Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
For WMD members please check this out:

Please comment on the issues he has with the game like the cars being undrivable without stability control and the AI being worse than before? I guess they will also fix that bug with the gear lights not hitting the limiter on the steering wheel?
Also i noticed a bot spinning and crashing in the sandbox and afterwards his car just laid there for the remainder of the race, will they simulate cranes having towed it away when you arrive on the next lap? :D

Can we not over-exaggerate? He said that car specifically he felt was un-drivable, not all of them.

The AI at one point did get worse but it's just a necessary step for them to get better, as silly as it sounds. As someone who really needs good AI I won't start worrying yet.
We will have a crane that comes along and picks the car up out of the gravel trap. We're not sure about marshalls (I think it was dismissed on not having a high enough Return On Investment - ROI), but the cars will be removed from the gravel traps and the track (in the event of it the car stopping on track) under a full lap yellow. From what I remember we won't have pace cars on release, but it should be a week one update.
Will these features be for online as well?
Yes, definitely as far as the pace car goes, not sure about the crane, but I can't imagine why not (frame rate and technical constraints aside).
Loving the crowd funding/ forum concept of developing this game; you can still raise concerns and great ideas during production + bug testers galore, so the finished product doesn't have any excuse not to be perfect seeing so many end users are involved before release .

It would be a shame if this does not turn out to be a masterpiece :D , and i'm sure that if this turns out to be a success many more crowd funded games will be born.
@DG_Silva thanks for your answers.
This model of game development will only work if the game is a financial success; it's very unlikely that it won't because it is such a quality product already. That doesn't mean it will work for every title, some are too poor quality not to have a big publisher behind it (like the recent NFS titles). I've no doubt that this will continue for pCARS 2 and will hopefully have a bigger budget for licenses and advertising. If/when it project comes round again, I can imagine there is going to be a scramble to get invested.
Yeah, but a maximum of 20 laps per race, that's a bit short isn't it? That means, with the longest track specifically for racing (ignoring Nurb, that's a tourist track - I'm not going to get into a flame war here, so don't bother replying to that comment) is Le Mans, and that's going to be over about an hour in a LMP car. On a track like Donnington, that would be over in 30 minutes.

Wait, what? Maximum lap count in Project Cars is 20?
No, he was talking about GRID Autosport.

ahh. Puts my mind at ease. Wouldn't want to buy a racing game with such a pathetic lap count. Espicially not one that claims to be realistic.

On another note, the latest trailer is amazing!
Yeah, but a maximum of 20 laps per race, that's a bit short isn't it? That means, with the longest track specifically for racing (ignoring Nurb, that's a tourist track - I'm not going to get into a flame war here, so don't bother replying to that comment) is Le Mans, and that's going to be over about an hour in a LMP car. On a track like Donnington, that would be over in 30 minutes.

Is that in Grid 1 or Grid Autosport? Hadn't seen anything about Autosports lap count yet.
It's Grid Autosport. I'm not going to hunt about, but it is in the thread.

EDIT: Here it is

You can change the length of races, maximum is 20 laps. You can also set up your own custom cups with multiple races, each with practice and qualifying should you wish.

As for pCARS, at the moment it is 99 laps, but the UI is not finished yet, so you will also be able to base races on time limits as well.
Any chance of a scalable mini-map? That was a great feature in GT5 and left out of GT6. You could zoom in enough that you could see everyone within 1 second of you and it really saved on looking in the rear view and off to the side to try and figure out where everyone was.
There is a mini-map on screen which zooms in and out automatically (a bit like FM5's does), but it could be a feature that gets more polishing closer towards completion.
It's Grid Autosport. I'm not going to hunt about, but it is in the thread.

EDIT: Here it is

As for pCARS, at the moment it is 99 laps, but the UI is not finished yet, so you will also be able to base races on time limits as well.

