EA ends the Project Cars & Dirt series

  • Thread starter Fezzik
This news is not a surprise of course but a bit of a bummer for me since PC2 and DR2.0 are my most played racing games on the PS4. I just hope other games will take their place, or maybe I'm just forced to get into pc gaming now because there is much more choice there.
Dirt Rally 3 was replaced by WRC23. So the game and franchise will live on, just licensed.
Hopefully it means the next GRID is more realistic motorsport focused again, with a focus on real world circuits. They've been leaning too much into tight street racing for my liking the last couple of games.

A GRID x Project CARS crossover with semi-realistic physics, huge track list and motorsport career could be good.
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Disappointing but not surprising. PC2 is great and still one of my favorite to drive.

But this is what EA does. Buys and destroys. PC4 probably would've been good after realizing their mistake with PC3 but I'm guessing EA was like.. Where do we put all the loot boxes and card sales? It doesn't really fit anywhere? Shut it down.

Be amazing if EA would just die and then in an auction it'd explode like a pinata of IP and all these good elements would be spread amongst the world again.
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and I'm not surprised, it's just another franchise that EA killed off after buying and absorbing the studio. They've done this numerous times and they'll continue to do it more.

Project CARS 3's bad sales were a result of bad marketing choices from SMS, not the game itself, but EA doesn't care about that. It's that mentality that's part of why I've grown to hate EA.
and I'm not surprised, it's just another franchise that EA killed off after buying and absorbing the studio. They've done this numerous times and they'll continue to do it more.

Project CARS 3's bad sales were a result of bad marketing choices from SMS, not the game itself, but EA doesn't care about that. It's that mentality that's part of why I've grown to hate EA.
Bad marketing choices hurt it yes, but it also wasn't anything like the previous games in the franchise. Why would EA risk another complete flop?
Be honest guys, PC3 sold absolute peas. Nothing. There was never going to be another game in the franchise. The only news we got about the 4th installment was Sir Ludicrous Claims saying it would be the "best game evar".

SMS lied in the leadup to PC3 so much and it was one of the filthiest things I've ever seen in a racing game release. The game itself might have been OK but it's not interesting or significant enough to warrant any attention either, and it didn't get any besides the negative response.

and remember, that was all without EA's help. SMS made a very subpar game and ruined all the faith in their brand, then got eaten up by a larger publisher. If they stuck with the PC2 formula and PC3 was a success, maybe EA would have kept the lights on. But as far as I'm concerned SMS sealed their own fate.

Also if you guys want another Project CARS game go play AMS2, it's on the same engine but it's way better.
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Wow. End of an era. I still remember getting so stoked for the original pCARS. I followed the alpha builds and everything. A crowd-funded racing simulator that looks and handles like the big-name racing sims? Sign me up.

Terribly disappointed that the series is coming to an end, but I hope the staff go on to do amazing things elsewhere...preferably still in sim racing ;)

The name itself stands for Community Assisted Racing Simulator. Did greed get the best of SMS? Who knows.
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Thank God for Reiza and AMS2.
Quite frankly, none of you can say that you would've bought a Project Cars 4 without being COMPLETELY skeptical after that buy out and the blood fart that was PC3.
Be honest guys, PC3 sold absolute peas. Nothing. There was never going to be another game in the franchise. The only news we got about the 4th installment was Sir Ludicrous Claims saying it would be the "best game evar".
The 4th game was in some stage of development, it was confirmed by other reliable sources, was said to be provisionally scheduled for 2024. Was always a longshot though that EA would keep it going - not one of their own pet projects or a big seller, the axeman was always lingering in the background.
Bad marketing choices hurt it yes, but it also wasn't anything like the previous games in the franchise. Why would EA risk another complete flop?
Which was a majorly bad marketing choice, it wasn't anything like the previous 2 games, but they still chose to pass it off as a sequel. ALso why? Because the previous 2 Project CARS didn't flop and it was clear why the 3rd did. All EA had to do was push the SMS team to make PC4 like PC1 & 2 with improvements, that's it.

EDIT: Nevermind that last part, that was a dumb point. I should've known when typing that fans would probably be hesistant in playing PC4 again just because of how much of a betrayal PC3 was. I just wanted to vent about EA killing another franchise, 2 of them as I just noticed they killed dirt.
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I wait for the point in future, when EA get bought by Sony or Microsoft and closes EA's racing studios because of existing Gran Turismo or Forza Series :eek:
Wishful thinking, unfortunately. EA is still a juggernaut on its own & would likely decline a buy out unless it’s a substantial amount of money I don’t think Sony or MS will be parting with anytime soon.
Don't let the door hit ya where yo big daddy kick'd ya!

Which was a majorly bad marketing choice, it wasn't anything like the previous 2 games, but they still chose to pass it off as a sequel. ALso why? Because the previous 2 Project CARS didn't flop and it was clear why the 3rd did. All EA had to do was push the SMS team to make PC4 like PC1 & 2 with improvements, that's it.

EDIT: Nevermind that last part, that was a dumb point. I should've known when typing that fans would probably be hesistant in playing PC4 again just because of how much of a betrayal PC3 was. I just wanted to vent about EA killing another franchise, 2 of them as I just noticed they killed dirt.
I think pCars would have struggled to come back under anyone, not just EA. But I take your point and it does feel very typical EA.

The thing to remember with Dirt, is that was kind of expected, Codemasters got the ERC license and Dirt Rally 3 basically got turned into WRC23 during development.
As mentioned some posts above, this can be a good thing. Maybe we get better GT and Touring Car racing, similar to EA’s F1 and WRC franchises.
As mentioned some posts above, this can be a good thing. Maybe we get better GT and Touring Car racing, similar to EA’s F1 and WRC franchises.

It's not going to be a good thing. It's going to be games. With microtransactions. Not Sims with DLCs. I guess if you just want the most recent thing just to go through a half assed career and then never to touch it again after a year, OK.
PC2 was a good thing, a good start. They just never finished it and let bugs stay as they were. They could have just ironed out the bugs, fixed the physics and added DLC packs to PC2 instead of coming out with PC3. The new material in PC3 put into PC2 would have been wonderful.
AMS2 changed a perception of what actually was/is possible and now we all know that PC2 could have been ten times better. PC3 could have been ten times better if the right people were working on it.
EA technically didn't do anything with it. Pcars 3 was before EA got involved and PC4 wasn't much of anything to our knowledge.
Yeah, this. Aside from some initial handwaving promises and that weepy bye-bye letter today we heard effectively nothing about the state of PCARS 4. I'm pretty sure the series was effectively stillborn when Bell decided to walk anyway.
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