EA ends the Project Cars & Dirt series

  • Thread starter Fezzik
Not surprised by this.I was on the PS Store last night and noticed I didn't see Dirt 4 anymore
And now DiRT Rally and DiRT 4 are no longer available.

Good move being bought by EA. After buying Evo and SMS they could have become a super all conquering racing game developer/publisher, yet all they will end up with is 2 games, WRC and F1.
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Good move being bought by EA. After buying Evo and SMS they could have become a super all conquering racing game developer/publisher, yet all they will end up with is 2 games, WRC and F1.
It reminds me of Burnout a little. I saw interview of one of ex-Criterion employee and he mentioned how EA's MO shifted to making few gigamassive games that are guaranteed to make gigamassive bucks, and that's why Burnout died out. Burnout simply could not compete with Need for Speed in sales and suits up top didn't see why they should make more of it when they could make Need for Speed instead and rake in gigamassive bucks.

I thought EA got a little better with these things in recent times but I guess hindsight is 20/20. At least Grid is still here but all bets are off on what will happen once its DLC support runs out.
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People keep saying this but it's not going to be the same when they're constricted by the license.
Hopefully it makes the Dirt series better. The more recent numbered entries have been an unfocused mess. The last good one in my opinion was 3, a game from 2011. Also, the Rally series while amazing has needed to make due with historic or odd side classes instead of the main, more desireable WRC series because it didn't have access to license.

Now hopefully since they finally have the WRC license, Codemasters can take the excellent atmosphere and physics of the Rally series and apply it to the cars and locations from the top tier of rallying. I hope the Codemasters WRC games also include the historic content, but I don't see them being constrained by the license, I think it'll elevate Codemaster's rallying games if they play to their strengths.
Not surprised by this.I was on the PS Store last night and noticed I didn't see Dirt 4 anymore
DiRT 4 and DiRT Rally have been delisted for over a month, and been in this page for longer than that:

October 03, 2022
DiRT 4 on Xbox One, Playstation 4, Steam, Mac OS / Linux, Windows Store, Gamepass and TenCent We Game

October 03, 2022
DiRT Rally on Xbox One, Playstation 4, Steam, Mac OS / Linux, Oculus, and PSVR

October 03, 2022
DiRT 4 - EA Play members, please note that we are removing DiRT 4 from The Play List on October 03, 2022

DiRT Rally - EA Play members, please note that we are removing DiRT Rally from The Play List on October 03, 2022

The Race Department article implies that the games were delisted today/yesterday but that’s incorrect.

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DiRT 4 and DiRT Rally have been delisted for over a month, and been in this page for longer than that:

The Race Department article implies that the games were delisted today/yesterday but that’s incorrect.
I was going to say earlier as well but those games getting deleted doesn't really have anything to do with the topic of this thread anyways. They were old racing games and their licenses expired, so they were removed from sale like any other racing game is. It's not evidence that EA is trying to suppress Codemasters or whatever.
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Hopefully it makes the Dirt series better. The more recent numbered entries have been an unfocused mess. The last good one in my opinion was 3, a game from 2011. Also, the Rally series while amazing has needed to make due with historic or odd side classes instead of the main, more desireable WRC series because it didn't have access to license.

Now hopefully since they finally have the WRC license, Codemasters can take the excellent atmosphere and physics of the Rally series and apply it to the cars and locations from the top tier of rallying. I hope the Codemasters WRC games also include the historic content, but I don't see them being constrained by the license, I think it'll elevate Codemaster's rallying games if they play to their strengths.

I disagree with so many stuff here. 😬

What you quoted was talking about the Dirt Rally series, not the numbered ones. Talking of these, wouldn't expect another one anytime soon if ever. EA merged Cheshire and Criterion to make... you guessed it, NFS.

Dirt 5 is anything but unfocused. Apart from very poor playability, it is very well polished. It knows what it is and executes that to perfection. Dirt 4 was the definition of wanting to do many things and not doing one right (it's a nice game though)... but so did Dirt 3. The addition of Ken Block's gymkhanas felt absolutely out of place and was certainly controversial.

