. They definitely have an amazing product on their hands, as is the case for all those other games you listed, but there objectively is less in the game. Again, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

And yeah, I don't deny that there are bugs in the game, but for some reason, I was one of the lucky ones that doesn't seem to have many issues (other than the occasional frame drop during the first two or three laps of a race). Maybe that's just the Xbox version, but I can only comment on my own experience. If you have a super buggy version of the game, then I'm sorry to hear that.

Also, Ian Bell hasn't been the best about public image, but I think they're heading in the right direction as a studio. If all they do for PCars 2 is add more cars and tracks and remove the bugs, even without updating the physics engine, I think it would be a pretty brilliant game!

Well,yes,the only thing I see in assetto that it dont have is the visual level of damage, night and climate (dynamic day yes it gave)
And the game 2 years after is still getting content free and payable, they didn't think about starting AC2 for me it's a good point for them.

I didn't say that Project C.A.R.S isn't a good game, for sure when it goes right it's a wonderful game, nice car rooster and nice track rooster.. I'm on the PlayStation 4 version and really, in offline i didn't get a lot of bugs or issues, some little ones like bad translation in Spanish (my favourite track is monza..but the game says it's in Belgium.. Jeje) arriving first on a race but the game said that I'm second.. Driving in dry whether but in the replay its raining (happens more with online)...

But Online mode is a shame really... I am playing in a online league and we have lots of problems... You put in lobby options that driving aids are prohibited but with the keyboard you can activate them (we did the report in the official forum) sound issues, dead FFB sometimes on wheel (now i play online with a controller) .. If you do a jump start with an obligation box stop in the lobby you can stop in the last lap,even with the drive through and don't need to do extra stop..if you open a lobby with "closed setup" then You got problems in box like no tyres change or same people start with different types of tyres...and so on...And i now lot of people with Xbox One that also have this problems and more in Online, like al the people of our online league in Playstation 4 also (34 users).

So...i really hope they learned with shif 1&2 and Project C.A.R.S and makes a great Project C.A.R.S 2 with a good functional online..
Because in offline i got thons of fun and i even buyed all their DLC... But Online mode sucks
Now that PCars is an established franchise, they won't have to spend nearly as much time developing the engine and convincing license distributors that their cars should be in the game. SMS will have more time and resources to be able to iron out everything in PCars 2.

Just want to point out that a large amount of the Pcars "Madness" engine will need to be completely re-done from the ground up, in order to put in features they've already promised for Pcars 2, that they couldn't add to Pcars 1. This was always their excuse for not adding things in Pcars that people had been asking for since the game was in alpha.

I'll also point out that a lot of people seem to keep forgetting that this isn't SMS' first game. They made all of these same mistakes with Shift, then did it again in Shift 2, and then again in Ferrari Racing Legends. Everyone was always blaming the publishers of those games for holding back SMS, and saying that Pcars would show what they could really do. Then we get Pcars and it's more broken than their previous three games combined. Here we are, a long way down the road, and they've all but given up trying to fix the game. Major issues are still there, from day one. Fundamental issues, that if found in a GT or Forza game, would see the entire racing community bury PD or T10 in hate. People forget that Pcars was meant to be SMS' attempt at showing they can still make a properly working sim, without ridiculous issues, and they failed miserably. Pcars 2 will be more of the same, because it would be a massive exception to the SMS game design rule if it wasn't.

