Be that as it may, it's a basic human rights issue... You should be able to do with your body as you wish... It's not anybody's body but yours, so why should anyone else have an issue with what you do with? If it were legual, the current situation would not be present... The true criminals are the pimps/pushers that do what ever they can to hook innocent people into getting into this kind of work out of dependence or need (drug addiction). If people could just wrap their minds around it as being a viable source of work, then the view of "ugly" and "dirty" prositutes would in time go away. If one looks back maybe twenty years, the same was thought of the people that gave massages. Now they're called Massage Therapists... Besides, what about the guy that had his face ripped off in a car crash, or burned beyond any noticable trace of a human face, the handicapped, and any other group of people who may have a hard time of "getting any" if it weren't for prostitutes... Sex is a very important part of human life. We all need physical contact... It's just a fact of life. I'd even venture to say that legalizing prostitution would probably solve several other types of problems... Domestic viollence, rape, child abuse and possibly many more... I know that rape isn't always about physical contact, it's more often about power... But at what point is that barrier crossed? Perhaps had they just gotten a bit when they were 18 or 19, they wouldn't have developped this hatred or need to overpower someone just to get what they needed. Also, say their tastes go into the extream or fetich nature, perhaps being able to find someone to release that need in them would prevent domestic abuse or again rape... Maybe if a priest could get a discreat piece here and there, maybe he wouldn't abuse children? Who knows? All's I know, is that if it were my body and someone were to say, you can't do that... I'd be pissed... Hell, you can sell/donate your organs, so why not donate your And look at the Gaishas... They aren't looked at as ugly and whores. They were looked at as beautiful and something that only rich people could have... Basicaly if you were going around with a Gaisha, you were the man... It's absured to think that people could stop people from making a living simply because they don't agree with it or the behaviour in question if it poses none or little danger to the people seeking this type of business...