Proper Triple Screen Support

  • Thread starter Punknoodle
Agreed there about the support. It should like like this, but (see my picture above) that was not even close.

Clearly the owner of that rig is not using the 'Render each screen separately' option in iRacing so it looks much like pcars looks which is one flat ugly stretched image across 3 screens making the side screens almost useless.
Clearly the owner of that rig is not using the 'Render each screen separately' option in iRacing so it looks much like pcars looks which is one flat ugly stretched image across 3 screens making the side screens almost useless.
Clearly it is wrong as it is, but I still would not call it useless:

Stretched, clearly, but being able to see cars ghat are next to you is certainly a plus.
@FatnSlo is spot on. I have triple screens, iRacing currently has the best implementation of it. Likely because they have a much less graphically demanding renderer (it's many years old after all).

I bet the iRacing devs cringe every time they see their game setup poorly on public display... A rather common scenario.

AC has ok triple screen support but it's not been optimized in some time. Numerous pop ins and other graphical enomolies happen but you get used to them.

If your considering triple screens @Fanapryde you'll be thankful we are pointing this out as the experiance is better than many think due to seeing setups, set wrongly. So cool is it, that I'm thinking of hitting up iRacing again because it's SO much more immersive with the right FOV.

I like Pcars (career mode) and I love AC (feels good and has a more mature and saphisticated presentation) but iRacing is still the best for truely feeling like a racer... (Online ratings, crisp authentic look 'even if it's less detailed, great audio, and harsh harsh penalties)
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Sadly there are several on the official forum stating that this feature is only for very few PCars players and thus not worth putting effort in it, also mentioning that VR support needs prime attention.
But I trust the SMS guys to keep up to their promises and give the 'vocal minority' the needed support.
That is why I will place my order for three monitors, triple stand and PC very soon now :D
Don't think it would be a huge difference for the graphics engine to support triple monitors if it could handle VR. a VR headset with at least 90 fps and possibly 1440p wouldn't be *that* much less information per second than a triple 1080p setup at 60fps.
Triple Benq XL2720Z 144Hz on a Nvidia GTX 980 Ti card, running everything on high works like a charm.
Clearly triple support is needed, but it is manageable, as long as you are driving cars.
Since I switched to PC, I'm starting from scratch and I have chosen the karts for starting a career this time.
The view of the side screens is simply horrible and is very close to cause motion sickness. It is great to finally see the apex in sharp turns, but the fisheye effect is very bad, whatever FOV I use. I'm around 110 now, but still searching. Good thing that computer makes it possible to change FOV via button box !

In cars the effect is less bad. In fact, I enjoyed the Sunday Driver trophy (Azure Coast in an Italian car, respecting the speed limit). I chose the Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster. First gear all the way, looking around, enjoying scenery and sounds (even at low speed the Pagani sounds great in tunnels).

Really happy with the triples (also made me four tenths faster around Zolder, same car, same tune, just easier to hit the apex), but - again - triple support is badly needed.
Yea my Pcars remains shelved until proper triple monitor support is released. I'm a bit disappointed it appears to be very low priority for them. I still find hard to believe a game marketed as being 'made by sim racers for sim racers' doesn't have this feature :boggled:. I guess there a lot of people out there that just put up with it instead of being vocal.
Oh well no biggie Pcars was always only going to be third on my list of preferred sims...iRacing, AC, Pcars.
Well seems with current state of affairs, proper triple screen support can't be implemented for PCARS 1 anymore: be clear, the game already supports the use of triple-screens. It's not best-of-class by any means but it certainly works well enough to be completely usable. The mentioned investigation was around enhancing the triple-screen support (per-screen reprojection, adjustable bezels, etc). We did investigate it thoroughly and the amount of changes required to the underlying system renders this unfeasible for Project CARS 1. We will implement enhanced support for Project CARS 2 for release, and it will be best-of-class.
This news is no surprise to me. They have been lying to us for years when they said they would add support. I bet they knew this all along. I have no reason to believe anything they say about Pcars2.
Well seems with current state of affairs, proper triple screen support can't be implemented for PCARS 1 anymore
You know what really strikes me: """"" We will implement enhanced support for Project CARS 2 for release, and it will best-of-class """"" LOL....m