Regarding DR lacking the WRC classes, it only lacked the top tier cars. It had R5, RGT and R2. That's pretty much everything for me.

Last but not least, Kylotonn not only did a great job, but arguably outperformed Coddies. Force feedback is amazing in WRC 8 for example, and tarmac behavior is way ahead of DR2.0. Coddies getting the WRC license is maybe not better for a realistic representation of the series in the physics department.
Then PCars 3 came out with simcade physics, yet I THOROUGHLY enjoy(ed) the game, because it's pure fun!
There were a great selection of cars, tracks, and fun career events. Creating a driver (even Female drivers) I never enjoyed the previous two titles as much as the 3rd.

But considering they established themselves with Simulation/Serious gaming, they lost their primary consumers.
Reading stuff like this makes me think I should go and actually play pC3.

I loved Shift 1 and 2, despite all their obvious flaws. I maintain that Shift 2 is the worst game I've ever loved, considering that I bought it on three different sets of hardware. I also backed pC1 and played tons of pC2, and pC2 remains installed on my PC as one of my go-to sim games.

When the reviews came out that pC3 was not a successor to pC2 and was a shonky semi-sim weird thing, I immediately ignored it as a bad job. If they had marketed it as a spiritual Shift 3 I would have seriously considered buying day 1.
Reading stuff like this makes me think I should go and actually play pC3.

I loved Shift 1 and 2, despite all their obvious flaws. I maintain that Shift 2 is the worst game I've ever loved, considering that I bought it on three different sets of hardware. I also backed pC1 and played tons of pC2, and pC2 remains installed on my PC as one of my go-to sim games.

When the reviews came out that pC3 was not a successor to pC2 and was a shonky semi-sim weird thing, I immediately ignored it as a bad job. If they had marketed it as a spiritual Shift 3 I would have seriously considered buying day 1.
If you like Shift you will Like PC3
Project CARS 3 under any name being allegedly conflated in the same category with any GRID title, put in a box with Codemasters' handling model of all things, being too crowded together, or whatever you want to call it, tells me more than I wanted to know about how much the professionals really understand (or don't) about how the racing games they produce actually drive or play in detail.

The essential pillar of my passion for this entire hobby is an enigma to the individuals who call the shots.

What else is new? That's my origin story for being here.

Let me state my POV another way: not wanting to publish "Project CARS Revolution" and GRID at the same time is like not wanting to publish more than one game where you shoot guns, FFS.

"Oh no, more than one Codemasters-published game about driving cars!"
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Wow,20 years later and EA is still killing car games.
They had one of the best car games ever made in Motor City Online(MCO) and let it die short of two years.
If only someone would re-make it.
Read the comments.
Yes, but the game itself is nearly unplayable with a dull career mode, arcadeish handling model and the exclusion of pit stops.
Pitstops are useless in games where you cannot save you game midrace.
Reading stuff like this makes me think I should go and actually play pC3.

I loved Shift 1 and 2, despite all their obvious flaws. I maintain that Shift 2 is the worst game I've ever loved, considering that I bought it on three different sets of hardware. I also backed pC1 and played tons of pC2, and pC2 remains installed on my PC as one of my go-to sim games.

When the reviews came out that pC3 was not a successor to pC2 and was a shonky semi-sim weird thing, I immediately ignored it as a bad job. If they had marketed it as a spiritual Shift 3 I would have seriously considered buying day 1.
If you get the opportunity, definitely check it out. I bought mine on sale and I think it was the deluxe version for about $20 USD.

It feels like a Shift 2 and Grid mix in some ways. But it also has it's own elements.

I like that it has some online time trial challenges, and the career mode has invitational events. The car list is decent too.

The physics IMO are just enjoyable, even with a controller.

I enjoyed Shift and Shift 2 as well. I spent a ton of time with those titles, and as you mentioned, they did have their flaws, but they had a lot of good qualities that made them fun.
Reading stuff like this makes me think I should go and actually play pC3.