Will be 24 hours races possible?
Any chance of a scalable mini-map? That was a great feature in GT5 and left out of GT6. You could zoom in enough that you could see everyone within 1 second of you and it really saved on looking in the rear view and off to the side to try and figure out where everyone was.

That was actually a nice variation on the spotter/arrow trick that most games pull. Albeit almost certainly unintentionally, but it worked well nonetheless.
I didn't read the whole 200 pages but quite a few pages back. So from what I gather form all this is that the PC version is the way to go. I will need to invest in new hardware anyway and PC additionally gives just more choices in terms of games and hardware accessories.
As for pCARS, at the moment it is 99 laps, but the UI is not finished yet, so you will also be able to base races on time limits as well.

You don't need to have a lap count that goes higher than 99 laps if you've got the option to create a time limited race.

Truly can't wait for this, the new trailer has really got me in the mood! Got to at least get a PS4 sorted before November.

I take it SMS are planning to release all versions at the same time? I hope there won't be a delay for the console versions. :scared:
Nope, planned release for all versions at the same time. If anything causes the delay it will be the console companies signing the digital certificate (bugs excepted, of course).
I didn't read the whole 200 pages but quite a few pages back. So from what I gather form all this is that the PC version is the way to go. I will need to invest in new hardware anyway and PC additionally gives just more choices in terms of games and hardware accessories.
Let me know when you switch to the master race and what gear you buy, i'd like to take the lazy man's option and buy a PS4 if my CSR would still be compatible, but a decent yet not too expensive pc is always the smarter option if you're a sim racer fan, so better buy a PC myself too ;)
Let me know when you switch to the master race and what gear you buy, i'd like to take the lazy man's option and buy a PS4 if my CSR would still be compatible, but a decent yet not too expensive pc is always the smarter option if you're a sim racer fan, so better buy a PC myself too ;)

It will take a while I guess. I will start putting a budget together and then around September I will start building the PC. The biggest headache I have is to find space for a dedicated rig in my apartment.
It will take a while I guess. I will start putting a budget together and then around September I will start building the PC. The biggest headache I have is to find space for a dedicated rig in my apartment.
No biggie i plan to do the same, have enough decent racing games at the moment which i barely even started to play, so no urgency at all but i'm sure i'll get tempted when PCARS is released in November. For your rig, just a wheel stand pro does fine; fold it up and put it next to the sofa :)
No biggie i plan to do the same, have enough decent racing games at the moment which i barely even started to play, so no urgency at all but i'm sure i'll get tempted when PCARS is released in November. For your rig, just a wheel stand pro does fine; fold it up and put it next to the sofa :)

Yeah I am using a wheelstand pro now. But I am thinking triple screen set-up. ;)
Just started looking at this a little more closely today after one of our league guys posted the trailer for us. Looks amazing I have to say.

Without reading through 200 odd pages, I managed to find out there will be a livery editor, the car/track list looks amazing and the graphics are mind blowing.

Can anyone tell me about the network setup ? Will it be like ps3, peer to peer, or will it have a much more robust set up that allows more cars on track, for a full grid, free of the hassles we have been getting through GT6 ??

If they can get that right, along with the additions that GT6 doesn't have, I think there will be a huge swing away from some of the more traditional plug and play titles, particularly GT6 where there are so many of us feeling a little flat, but I won't go there !

Cheers stu.
Can anyone tell me about the network setup ? Will it be like ps3, peer to peer, or will it have a much more robust set up that allows more cars on track, for a full grid, free of the hassles we have been getting through GT6 ??

I'm not sure about the console versions (NDAs flying about, and so on), but I know the consoles have been using dedicated servers, alothugh P2P will be possible. I guess it's down to whatever the devs can organise with the console manufacturers. I know that both MS and Sony allow devs and games to use dedicated servers, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Will game saves be possible mid-race? it's a must or I won't be able to complete a more than 20 laps race....

I believe you will be able to, yes. May not be a day one ability, but a patch should be out within the first couple of weeks that allow it to happen.