
  • Thread starter Danoff
Well, when I learned about Prostituion and other sexual stuff. They told us Prostitues make $60,000 around a year depending on how much they do.

Think about it, if your sleeping with a pimp $1,000 an hour. You do that 10 hours a week that's $10,000. A pimp won't pay you $1,000 unless you do some hard work. I believe that they can make that kind of money depending on how big of prostitues they are.
I'm not sure what your point is, what you're talking about, and what it has to do with the conversation.
Bumping this thread for swift in case he'd like to discuss this... that and that I'm still proud of my A.S.S. joke. :)
It's fine with me. Legalize it. It would be safer for everyone involved that way. As far as morality goes: it's the prostitutes' bodies -- let 'em do what they want with them. It's not up to anyone but themselves to decides what's okay and not okay. Anything else is generalistic horse****.
We had a talk about this in my government class. We watched a video about it, I think it was a 20/20 video, I'm not sure though. They made good points about how since prositution is illegal the people that participate in it go underground and it's dirty, unhealthy, and dangerous because of that. If it were legal I still wouldn't think about getting me some, but I believe it would reduce the drug and crime aspects of the business. Under certain circumstances, though: along with everything else, it would be government-run. Not in the normal sense, like an administration, though. It would be like a government business that follows rules just like every other business. The government has the power to make it healthy(er) and to reduce the crime that comes along with it. They could make loads of money off this, while keeping the prostitutes safe from drugs and pimps and whatnot, and giving them easier access to doctors and administering checkups on a regular basis, along with all sorts of other health-related stuff. Everyone knows that the bad stands out more than the good, so maybe I just paid attention to the bad stuff that goes on in the business. However, pretty much all the kids in the class, girls included, and the teacher, a woman, somewhat agreed with this idea. I want to know the flaws that you guys think could come from this.
Personally I think just about all the people interested in becoming a prostitute will do it wether it's illegal or not. Why can't we just turn all the prostitutes into porn stars? Give them a manager and a bisiness liscence, that's about all they'd need to make it fully legal.
Why can't we just turn all the prostitutes into porn stars?
Becuase most hookers are disgustingly ugly. Remember, the only attractive prostitutes are already porn stars.
Be that as it may, it's a basic human rights issue... You should be able to do with your body as you wish... It's not anybody's body but yours, so why should anyone else have an issue with what you do with? If it were legual, the current situation would not be present... The true criminals are the pimps/pushers that do what ever they can to hook innocent people into getting into this kind of work out of dependence or need (drug addiction). If people could just wrap their minds around it as being a viable source of work, then the view of "ugly" and "dirty" prositutes would in time go away. If one looks back maybe twenty years, the same was thought of the people that gave massages. Now they're called Massage Therapists... Besides, what about the guy that had his face ripped off in a car crash, or burned beyond any noticable trace of a human face, the handicapped, and any other group of people who may have a hard time of "getting any" if it weren't for prostitutes... Sex is a very important part of human life. We all need physical contact... It's just a fact of life. I'd even venture to say that legalizing prostitution would probably solve several other types of problems... Domestic viollence, rape, child abuse and possibly many more... I know that rape isn't always about physical contact, it's more often about power... But at what point is that barrier crossed? Perhaps had they just gotten a bit when they were 18 or 19, they wouldn't have developped this hatred or need to overpower someone just to get what they needed. Also, say their tastes go into the extream or fetich nature, perhaps being able to find someone to release that need in them would prevent domestic abuse or again rape... Maybe if a priest could get a discreat piece here and there, maybe he wouldn't abuse children? Who knows? All's I know, is that if it were my body and someone were to say, you can't do that... I'd be pissed... Hell, you can sell/donate your organs, so why not donate your And look at the Gaishas... They aren't looked at as ugly and whores. They were looked at as beautiful and something that only rich people could have... Basicaly if you were going around with a Gaisha, you were the man... It's absured to think that people could stop people from making a living simply because they don't agree with it or the behaviour in question if it poses none or little danger to the people seeking this type of business...
I agre that most prostitutes are ugly because of all the drugs and violence in their lives. Do you like the legal ho business idea? It would hanve to have rules or many bad things could still happen. Of course, if the customer said "hey, do that" and the ho said "I'm not allowed" the customer might get pissed and start swinging. Maybe they should restrict the rules to health-oriented stuff. You know, all the tests that the prostitutes have to go through to make sure they ar still "useable", I guess. If they fail, they have to get a different job and take some sort of medicine for thier newly contracted disease.:yuck:
I agre that most prostitutes are ugly because of all the drugs and violence in their lives. Do you like the legal ho business idea? It would hanve to have rules or many bad things could still happen. Of course, if the customer said "hey, do that" and the ho said "I'm not allowed" the customer might get pissed and start swinging. Maybe they should restrict the rules to health-oriented stuff. You know, all the tests that the prostitutes have to go through to make sure they ar still "useable", I guess. If they fail, they have to get a different job and take some sort of medicine for thier newly contracted disease.:yuck:

If prostitution were legal, there would be brothels rather than street walkers. There would be managers and guards rather than pimps. You couldn't just walk into a brothel and start beating people up, the girls wouldn't have to fend for themselves.