I loved Shift 1 and 2, despite all their obvious flaws. I maintain that Shift 2 is the worst game I've ever loved, considering that I bought it on three different sets of hardware. I also backed pC1 and played tons of pC2, and pC2 remains installed on my PC as one of my go-to sim games.

When the reviews came out that pC3 was not a successor to pC2 and was a shonky semi-sim weird thing, I immediately ignored it as a bad job. If they had marketed it as a spiritual Shift 3 I would have seriously considered buying day 1.
A word of advice from someone else who enjoyed PC3.....get your mind off of project cars. Don't look at it like a sequel. It's a fun, arcadeish racer with some realistic underpinnings. If you have no expectations, you may just enjoy it. If you look at it like a new NFS, you may be pleasantly surprised
I'm not surprised that Project Cars disappears, after PC3 fiasco that target can be filled by future Grid games.

Dirt will be integrated into WRC games.

So EA's racing portfolio looks like this:

Real Racing
This already happened, GRID Legends also released with Project CARS assets in it (Panoz GTR1 for example)
Reading stuff like this makes me think I should go and actually play pC3.
Try it before it to eventually gets delisted. Other than those who go into it wanting not to like it or those who expect it to be something it isn't, I haven't seen many on the forum who haven't been pleasantly surprised when trying out PC3. Expect a fun racer with semi-realistic physics and it'll fit the bill. A full on Motorsports simulation it isn't.
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As far as I remember I was never pissed off about PC3 not being a full sim. I dont pre order (and neither should you) and the reviews made it perfectly clear.

I agree it should have had a different name but I wasnt bothered in the slightest. I figured I'll just wait for PC4 to be good again..
Try it before it to eventually gets delisted. Other than those who go into it wanting not to like it or those who expect it to be something it isn't, I haven't seen many on the forum who haven't been pleasantly surprised when trying out PC3. Expect a fun racer with semi-realistic physics and it'll fit the bill. A full on Motorsports simulation it isn't.
I'm surprised at how many people liked pcars3?

I like arcade racing games like Grid and Forza... and I personally thought pcars3 was a ugly-looking mess with unpredictable controls, bad AI that only wants to pack race and block, no anti aliasing, a grindy career mode, a timed rivals mode that kept breaking, and a completely dead online at launch.

I'm just as nostalgic as the next guy for pcars2, but I'm not upset the franchise and studio is gone when I feel like 3 is subjectively and objectively worse in every way, outside of a livery editor.
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I like PC3 far more than PC2 honnestly, yes it is not perfect but it's an easy pick up and play game.

On the other hand I've never been able to make PC2 playable (controller) on my Xbox One
Reading stuff like this makes me think I should go and actually play pC3.

I loved Shift 1 and 2, despite all their obvious flaws. I maintain that Shift 2 is the worst game I've ever loved, considering that I bought it on three different sets of hardware. I also backed pC1 and played tons of pC2, and pC2 remains installed on my PC as one of my go-to sim games.

When the reviews came out that pC3 was not a successor to pC2 and was a shonky semi-sim weird thing, I immediately ignored it as a bad job. If they had marketed it as a spiritual Shift 3 I would have seriously considered buying day 1.
I'm gonna quit beating this dead horse, I swear.
I think Imari really best feels how I felt a year ago. After I was thoroughly fed up with PCars 3, I went back to Shift 1 and 2 to figure out if I just didn't care for the Shift formula, because I too bought Shift 2 three times after I lost my 360 disc copy, then built my own computer.

Pcars 3 just isn't fun. All of the features SMS wanted to add back to Project Cars from Shift just end up feeling neutered and half-baked. The helmet cam isn't as good. The damage modelling isn't as good. The car customization isn't as good. The career mode isn't as good. The soundtrack isn't as good. The list is depressing.
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I adore Shift 1 and 2. But the playability was nuts. It would only work for me with a wheel and cockpit view.

That's something where PC3 seems to be better at.

PS: SMS games were the closest to the spirit of the original four EA Canada NFS.