PS Network/GT7 Code of Conduct

  • Thread starter Tuono_GT
Not specifying what the offense was is extremely counter intuitive.
If you have a single slip, it propably leads to you knowing what it was, but propably also keep wondering, but it shouldnt happen again anyway because it was a slip.

If it happens regularly then the problem is the persons habbits, and it might well be intentional or not, though it doesnt matter too much because it should be a hint to have a look at what the person is doing.

Rules are not difficult to adore to, they only ask you to be "normal".
Trying not to sound all 'tin hatty' or such, but Playstation has turned around on us 'extremist' gamers in their path to wokeism. Therefore they feel it's justified to transcript, log and (AI-)analyze everything you say, write or do on their network. You could even be getting a warning email for saying a stupid joke to your friends during a party or such. It's your right to think I'm saying cuckoo crap, but just look for it on YouTube or the internet in general. Even EU is making laws to obligate this crap and probably the US will follow.

A lot of those things came out recently with Kabrutus and that SBI crap that has been ruining our beloved games for a while now. Politics and their propaganda don't belong in games. Don't get me wrong I believe in ethical principles, but the goal does not justify the means and the liberty for a person to have the freedom of speech and thought to a broad extent is primary for me.
I got reported once for writing "clown" in the GT7 chat, and I can understand that. Mea culpa. But he really was a clown and he was ruining the race for everybody. Sometimes you just can't help it.
Another time I got reported for calling someone "kid" by private message --> That's when I stopped paying for PS Plus. This is just ridiculous.

They really are exaggerating. And on Xbox nothing happens even if someone clearly writes insults with abbreviations, which is 100% offensive.
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You tried that to verify? 🙄
I reported multiple times players who wrote to me the letter F followed by the letter U, and nothing happened to them. Even after days, weeks or months. Messages like that stay in the private chat.
But when they fully spell clear insults, those words get automatically removed in an instant and I receive a notifications saying action was taken.

This is on Xbox.

On Playstation even those abbreviations will get you a warning, and probably a suspension, because sooner or later a human being will checks them.
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If you have a single slip, it propably leads to you knowing what it was, but propably also keep wondering, but it shouldnt happen again anyway because it was a slip.

If it happens regularly then the problem is the persons habbits, and it might well be intentional or not, though it doesnt matter too much because it should be a hint to have a look at what the person is doing.

Rules are not difficult to adore to, they only ask you to be "normal".
I don't like the mentality of it's easy to follow the rules for one simple reason, they are never enforced consistently. Until there is uniformity in enforcement, the rules can't be easily complied with. Just look at the amount of disputed track limits, the poor consistency of speeding fines, or the terrible inconsistency regarding the Covid lock downs.

Too many arbiters of the rules get it wrong, so clarity of offence should always happen. Once a line is drawn, it is then on the individual if they cross it
I got reported once for writing "clown" in the GT7 chat, and I can understand that. Mea culpa. But he really was a clown and he was ruining the race for everybody. Sometimes you just can't help it.
Another time I got reported for calling someone "kid" by private message --> That's when I stopped paying for PS Plus. This is just ridiculous.

They really are exaggerating. And on Xbox nothing happens even if someone clearly writes insults with abbreviations, which is 100% offensive.
You got suspended for saying clown? How long?
I got reported once for writing "clown" in the GT7 chat, and I can understand that. Mea culpa. But he really was a clown and he was ruining the race for everybody. Sometimes you just can't help it.
Another time I got reported for calling someone "kid" by private message --> That's when I stopped paying for PS Plus. This is just ridiculous.

They really are exaggerating. And on Xbox nothing happens even if someone clearly writes insults with abbreviations, which is 100% offensive.
If you see how some drivers are just ramming you off because you are a bit faster or their reaction to silly mistakes on track when you are trying to race close and clean, I think it is your right to call them a clown. In my opinion, that's even a very friendly understatement to what they could be called.