As for the health issue, I'd think that critic's reviews of particular brothels would take care of that for the most part.
Brothels were covered in that video we watched; in fact I think that is how legal prostitution is run in Nevada. It is still illegal in other states, though, even though they are run much more responsibly, they're cleaner and safer than other types of prostitution. They're a start, but it still isn't good enough until you can get me to make out with a ho.:yuck: That's quite a ways away.
Ban It

the only that will happen is only drugs, aids and stuff:yuck: 👎

That's a well-reasoned argument. Kinda like saying we should ban skiiing, because the only thing that will happen is broken legs and sunburns.
Who cares about AIDS when you could make millions selling your hos!:lol::sarcasm:
With Duke calling that guy a post whore, and danoff's American Security Service thing, this is a great thread. :D:tup:

This really does come down to forcing certain level of morality, which in turn violates small minority's rights. It's rather tricky, because sometimes, I think people can be so stupid(I know, I'm being judgemental), government does need to hold our hands and guide us a little. To be honest, I don't mind that most state governments doesn't give us a right to sell our bodies for money. But that's my moral talking. When we go too far, we'll see local governments banning people from smoking in bars & clubs. I HATE secondhand smoke, but if I owned a club, I don't think I'd like the big brohter forcing rules like that onto my private business.

I'd still say "no" to prostitution, but I do hear where "yay"sayers are coming from.
Prostitution will always exist so I suppose theyres nothing wrong with it being legal and controlled instead of illegal and uncontrolled.

Even in countries where its illegal it goes on right under the authorities noses but they dont care. Its like steroids in bodybuilding. The competitions say the wont allow it but they know that every single competitior is using extremly large amounts of it.
Not only will prostitution always exist, it has existed practically since the beginning of humans. It's the oldest business there is. I don't thinkit has ever been endorsed by a federal government, either, and it probably never will.
I'd still say "no" to prostitution, but I do hear where "yay"sayers are coming from.

If you see where they're coming from, how can you say "no". How have you decided that it's your place to decide whether others are allowed to engage in conseuntual sex?
Prostitution is a very scary thing. YOu pay someone for physical pleasure. No tests to see if that person has some STD's or whatever, no checks to see if they have some sick fetiesh. Just cash and carry.

Legalized prostitution, much like legalized drugs would only bring down society.

I'll get deeper if you guys want me to, but just look at Holland. That place is just jacked. And everything there is legal(outside of theft and murder).
Prostitution is a very scary thing. YOu pay someone for physical pleasure. No tests to see if that person has some STD's or whatever, no checks to see if they have some sick fetiesh. Just cash and carry.

First of all, that's not necessarily the case. Legalized prostutition would allow companies to run things quite a bit more carefully than the illegal variety. It would most likely mean checks for STD's (minor ones, the big ones are take care of by condoms).

Legalized prostitution, much like legalized drugs would only bring down society. your view. In other people's view it would improve society. And then there are people like me who say that it isn't your place to force this view on others - since they're doing you no harm.
danoff your view. In other people's view it would improve society. And then there are people like me who say that it isn't your place to force this view on others - since they're doing you no harm.

Forget view, I'm talking about what's going on in Holland right now.
Forget view, I'm talking about what's going on in Holland right now.

Forget Holland, I'm talking about what's right and wrong.

Edit: Here's something I posted in the smoking thread. "(btw: whether or not you enjoy the outcome has absolutely nothing to do with other people's rights)"
Edit#2: You're also going to have to convince me that the Holland analogy would hold here in the US. Vegas has legal prostitution right now and it doesn't seem to be an issue.
Since everything is legal, according to you, in the Netherlands, that means they probably do not have any regulations for anything. They would use drugs freely. The people wouldn't have the sense to get checked for STDs and use protections and all that stuff. If it were leagal here we would definitley have regulations and sensible business owners wouldn't allow drugs and wouls make checkups and pecautions for diseases mandatory. I would; I wouldn't want my hos getting sick and not being able to work, if they wanted to work to begin with. That's another thing, it would be a touchy business and you shouldn't have to force the girls/guys :yuck: to to their thing; that would be like slave labor. Most prostitutes have sex fetishes, though, so they would want to do it without any provocation. That' why they do it now.
Forget Holland, I'm talking about what's right and wrong.

Ok, it's wrong to take America down a path that will have us ending up like Holland or any other country with legal prostitutes on a national level.

We can go around the barn on rights and freedom. But the fact of the matter is that it will and has jacked up society before.
Since everything is legal, according to you, in the Netherlands, that means they probably do not have any regulations for anything. They would use drugs freely.


The people wouldn't have the sense to get checked for STDs and use protections and all that stuff.

Why not?

If it were leagal here we would definitley have regulations and sensible business owners wouldn't allow drugs and wouls make checkups and pecautions for diseases mandatory. I would; I wouldn't want my hos getting sick and not being able to work, if they wanted to work to begin with.

...which makes the regulations unecessary because there is an economic insentive to take care of the girls.

That's another thing, it would be a touchy business and you shouldn't have to force the girls/guys :yuck: to to their thing; that would be like slave labor. Most prostitutes have sex fetishes, though, so they would want to do it without any provocation. That' why they do it now.

Why would they be forced to do their thing? That's criminal. If someone forces someone else to have sex, that's rape - it's illegal and it would stay illegal.
Ok, it's wrong to take America down a path that will have us ending up like Holland or any other country with legal prostitutes on a national level.

We can go around the barn on rights and freedom. But the fact of the matter is that it will and has jacked up society before.

Why? What is fundamentally different about prostitution than any other service industry?