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It depends if they just started using the DFP or if they have gotten use to using the wheel. In the beggining you will be faster with a DS2 than you are with the DFP until you have gotten the proper feel and have accustomed yourself to using it properly.PjotrStroganovFact is, that this is your experience. I bet lots of people drive better with the DS2, than with the DFP.
XPLOSVHey maskrider, what are your opinions of the DFP? Why do you still use the hand controller?
I dot have a DFP but cant seam to justify spending the 300odd (aussie) dollors on something I'm only gonna use on GT4. And you have to get an appropirate stand to play on the couch.
The DFP was made for GT4, GT4 was not made for he DFP, it was merely made with the DFP in mind.GTXLRThe DFP was made for GT4, and GT4 was made for The DFP.
Jedi2016I have a couple of questions for the GT4 owners...
The first one might not be answerable at the moment:
We know that as you buy/win cars in GT Mode, they become "unlocked" in Arcade Mode (those that were previously locked, at any rate). But what about the cars you don't win or buy? As you progress through the game, with certain percentages complete, does it unlock other cars?
The reason I ask is that this game, as opposed to the other GT's, appears to have most, if not all, of the cars available in Arcade Mode. I'm hoping that later in the game, say around the 100% mark, that all cars will become available in Arcade, including those "worthless" used cars that no one ever buys. I'd like the option to drive any car I want in Arcade without having to buy it in GT first. I'm not sure if anyone's reached 100% yet, so this question might have to wait.
My second question is geared towards those using Pro Logic II audio on a 5.1 sound system:
How discreet and well-represented is the audio? Specifically, the sounds of the player car. Are the engine sounds where they're supposed to be? i.e. front-engine cars have the sound coming from the front speakers, while mid/rear-engined cars have it coming from the back? Is the backfire placed where it's supposed to go? i.e. back center for dual-exhaust cars, or right/left rear for single-exhaust, from only one side for the side-exhausts?
I know that PLII isn't quite as discrete as DD5.1, but it should still be possible to isolate specific sounds like that (those of you that have played properly-encoded PLII games know how immersive it can be). Just wondering if that's how they've got it... NFS:U2 kind of bugs me in that all the engine sounds come from the back speakers, even though all the cars are front-engined.
3rdgenracerXIt depends if they just started using the DFP or if they have gotten use to using the wheel. In the beggining you will be faster with a DS2 than you are with the DFP until you have gotten the proper feel and have accustomed yourself to using it properly.
The fact is that i'm not the only one that feels that way, 3 other people in the thread that I linked to agree with the belief that when they are using the DFP they are faster than they are with the DS2. I'm no slouch when it comes to using the DS2, I have verified world records to my name in GT3 with using the DS2 and I was on par laptime wise when using the DFP and DS2. I know when i'm giving it my all with the DS2 and that limit is fairly evident in the demo, when your on the verge of leaving the asphault surface on the exit of a turn in each turn going as fast as you can possibly go and you still cant get within 8 seconds of your DFP time then you know something is up. I'm not the only one who has said that, 3 different people agree with that. I'm fairly positive when everyone "US/NTSC, PAL and JAPAN/NTSC" have GT4 and the databases are in full swing I bet all of the top times will be done with a DFP.
cudadude2hey, any pics of Saleen or SLR in any other color than silver. Written confermation will be fine...
Jedi2016Doesn't the Model T require golds in the S-License? Or is there another way of getting it? Or are you just that damn good?![]()
Post pics and specs! Ya know ya waaaaaaaaaaaaaaanna...EggheadI have the Tank Car and the Ford T.![]()
That is awesome! The hood cam on that shows how long that hood really is, that is HUUUGE!Egghead
Google.wolf8218why is it called the "jay leno tank car"
it looks like a 30's race car.