
  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
So what does everyone think about prostitution. Should it be legal? I think, since it is legal in Nevada, it isn’t a federal law, but most states have outlawed it.

People say, prostitution invites crime and it isn’t safe for either prostitute or client. I say, when it was legal we had brothels… much safer. Now it has to be done in back alleys… not so safe. People say prostitution is immoral. I say don’t they have a right to do what they want with their bodies?
Yes,.... legalize it. It would help the economy IMO. Think about how much money is handled illegally in that business. If we could be taxing it, we would be much better off.
You know what I'm going to say. Legalize it, get some protection going for both the workers and the clients, and everybody is better off.
Too many sluts out there allready. Legalising it would only make more. Some people would figure that if they cant make it doing a regular job that they can fall back on selling there body.
It's criminalizatrion is what has made it unsafe. Christian sexual morality (in the self-righteous, fundementalist and puritanical American style) is why it has been criminalized. And to that I say: mind your own p's and q's. Legalize it.
Originally posted by milefile
It's criminalizatrion is what has made it unsafe. Christian sexual morality (in the self-righteous, fundementalist and puritanical American style) is why it has been criminalized. And to that I say: mind your own p's and q's. Legalize it.

Everytime we debate something that should be legalized,... their origin always seems to trace back to "The Comstock Laws",.... it's friggin pathedic how that generation was,.. I cant believe we still live by that fuggin crap :irked:
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
Some people would figure that if they cant make it doing a regular job that they can fall back on selling there body.
OK, so say I'm an uneducated, physically fit male in reasonable condition. I get a job with a landscaper, digging holes to plant trees in.

Am I not selling my body in exchange for money?
Originally posted by neon_duke
OK, so say I'm an uneducated, physically fit male in reasonable condition. I get a job with a landscaper, digging holes to plant trees in.

Am I not selling my body in exchange for money?


I wasnt making myself clear, my bad

I dont think selling your body for sex is right. I am one of those people who believes that sex should be more than just about getting off, it should be about love and bonding between two people who love eachother. the very idea of just going out and shagging for $ is disgusting to me.
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin

I wasnt making myself clear, my bad

I dont think selling your body for sex is right. I am one of those people who believes that sex should be more than just about getting off, it should be about love and bonding between two people who love eachother. the very idea of just going out and shagging for $ is disgusting to me.

But there's a difference between your opinion and what you believe free will for mankind is. Dont you believe that it's our right, haviing a free will, to do what we please with our bodies as long as it doesnt harm someone else?
I dont think selling your body for sex is right. I am one of those people who believes that sex should be more than just about getting off, it should be about love and bonding between two people who love eachother. the very idea of just going out and shagging for $ is disgusting to me.

I don't think selling your body for sex is right either. I think that it is disgusting and very immoral.

I think that every man and woman in this (and any free country) has the absolute right to sell their body for sex.

Do you see hypocracy or contradictory thoughts in there? I don't. Just because I think something or have a feeling about some issue doesn't give me the right to speak for others.
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin

I dont think selling your body for sex is right. I am one of those people who believes that sex should be more than just about getting off, it should be about love and bonding between two people who love eachother. the very idea of just going out and shagging for $ is disgusting to me.
So then I won't look for you in the officially zoned Red Light District windowshopping the merchandise. No problem.

You actually were being perfectly clear before, Rumple. I was just trying to draw the comparison between one method of using your body and another. Personally, I don't see a huge philosophical difference between the two. It's just a different set of muscles doing the work.

Would I be a prostitute? Only if no other viable option were open to me. Would I hire a prostitute? No. That has no relevance to anyone else who is willing and interested in doing either of those things.
I think the most interesting point brought up in this argument is the simple fact that the majority of people simply don't have any morals. Even those who do don't seem to think anybody else should.
Originally posted by Jordan
I think the most interesting point brought up in this argument is the simple fact that the majority of people simply don't have any morals. Even those who do don't seem to think anybody else should.

Fair comment, but there's an old economic maxim, 'Demand always finds a way of getting fulfilled' - irregardless of the morality or legality of the thing demanded. Just look at the drug problem.

There are other issues that go hand in hand with this, as well - organised crime, sexually transmitted disease, drugs, violence against sex workers and so on. Since we've seen that prostitution continues to go on even in the face of it being illegal, it makes practical sense to try and get a handle on these problems by legalising prostitution, and appropriately regulating the industry.
Originally posted by Jordan
I think the most interesting point brought up in this argument is the simple fact that the majority of people simply don't have any morals. Even those who do don't seem to think anybody else should.
I have to respectfully disagree with this comment. The only real thing this thread has highlighted to me, once again, is that it is impossible to legislate morality, and attempting to do so is fraught with all kinds of hidden dangers.

What DGB454 said is perfectly correct. However, some people are losers, and some people are prepared to have sex with them as long as there is gainful employment to be had in that career path.

Note that nearly all of us have said that we would not frequent prostitutes, even if it was legal. This means, in fact, that we are all quite moral in that regard, since it is our own standards that are preventing us from doing so, not just the fear of legal action.