So probably "the devs are working on it"...
Wonder how they already know something that still has to be developed will be "best-of-class"... :odd:
BTW, does somebody have a workaround to get the hud (with tire and brake symbols) on one screen (when using triples)?
It is simply horrible, stretched over the three screens, barely readable...
i am still wondering what system you guys are talking about .... PC or ps4??

does the ps4 allow that stretched mode for 3 screens?
It is only PC. There is no possibility for triple screens on any console with pisscars.

:embarrassed: Must of been tough for Ian to admit his game is so broken it cant be optimized to support triple screens. :rolleyes:

Ian never admitted anything to us. He couldn't be bothered with telling us the truth. If it were not for a moderator who can see the posts in the closed Pcars2 forums we would never have known.
That was only for Forza on the Xbox 360 and GT on the PS3. None of the new consoles currently support any triple screen gaming.
Please try to limit the butthurt people. If it's too difficult for them to render it on 3 separate screens (PCARS is already using a lot of the GPU), i can understand them not risking it.

Hence why they want to include it from the ground up for PCARS 2 i suppose.
Well, this is disappointing to say the least. Though I guess it's a lose-lose situation either way: either not give it at all and get flamed, or give a crappy implementation and get flamed for that. I'm sure they would have done it if they could do it in a realistic time frame, but apparently can't or won't. Not sure which one I find more worrying...
I truly can't say I know what "proper" triple screens should look like, but this doesn't look bad to me at all.
I truly can't say I know what "proper" triple screens should look like, but this doesn't look bad to me at all.

This could clear a lot up:

As it is, PCars is playable on triples, but by far not as it should/could be.
The telemetry hud (which I use a lot while testing and tuning) is absolutely awful, while stretched over three monitors, and there seems to be no way to fix that. Not very amusing to look at the tires that are represented as giant eggs, spread all over the three screens.

Solution I got from SMS: buy an extra device (phone or pad) and an extra app, so you don't need to use the in game feature... :grumpy:

@fatkrakr : where do you have this from ? It seems weird that the support existed and that they are not able to reproduce it any more...
@fatkrakr : where do you have this from ? It seems weird that the support existed and that they are not able to reproduce it any more...
I played it. I was a WMD member almost from day 1. Multiview was an option until they moved to steam. As far as members and triple screen, we wanted it, we asked for it, we where given the same lines of crap the rest of you where given at release "its definitely coming".
This is Ians stament on the matter.

The simple reality is that implementing triple screens with our particular form of deferred rendering engine is an absolute nightmare. If it weren't we'd have it in the builds already.

That's not to say we're giving up on it, but your point in an earlier post is very valid, a little stretching is certainly not the end of the world in my opinion.

While we're still tackling the issues triple screen is giving us on this renderer, we're also rewriting the whole rendering system to ensure things like this are easier to add in future games.
A little stretching :lol: :lol::lol:

I wonder if Ian has seen the telemetry hud spread over three screens ?

On top of the triples I now am going to add another screen for the Pcars dash...
I just wish I knew it wasn't going to happen, then I could've got a refund through Steam straight away. Now it has been in my library for months (waiting for the support) I have no chance of a refund :grumpy:.
Oh well, lessons learned.... 1-Dont trust game developers, and 2-Get refunds straight away !
I truly can't say I know what "proper" triple screens should look like, but this doesn't look bad to me at all.

Those monitors are nigh on level with each other, and so are barely affected by the shortcomings (in regards to warping). The true glory of triples comes with a decent angle for the peripherals. Mine are 42" screens at around 45 degrees, and PCars looks horrible on them. Horrible enough that like @noshog, I was holding off playing, and patiently waiting.

I often see graphics on the plus side of PCars in the many "vs Assetto" discussions, and always scoff at that. It's comparatively ugly in my reality.

People like to bash Gran Turismo, but the quality of Polyphony's triple screen support wipes the floor with that of Slightly Mad.

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