I've checked for some XBO reviews and even MC only has 2, they appear to be very rare?
I have a feeling the XBO version may not track as well as the PC/PS4 judging from the DF videos and twitch streams.
I grabbed both versions of the game anyway as we have lots of PS3/4 users/races, and XB360/ONE users/races at 2o2p so it makes sense to have both. However, I was very surprised to see just how much tearing etc was present on the XBO version, particularly in Monaco and how low the frame rate dropped.
I'm very surprised to see it dip (and sit consistently) down to near 30? In all fairness though, it was a stress test and I'm almost certain that I won't be running 45 cars, in the rain, that often, so, it likely won't affect me at all.
Today's updated DigitalFoundry D1P performance analysis review:
I'm happy with a few clean racers, in the mist, at dawn down at the hatch
But overall, it's a good result.
Hopefully SMS will work continue to work on the AI, optimise, optimise, optimise and add lots more content to keep the franchise alive.
8 hours to go

Great result today to the entire SMS/WMD team!