Oh, they better fix all the bugs el pronto
out of 7 times of 10 when I want to play an online game(it is the only thing i do) I get bugs that make me unable to play..
Like not be able to click on the "Drive" button even though it is 40min left of the practice. even after rejoining the lobby it usally does not allow me to get out on track..
Epic stuttering, the whole game pauses for like a sec or even more, even bungy jumping forward when playing online.
I guess its cause of when a player connects to the game.
The start are totally insane, often some cars just drop on/into other cars before people even get to drive them selves when it gets green, totally unacceptable...
The game randomly crashes quite often.
The ffb quirks up sometimes when going out from the pit lane after clicking in go to pitbox. the wheel pulls to a side but after a short while it loosens up and work as intended.
Al in all the game is fun, and I really do like it, but all these bugs make and how often they appear is just ridiculous. Did ya people not help the developers help develop and evaluate this game? How could ya not raise your voices about all this... I mean I spend more time try to get to mp game than to acutally play online... wth.....
they must fix it pronto