I hit it off with a girl I like, eventually sleeping with her. That's consensual(I think it's spelled this way.....) sex. Prostitues making a living, sleeping with men to put food on the table is little more than that.
Say you have sex with your girlfriend or wife or gay lover

. "Hey babe, ya wanna do it?"
"I'd love to, honey"
You know the bit. Anyway, that's consensual, and I'm sure you'd agree. Now, to mix it up a little, say you throw a few bucks down on your girlfriend's stomach when you're "done with her." Does that automatically make her a prostitute? What if she keeps that money and spends it later? Is she now a whore because she made money off the act? Imagine prostitution, not rape, like Danoff said, as being a dude and his girl doing it and then him throwing some money at her, just for the hell of it. I really don't see a difference. She wants sex, she gets a load on her face, she deserves a little compensation.
You should try it with your wife/girlfriend, I think she'd dig it. It would be something different.
Many people are poor. Legalization of prostitution will drive some of these poor, struggling people to sell their bodies for sex. I don't want some kids' mom selling her body, so she can make ends meet, payoff bad debt.
I'm sure there are a few exceptions, but I figure that about 99.9% of people that really want to be prostitutes will do it wether it's legal or not. Conversly, around 99% of people who are poor and aren't already prostitutes aren't going to resort to prostitution no matter how low they get in life, for moral reasons.
A whore is a whore, wether it's legal or not. There aren't many girls waiting until the government legalizes it to become a prostitute.
I know a few chicks that sleep around and don't get paid for it, because they know whoring it up is illegal, but why can't they get paid and just say "He's my boyfriend, we were just spicing things up a little." Does the government have a set number of guys a woman can role play with before she becomes a prostitute? I find that unlikely.
Like I said before, she wants one thing, she gets something a little different, she deserves an
apology. In money form. She asked for it, she got it, Toyota. Now give her a BMW.