Anyway, on the latest DLC, I really like the Nurburgring combined circuit, and it's fun to drive in pretty much any car, but it kinda feels like it should have been there the whole time, or shouldn't have been paid DLC. Feels a bit like getting Silverstone National, International, and Stowe circuit, in the release version of the game, and then having to pay for the Silverstone GP circuit lol. Still, I've bought every DLC pack, just because I'm hoping against all evidence that every extra dollar SMS gets might help them employ someone who can spot the issues in their coding for Pcars 2.
I wholeheartedly agree on the quality part. Frankly, I have all but given up on SMS games and that Pcars2 has offroad stuff in it (that I couldnt give a damn about for the life of me) made me very pessimistic that they would finally tackle the issues instead of stuffing even more half-cooked stuff in. But since then, there were at least 2 shimmers of hope: 1. They are indeed busy recoding the problematic stuff. People keep sending me screenies and stuff because they think I still care about pcars2. :D 2. There is a new producer on the team and he is apparently bringing in a way different drive to the team. Thanks to him, they are already working on stuff for pcars2 right now that was a last-minute afterthought in pcars1.
There is a new producer on the team and he is apparently bringing in a way different drive to the team. Thanks to him, they are already working on stuff for pcars2 right now that was a last-minute afterthought in pcars1.

That gives hope for the second part although I don't like they go to add the offroad stuff.
I wholeheartedly agree on the quality part. Frankly, I have all but given up on SMS games and that Pcars2 has offroad stuff in it (that I couldnt give a damn about for the life of me) made me very pessimistic that they would finally tackle the issues instead of stuffing even more half-cooked stuff in. But since then, there were at least 2 shimmers of hope: 1. They are indeed busy recoding the problematic stuff. People keep sending me screenies and stuff because they think I still care about pcars2. :D 2. There is a new producer on the team and he is apparently bringing in a way different drive to the team. Thanks to him, they are already working on stuff for pcars2 right now that was a last-minute afterthought in pcars1.

So you do care. ;)
No car in this world will ever beat this sound nor come close to it in a million years...we need this in pcars...
I got myself the DLC and I like the Cars, the Revolucion definitely is an insane beast. Without a doubt now the fastest of all GT Cars. The Huayra BC needs to a bit stiffer for my liking, overall a good addition to the roster, even tho most people never use road cars in the Game.

This 2 Cars warrant a 2€/$ price point. The Combined Circuit is an obvious and unnecessary money grab.
Is it just me or did they improve the AI racing line on the combined layout compared to the mere Nordschleife? They seem faster in videos I've seen. If that's the case I might get the latest DLC after all.

Edit: It seems I am right. Other people on the official forum have noticed an improved AI, too.
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If you could only get 3 of the DLC packs what would they be?

And one has to be the US Pack because I need the C7.R and ATS-VR GT3, so pick two more. :sly:
If you could only get 3 of the DLC packs what would they be?

And one has to be the US Pack because I need the C7.R and ATS-VR GT3, so pick two more. :sly:
Racing Icons, Limited Edition and Old V New are the only ones I've bought (as well as the US Racecar pack). All 3 are definitely worth it.
Renault Sport Pack has some beautiful cars and one of the best open-wheelers in the Formula Renault 3.5
  • 1978 Renault Alpine A442B
  • 2014 Renault Mégane R.S. 275 Trophy-R
  • 2009 Renault Mégane Trophy V6
  • 2015 Renault Sport R.S. 01
  • 2015 Formula Renault 3.5
Legendary Pack has the McLaren F1, Sauber C9, Mercedes-Benz DTM Coupe, BMW M1 Pro Car, and 1967 Ford MkIV. All great cars, each very different.

Old vs. New has the BMW 2002 Turbo, Ford Mustang 2+2 Fastback, 2016 Ford Mustang GT, RUF CTR (Yellowbird), BMW 320 TC. All great cars, each very different. The 320 TC is basically a BTCC and loads of fun.

Racing Icons is another great one. McLaren F1 GTR Longtail, Mercedes-Benz CLK-LM, BMW V12 LMR, Bentley Speed 8, and Bentley Continental GT3. The first two are GT1 class so you can have some good car vs. car battles.
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-US Racecar Pack, because C7.R
-Classic Lotus Pack; a lot of great content if you're into classic racers. Roun les Essarts is simply an amazing track to drive with any car.
-Limited Edition, has some great cars in it including the Ford Mk IV and the BMW M1 Procar.
Of the four I listed, I would get the Legendary and the Racing Icons. The only reason I didn't list the awesome Lotus pack is that not many people like those, and they are hard to handle.