Proud owner of GT4 Japanese Version! *UPDATED* PIT CREWS, NOS, USED CAR, BACKFIRE

  • Thread starter Rue
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I have a question about GT4's Physics.

Is DRIVER INDUCED UNDERSTEER (DIU= turning in too much too quickly causes understeer) present in the game ?

I noticed there was no DIU at all in GT3. Having DIU would make the game feel much more realistic. I assume it is in if the Driving force pro has 900 degrees of steering.. but i could be wrong. :indiff:

I've noticed it in other Sims such as LFS, GTR, and RBR
You mean turning the wheel when you're moving at high speed? Yeah, that's in there. I wanted to test out the 900 steering in the Toyota demo, to verify that the steering assists were truly gone, so I got going nice and quick down the straightaway at Fuji, then slammed the wheel over as far as it would go. Sure enough, the wheels turned to full lock, even at 100mph+. The car started to turn, but then just slid once the front wheels broke loose.
Yes. But it only seems to appear in races that use fuel (Endurance races).

Fuel use is in all races, barring rally.

Well as far as i've played into the game anyway.
despite the physics being a bit obsolete, there seems to be a lot in GT4 Prologue, so presumably there will be some in the final version. :dopey:
Theyre not new they were in GTC, it's not that noticable when racing though and only happened in a couple of spots on Autumn ring.
You probably wouldn't notice it when you're driving, for the simple reason that the leaves are kicked up behind the car, so you're already past by the time they move. Should be nice to watch in replays, though.
Just a question about nitrious. Can you only add it to road cars, or can you add it to any car in the game (F1 cars, Le Mans cars, etc)...?
Thanks :)
U can add nos to any car ive only used it once so far on a turbo cappucino for the compact car race u can set it up to hit in strong and not last long or so it will last u for many laps -i wish this was included for drags only like many others by the sounds
Something else i noticed today -i tried to recreate the Japanese demo on gt4 by using the gtr with super hard tyres along with many others diff levels of TC but it still will handle nothing like the demo i think they have altered the final physics quite a bit gt4 is easier than the demo
appie17, try doing the 24hrs b-spec driver is doing the 3rd and last 24hr at the moment :). With an audi r8 =]. 8 hrs to go.
Just a question about nitrious. Can you only add it to road cars, or can you add it to any car in the game (F1 cars, Le Mans cars, etc)...?
Thanks :)
Oh dear God! Please let it not be true! F1 cars with NOS?
Solid Lifters
Oh dear God! Please let it not be true! F1 cars with NOS?
Exactly, which is why I want to know. I whole-heartedly hope that you can't add nitrous to race cars, such as F1 cars, JGTC cars, Le Mans cars, etc. Otherwise, since it's there (being able to put it on every car) you must put it on, otherwise you're at a disadvantage. It's more than likely just like in GT3, where some parts simply aren't available on certain cars, such as intercoolers on the JGTC NSX, for instance. You can get a turbo kit for it, but not an intercooler, so perhaps there are certain parts which you simply can't add to the race cars.
yup you cant upgrade intercoolers on jgtc etc cars just stage 4 turbo them-you can put nos on lemans cars we nos'd a merc clk lemans car-whateva its called last night and got 480kph out of it.havent tried with f1 cars and most likey never will
as i remember i put NOS in my 350z LM... so its kind'a JGTC. 2 bad guys...they let us install on nearly every car. i dont know about the F1. :yuck:
once u add a bigger intercooler can u seee it on the front of the car??

I'm not being ricey, i think people take rice a bit far anyways... u guys may as well say that if u drive a car thats japanese its rice! but to me rice, is... pretty much NFS underground lol, u got stickers and neons and ridiculous bodykits. i just want my cars on GT4 to look as if i would have them in real life. Pure Japanese spec is all I am after, no stickers and subwoofers and NEONS! official bodykits, tuff looking exhausts, intercoolers, rims just to add a real life feel to it all..

I hope they have done this, because it gets boring watching replays of ur ride when it looks exactly the same as all the other cars, nothing to say that its ur own car....
once u add a bigger intercooler can u seee it on the front of the car??

I'm not being ricey, i think people take rice a bit far anyways... u guys may as well say that if u drive a car thats japanese its rice! but to me rice, is... pretty much NFS underground lol, u got stickers and neons and ridiculous bodykits. i just want my cars on GT4 to look as if i would have them in real life. Pure Japanese spec is all I am after, no stickers and subwoofers and NEONS! official bodykits, tuff looking exhausts, intercoolers, rims just to add a real life feel to it all..

I hope they have done this, because it gets boring watching replays of ur ride when it looks exactly the same as all the other cars, nothing to say that its ur own car....

I think what you're talking about would be JDM;)
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