here in Australia a gtx 770 goes for about $325, a gtx 970 has about double the performance of a gtx770 but cost around $475 ( approx 50% more ) which = great value. the gtx970 is actually rated as the best performance/$ card available atm. so for the extra $150 i'll take the 970 every time ( and i did
another point i'll make is that if you buy the better card now rather than in 12 months or so you will have 12 months more of high quallity gaming =
and if you buy another GTX770 for example later down the track when they are dirt cheap you still won't have the same performance as the 970 has had from the start
so my theory was, get a gtx970 now then when they get cheaper get another one
and run everything on ultra for the next 2+ years .