- 64
- United Kingdom
I'm in the same boat. I think two latest nvidia GPUs should be enough. I can run pCars at max settings, except AA being only at ds2x, at pretty much 60 fps or more with a single 780ti. Oculus, by the sound of it, will need 90fps. Plus the resolution will be above my 1080p. Considering all this, plus pretty good Nvidia scaling on SLI, two cards should be enough. Hopefully I can just throw in another 780ti and be done with it. But may have to wait for the next-gen nvidia cards, if the resolution will be too much for the 3gb vram.
Can I ask if you get a steady 60fps with lots of other cars and in all conditions?
Apparently sli adds in a frame of latency which is a problem for vr units such as the oculus. nVidia say they can solve this by assigning a GPU to each eye and doing some driver trickery. That would indicate to me that 2-way sli is the intended solution, as going 3-way sli would reintroduce the extra unwanted frame presumably. A constant 90fps @ 1440p, which seems to be the consensus as to the final specs of the oculus, is going to take a bit of a monster system for a game like pCARS. Having said that, they must be doing everything they can to keep it accessible to those without £2k to spend on a PC? I will sell my house/car/kids for 2 gtx980ti's if that's what it'll take, but I'd rather not have to...
It's the waiting for answers that kills me, see!?