It simply means that we also recognize that our morals are not other people's morals. That's OK, since in an open society with minimal legislation (particularly civil legislation such as this), each person is free to choose those with whom he or she is involved. So each person may set their own moral standards for their friends and associates.
Let's say it is legalized. I believe each city should have the choice on whether or not to let that element into it or not. Prostitution will bring a certain type of undesireable person and activity into an area that most of us don't want. I'm not just talking about what Christian don't want either. I'm talking about people with children who don't want their kids exposed to the type of people who would indulge in this behavior. I'm also talking about people who still believe sex is something special between 2 people who are in love and not just a way to make a living or a way to get off. (people with morals)
The city where I live in I know would not allow it here. How do I know that? Because we are about to ban strip clubs here which will close down 2 of them. Why would we do that? Because the owners were stupid enough to set them up across the street from large neighborhoods with lot's of children in them.
Back to the point. If it were to be legalized hopefully it would have a hard time finding a home. Hopefully we are above that.
Each city has currently made a choice not to have prostitution (well, except in Nevada) and we see how far it has gotten them in removing the "oldest profession" from their streets. Not far indeed - about as successful as Prohibition was.

It's also interesting to note that while prostitution is legal in Nevada, Las Vegas - the original sin city - has successfully recast itself as a family vacation spot to rival the Disney empire. So obviously, with some regulation governing where and how prostitution can occur legally, it is quite possible to maintain a clean, family atmosphere in other areas nearby.
Family atmosphere next to a bordello? Depends on what kind of family you are raising. I won't raise my family around that type of environment or the people who would. As I said before...IMO Prostitution and it's patrons=losers.
Honestly, ask around and do some reasearch. Las Vegas has become a completely acceptable vacation spot for the all-American, Republican-voting, Wonderbread-eating, minivan-or-SUV driving, 2.3-kids-and-a-dog, soccer-and-Little-League crowd.

And it's not because those people have suddenly decided that excessive alcohol consumption, gambling, and consorting with hookers are family values that they want to pass on to their kids. It's because Las Vegas has successfully cleaned up its act and has zoned itself to provide what each particular clientele wants.
You can't legalize it, sex trade workers make like $60,000 a year, That's what I heard. They make twice the money they would make doing a regular McDonalds job or whatever you want to call it. It's there sick way of putting bread on the table.
Very compelling argument, Sony. They make 60,000 dollars per year so it should be illegal.

There is almost no reason it should be illegal.
Originally posted by Sony
You can't legalize it, sex trade workers make like $60,000 a year

Maybe the pimp is making that much, but in no way is the female/male that is doing the work making that much money.
No, you're a postwhore, not a regular whore. Nobody's going to pay you to do that.
I've been trying to get a moment to write a response to this since it was posted. Here goes.

Prostitution is a necessary evil :( . From my perspective, it's been here for a long time, and it's pretty much going to stay here. In an ideal world, the workers would get a decent wage, the government would get it's cut, and the employees would have a health plan. 👍

This ain't an ideal world. Pimps will offer protection to a hooker in exchange for their services. Often times the person in this line of work is there with additional baggage. Drugs, escape, income problems. Others are lured there with the promise of a better life with more money. It's rare that it works out that way.

Do a quick google search for "dead porn stars" and you'll see a slew of them that committed suicide :eek: . Prostitution and it's relatives are not a pretty business. It doesn't matter how Hugh or Larry sell it, you're still talking about a base animal act. When someone is willing to stoop to the level of paying for it, they've crossed more than a few mental barriers. This becomes a dangerous ground. :mad:

When you look at it through rose colored glasses, it's a simple act of passion with an exchange of money. I can't remember which comedian (George Carlin?) said this "You're not paying for sex, you're paying her to go away after sex. Because in any relationship, you're paying for it anyways." Usually a sad but true statement. :irked:

So what can we do to make it safer, and cleaner? Not much I'm afraid. Look at Heidi Fleiss. She tried pretty hard to cater to upscale clientele. That worked :rolleyes: . Then look at the corners of major cities. Nope, it's not working there either.

How often have you heard "Sex is a drug"? Enough times to know that there is some truth to it. And just like other drugs, it has it's pitfalls when trying to legalize it. Why legalize something that any woman or man can find at a local bar? Well, because people have standards, and they want to take a person to bed that appeals to them. You can't always find that in a bar. Some want the act without the consequences of the next morning.

I don't think there is a way to make it legal and safe. It's a dirty business to begin with and it's a toughy to clean up.
You’re not thinking far enough into the hypothetical situation here. Your pimps and drugs are not necessary for prostitution. Try to imagine, if you will, companies, national companies offering clean facilities within cities where people can make an appointment, pay their money, drive up, park, sit in the waiting room, and eventually do business with one of the many talented service professionals.

These service professionals would have the opportunity to drive to work. They would have security at the building, and an alarm system to ensure that the girl (or guy) wasn’t hurt. And the client would be detained if something went wrong.

Try to separate in your mind the current illegal situation from what would happen in the legal version.

Now, the clean/safe issue isn’t even all that important. It’s about whether it is right that prostitution is illegal. Not about whether making it legal would make matters better.

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