Rotary Junkie
Time to try some smallllllllll tweaks.
-20 / -15
6.2/6.4/6.6/6.8 / 13.9
9 / 7/8/9
8 / 4/5/6
2/3/4 / 1/2
2.0/2.2/2.4 / 2.6/2.8/3.0
+0.15 / +0.25
Ballast position at -50/30/10.
LSD: 13/20/10-20-30 then 2 in either direction from whichever feels best, 2 further, find happy place.
Okay, after the LFA stuff, I thought it would be best to reset.
I ran 1:24.514, was a solid lap. (The .2 I ran early must have been top notch)
This one, is lacking forward bite, hard to get to full throttle, too tail happy on exit, but that's it. I jumped right back in it, and the 2nd lap was the .514, 3rd lap was .640. So 1 lap of warm up, and I'm good to go in this car. Which means, I'm probably a bad candidate to be testing it, but I'm all you got baby!
Test 1: Front Springs 6.6
Seems to help the car stay a bit tighter/lower through the center of the turn, but also seems to hurt forward bit and rear tire traction. No difference in lap times.
Test 2: Rear Ext 8 (Kept 6.6 F spring)
I can't feel a difference but I ran a 24.117 :/
Test 2: Rear Ext 7 (Kept 6.6)
Okay, now I feel something! it helps the nose plant through the entire corner, and made a rather large difference to drive off, helping reduce exit understeer by a large amount. Which also helps reduce the cars tendency to lose traction in the rear, because all 4 tires are going in the same direction... If that makes sense. 1:23.948 badabing bodaboom.
Test 3: Rear Comp 5 (Kept 6.6, and RE7)
This made entry more stable. More control into the turn, prevents slides from happening, which allows me to drive in a bit deeper. More traction on entry, means the car is staying planted through the center, then because of that, I assume I'm carrying more momentum, meaning less 'acceleration' on exit needed, which helps cut down rear traction issues. Indirectly of course, but still. Lap times remained the same, I'm sure with more laps I could beat it, but too much stuff to test, to put more than 2-3 laps in per change.
Test 4: Rear Comp 4 (6.6 & RE7)
I can't explain what's happening, but it's worse than when set at 5 above. Entry is less stable, and on full throttle shifts, now I'm getting a little kick sideways, where that didn't happen at 5. Gunna stick with 5.
Test 5: Front Sway 3 (6.6 RE7, RC5)
Seemed to loosen the car up on entry, and tighten it on exit... dislike.
Test 6: Front Sway 2 (6.6, RE7, RC5)
Ummm... This felt similar to the front sway at 4. I'd have to do compare the front sway at 4 vs 2 back to back to be sure, but based on feel, 2 seemed to make all 3 parts of the turn, more consistent. Where as I think 4, gave better drive off, but sacrificed a tiny bit on entry?
Okay, compared back to back... and then back again, lol.
I think for our goal, 2 is the better option, it makes the car more predictable. Might want to remember this, so we can try 4 at a later update of suspension and try it out again to see what happens.
Test 7: Rear Sway 2(6.6, RE7, RC5, FS2)
It bothers me when I can't feel the difference...

I think I preferred it at 1, 2 seems to make it feel a bit more understeerish, although this is all going the exact opposite of how I thought sway bars were suppose to work. It looked like it helped the full throttle shifts, the back end didn't 'kick' as much as usual. I did run a new best of 1:23.870. Of course I did something stupid the lap prior, so it was pre-red-flagged.
Test 8: Sways at 4/2 (6.6, RE7, RC5)
Just out of curiosity... It was just as quick, and was on track to run another .8 when I blew the last chicane. But, this sway set made the car more prone to sliding on both ends of the corner, so, no go.
Test 9: Front Camber 2.2 (6.6, RE7, RC5, 2/1 sways)
Good. 24.029 Helped the front end, but kinda threw off the balance of the rear and added a bit of oversteer. But if I had my say, I'd keep this, add 1 more ride height to the rear, and try to get 2 birds w/ 1 stone. I still don't think 5 is enough, although the LSD admittedly isn't ready for business yet.
Test 10: Front Camber at 2.4 (6.6, RE7, RC5, 2/1)
Same thing as Test 9, but now getting a bit of oversteer on entry as well as exit. Still got my eye on that rake. Thinking we can lengthen the gears to help traction too.
Test 11: Rear Camber 2.6 (6.6, RE7, RC5, 2/1, FC2.4)
Meh, entry is a tiny bit less likely to kick the rear out.
Test 12: Rear Camber 3.0 (6.6, RE7, RC5, 2/1, FC2.4)
Didn't seem to effect entry/exit, but hurt the roll through the center.
Test 13: RAKE BITCH (6.6, RE7, RC5, 2/1, FC2.4, RC2.8)
-22/-15... Didn't change much. Gave me a tiny bit better forward bite, but... I didn't really like it overall. Consider this, me flinging poo at you.
Test 14: Ballast... Okay, so we experienced a bit of oversteer with the above set up, minus ride height, so lets start at -50. Lost a bunch of rotation, didn't gain anything really.
Test 15: Ballast -25
Meh... Not really getting anything worth while here. I'm gunna take a few steps backwards and put front camber back at 2.0
-20 / -15
6.6 / 13.9
9 / 7
8 / 5
2 / 1
2.0 / 2.8
+0.15 / +0.25
is where I'm at.
1:23.933 on my 1st lap... This is my happy place.
Still missing forward bite, rear traction and it's a touch prone to slide-age on entry.
Tried Rear camber at 2.6 and 3.0, but neither felt as good as 2.8. I think maybe tweaking Brake balance could help, as well as the LSD tune.
Test 18: LSD
10/20/12 fail
20/19/10 fail
18/20/9 closer
17/19/8 win..ish = 1:23.626
Adds stability as well as overall traction. Made a slight gear adjustment, so that the shift into 3rd is a bit more calm now. Helped a bunch. With these 2 combined, the car is now a bit on the understeer side on exit.
I tried lowering the front spring to 6.4 and 6.2, as well as front camber to 2.2 and 2.4 and mixed them together, but they didn't seem to help the understeer. Tried lowering the rear spring to 13.3 and 13.7 but didn't really do much, a little bit easier to get to full throttle. But, when I ran the 23.626 I was already down 20 horses, now I'm down 30, so I'm pretty sure that means this test session is over.
Final Set up for the best lap thus far: 1:23.626
-20 / -15
6.6 / 13.9
9 / 7
8 / 5
2 / 1
2.0 / 2.8
+0.15 / +0.25
No ballast
Brake bal at 7/4
Transmission (In order of needed adjustment)
Top Speed: 155mph/249kph
Final: 2.500 (This is my 'base' final, for shorter tracks adjust it higher, for example at Deep Forest you'll barely get into 6th with 2.500)
1st: 2.893
2nd: 2.065
3rd: 1.655
4th: 1.360
5th: 1.140
6th: 0.950