What you did is the only thing a person can do and not give them any money if you don't agree with their ToS. In my case that's difficult since I'm part of the crew at a GT-community and not subscribing to Plus would mean I'd have to give that up too.
I got reported once for writing "clown" in the GT7 chat, and I can understand that. Mea culpa. But he really was a clown and he was ruining the race for everybody. Sometimes you just can't help it.
Tbh I've called people clowns MANY times in both GT7 and Overwatch text chats (It is my favorite insult). Yet I've never been reported nor suspended. Sounds just like you got unlucky.
You got suspended for saying clown? How long?
No no I wasn't suspended for that. I received a warning.

THEN I got suspended for a week or a month when I wrote "kid" by private message to someone else. Who would have thought? I'm looking at the email by Playstation in my inbox, and all the deleted messages with that dude on my PS4. It was February 22, and I haven't renewed my PS Plus since it expired a couple of months later.

Tbh I've called people clowns MANY times in both GT7 and Overwatch text chats (It is my favorite insult). Yet I've never been reported nor suspended. Sounds just like you got unlucky.
Yes. After that happened, I started reporting players (dirty players) who said similar things to me and it worked every-single-time .
What can also be reported is the word "pig".
Satisfaction 100%, when those dirty drivers get what they deserve.

By the way DON'T EVER WRITE THE WORD "DIRTY" (in the GT7 chat, but I guess it also applies to PS private messages). Not even if it's to say "dirty driver". That also can get you a warning or a suspension if someone reports you.
Weird but true.
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You could also simply say nothing, it is not that your words would change the way anyone spends his time (why do I try?).
Yes of course, but it's to indicate to other players there's a dirty player in the lobby and to keep distance.
Plus sometimes when you're in that situation and you're really angry, you just can't control yourself. Especially since there's no public voice chat.
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What can also be reported is
... anything.

But the only thing actionable is anything directed at another user as an insult. It looks like all of your noted infractions are along those lines, so it really can't be a surprise... can it?
... anything.

But the only thing actionable is anything directed at another user as an insult. It looks like all of your noted infractions are along those lines, so it really can't be a surprise... can it?
Saying to someone "kid", and especially "dirty driver"?

How is "dirty driver" or saying "dirty driving" in general breaking ToS? That's pretty common in car and racing culture.
And it also applies when you write "dirty" with nothing else. Not even tagging a player.
Anything can be dirty.... the car, the road.... Can't I write in in the chat without getting reported? Well apparently not.
There are many, many ways (especially in English!) to voice your discontent with another without restoring to insults.

It's a question of vocabulary (and sometimes the lobby timer).
There are many, many ways (especially in English!) to voice your discontent with another without restoring to insults.

It's a question of vocabulary (and sometimes the lobby timer).
Is dirty driver an insult?
They just don't like you messaging people randomly after races especially if the tone is insulting etc

Once you send an unsolicited message to a non friend who reports it you are likely to get a warning or 1/3/7 day ban depending on the content

Just don't message strangers
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Saying to someone "kid", and especially "dirty driver"?

How is "dirty driver" or saying "dirty driving" in general breaking ToS? That's pretty common in car and racing culture.
And it also applies when you write "dirty" with nothing else. Not even tagging a player.
Anything can be dirty.... the car, the road.... Can't I write in in the chat without getting reported? Well apparently not.
I think you've missed the basic principle here.

Is the word "doorknob" an insulting or offensive word? No. Is the phrase "You absolute doorknob" something directed at another user as an insult? Yes.

But the only thing actionable is anything directed at another user as an insult.
For clarity, if you were to do that on GTPlanet, you'd get your post removed or edited and find a notification in your alerts telling you not to do that again or a warning from the staff - whether or not anyone reported it.

Again, you cannot be surprised when sending insulting messages to other people that, should they (or anyone else) report them, you get action taken against you. I mean... you have read the Code of Conduct, right?

It's also worth noting that the - entirely human - PSN moderation staff, who are not specialists in any one game, will look at messages sent before and after the reported message too.
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