Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Question on PS4 vs. PC Video Quality
I have a question, not sure how easy it is to answer, but I’m trying to get an idea of overall quality and what can be expected on the PS4 vs the Videos that I have see of the PC version set to ultra.

I know that there has been a few videos that show the PS4 version, but there have been many comments stating that those are older builds. Has there been any updates to optimize the PS4 to use higher quality graphics, I’m not implying that the graphics aren’t high quality, just wondering if they have worked on improving them or if what we have seen is what we can expect. I have read so many statements that it is easier to optimize for the consoles than the PC due to the constants of the hardware.

I am just wondering what quality equivalent we can expect on PS4, Can we expect Ultra?, if not, then What should be expected??
Question on PS4 vs. PC Video Quality
I have a question, not sure how easy it is to answer, but I’m trying to get an idea of overall quality and what can be expected on the PS4 vs the Videos that I have see of the PC version set to ultra.

I know that there has been a few videos that show the PS4 version, but there have been many comments stating that those are older builds. Has there been any updates to optimize the PS4 to use higher quality graphics, I’m not implying that the graphics aren’t high quality, just wondering if they have worked on improving them or if what we have seen is what we can expect. I have read so many statements that it is easier to optimize for the consoles than the PC due to the constants of the hardware.

I am just wondering what quality equivalent we can expect on PS4, Can we expect Ultra?, if not, then What should be expected??
Ps4 is like high settings on a PC iirc
Question on PS4 vs. PC Video Quality
I have a question, not sure how easy it is to answer, but I’m trying to get an idea of overall quality and what can be expected on the PS4 vs the Videos that I have see of the PC version set to ultra.

I know that there has been a few videos that show the PS4 version, but there have been many comments stating that those are older builds. Has there been any updates to optimize the PS4 to use higher quality graphics, I’m not implying that the graphics aren’t high quality, just wondering if they have worked on improving them or if what we have seen is what we can expect. I have read so many statements that it is easier to optimize for the consoles than the PC due to the constants of the hardware.

I am just wondering what quality equivalent we can expect on PS4, Can we expect Ultra?, if not, then What should be expected??
I'm not a WMD member but when it comes to PC vs. PS4, the PS4's graphics card is basically a mid-range, soon to be low-end GPU. It's equivalent to a Radeon HD 7870 and in gaming terms if you were building a PC for gaming, it would be at the low-end of the scale. Because of the optimization possible with consoles, being limited to a single purpose basically, you can still achieve excellent performance from it but you won't be able to reach the ultra high graphics you can achieve with a really good PC. "High" would seem about right as @GranTurismo guy already mentioned. It'll be stunning relative to anything on the PS3 and in terms of value vs. performance, PS4 can't be beat.
Question on PS4 vs. PC Video Quality
I have a question, not sure how easy it is to answer, but I’m trying to get an idea of overall quality and what can be expected on the PS4 vs the Videos that I have see of the PC version set to ultra.

I know that there has been a few videos that show the PS4 version, but there have been many comments stating that those are older builds. Has there been any updates to optimize the PS4 to use higher quality graphics, I’m not implying that the graphics aren’t high quality, just wondering if they have worked on improving them or if what we have seen is what we can expect. I have read so many statements that it is easier to optimize for the consoles than the PC due to the constants of the hardware.

I am just wondering what quality equivalent we can expect on PS4, Can we expect Ultra?, if not, then What should be expected??

So while it's difficult to answer I will use my PC as an example.
My PC Is amd based so it's similar to a console as they use amd chips inside. Over the last few months the optimisation of game has allowed me slowly to increase the scope of the game. At the start I could only. Manage 20 odd cars but now with the changes in the way the game uses the processors and gpu that's increased to about 50 on grid.
What the guys at SMS will do will create a graphical/ performance compromise. The game will be as beautiful as they can get it when it's running at 60fps. It may increase slightly but the graphics now won't be far off.
Personally on my GTX760 I've been running everything on high except vehicles on ultra, with 8xAF and AA is set to "MSAA" (which I believe is a custom SMS approach melding 4xMSAA plus some transparency) enhanced with FXAA=low (smoothing without too much blurring) for a while now. I've been getting frame rates of 60-80fps when hotlapping, 40-70fps while driving in a big field: Most tracks are 55-65fps but a few are still heavy on the PC and drop lower.

To be honest the graphics already look great. If they equalize frame rates on all tracks before launch and get detailed grass up and running without being such a huge performance hit I'll be very pleased with the end result. Once the graphics have stabilized it shouldn't be a problem to tweak a graphics setting for 60+fps under all circumstances.

I'm assuming the PS4 will be very similar in look to my midrange card, given the superior optimizations which can be used on a console.
I´ve seen Pcars on high settings by myself and it looks very good ;) I think the difference to ultra is not that big as people think it is. Especially when you are driving. I´ve seen settings like high quality grass on PC wich I really dont care when I drive.
Are there plans to have more Australian tracks in the game in the future? Maybe as DLC combined with the V8 Supercars I've read about? Would love to be able to race on Phillip Island. :)
As of yet no. But don't rule it out they only have a few tracks from Australia and Asia. So who knows.
Just so you guys know. You can't run pCARS with a useful framerate on any PC that is equal or lower than the Surface Pro 2.
Just bought myself the new tablet and tried with sad results. :(
Hopefully the Ruf GT3 car has similar performance to the other GT3 cars so it can be included in a GT3 race as well.