PS3: Freakin Expensive

I don't want the wireless adapter, and I don't want the movie option, unless like I said above, Hollywood starts pumping out blah blah blah. When I get a PS3 when GT5 comes out, it'll be the 20GB version.

That's my point exactly. People said EXACTLY the same thing when DVD's were first coming out and didn't want to give up the VHS(Lucas is still having issues with it!). But the fact of the matter is that the movies ARE moving to a new platform. It won't happen overnight, but in about 2 years, you'll see a major shift and it's going to be to blu ray or HD-DVD. And of course the production studios will put more movies out on the new platforms. How long was Austin Powers the best selling DVD in America? A pretty good while. Why? Because it was one of the few DVD's availible.

Sony is smart enough to recognize that the industry will be shifting and chose to stay ahead of the game rather then play catch up.
That's my point exactly. People said EXACTLY the same thing when DVD's were first coming out and didn't want to give up the VHS(Lucas is still having issues with it!). But the fact of the matter is that the movies ARE moving to a new platform. It won't happen overnight, but in about 2 years, you'll see a major shift and it's going to be to blu ray or HD-DVD. And of course the production studios will put more movies out on the new platforms. How long was Austin Powers the best selling DVD in America? A pretty good while. Why? Because it was one of the few DVD's availible.
That's not my point. I'm not a movie buff. For people who are (and I'm sure most people are), they'll be squealing like a pig in mud. But I'm not, and that's why the 360 is fitting to me. I've seen about 10 movies in the past 2 years (theaters and DVDs). I've only used the 360's DVD function once, and that was because my family wanted to watch some Dog Whisper episodes.

Don't get me wrong, I think Blu-ray will succeed, and it'll make the PS3 even more of a success, but for people who don't watch movies a lot (and I'm sure I'm in the minority), the 360 will suit them well.
Most homes now have a wireless network, most dorms have a wireless network, most apartment complexe's have wireless access.

Why NOT include it? And it's $100 for the 360? If you were to upgrade the PREMIUM 360 to the specs of the PS3, you'd have a price tag of AT LEAST $800...with no HDMI.

There are also alot of new homes that have wired network points so you wouldn't need it to be wireless. I'm just stating that at least people have the option of leaving wireless off if they have a wired network throughout there home.

You're joking, right? Seriously. Who would NOT want to have the HD DVD or Blu ray player? I can almost understand the wireless access. But not having the player for next generation video makes no sense at all.

How many people do you know that use there PS2 for a DVD player as well? I know quite a few.

Also, there is a dumbed down version of the PS3 that doesn't have some of the bells and whistles. But to me that's a useless option.

The point of the Next-Gen console is to do just that, go to the next generation and beyond. If your Next-Gen console only does what your current console can do with better graphics, it's not really next-gen, it's just the old console in HD :)

There's also the fact that not everyone uses there console to watch movies. I personally use my Xbox on the main television but not everyone does. Some people might prefer to buy a seperate HD-DVD player to match there current home cinema setup. Don't get me wrong I'm all for future proofing consoles but at least give people who don't have the money a chance to buy the console and then upgrade it as they go along. It may cost more in the long run but I would rather have the basic console to begin with than nothing at all.
There's also the fact that not everyone uses there console to watch movies. I personally use my Xbox on the main television but not everyone does. Some people might prefer to buy a seperate HD-DVD player to match there current home cinema setup. Don't get me wrong I'm all for future proofing consoles but at least give people who don't have the money a chance to buy the console and then upgrade it as they go along. It may cost more in the long run but I would rather have the basic console to begin with than nothing at all.

That also costs the companies more in the long run. Probably why sony is going to make it all in one now.
That's my point exactly. People said EXACTLY the same thing when DVD's were first coming out and didn't want to give up the VHS(Lucas is still having issues with it!). But the fact of the matter is that the movies ARE moving to a new platform. It won't happen overnight, but in about 2 years, you'll see a major shift and it's going to be to blu ray or HD-DVD. And of course the production studios will put more movies out on the new platforms. How long was Austin Powers the best selling DVD in America? A pretty good while. Why? Because it was one of the few DVD's availible.
Sony is smart enough to recognize that the industry will be shifting and chose to stay ahead of the game rather then play catch up.
I doubt it rather highly that either standard will become the defacto standard for movies for at least 3-4 years, if ever. There is simply no reason to upgrade to either of those two as there was for VHS/LD to DVD. The change isn't as great, and it will bne reflected as such. Just because a movie will be the first on Blu-Ray or HD-DVD does not mean it will sell well, as it did for the first DVD movies. The amount of storage space the formats have will be their deciding factor. Not the movie industry.
There are also alot of new homes that have wired network points so you wouldn't need it to be wireless. I'm just stating that at least people have the option of leaving wireless off if they have a wired network throughout there home.

There's also the fact that not everyone uses there console to watch movies. I personally use my Xbox on the main television but not everyone does. Some people might prefer to buy a seperate HD-DVD player to match there current home cinema setup. Don't get me wrong I'm all for future proofing consoles but at least give people who don't have the money a chance to buy the console and then upgrade it as they go along. It may cost more in the long run but I would rather have the basic console to begin with than nothing at all.

Wireless also allows you to interact with any device that is Wireless B/G enabled, it's not limited to networks only. PSP, Laptops, PDA's, wireless storage points, etc.

And please tell me why any smart person would want to spend more money in the long run, if money is obviously an important thing for them (as you said, people who *don't* have the money). Why not save your cash and eventually by the console that is the better value? Seems smart to me.

Toronado - The quality jump from DVD to Next Gen movie formats is not as minimal as you're making it out to be, and it shows that you obviously have not seen side by side comparisons.

Also, as seen in this chart, the functions of next gen formats significantly outnumber those of Current DVD, from audio, video, all the way down to menu's and everything else.

Still want to tell me the "jump is not as great"?
Actually yes, because it isn't. Tell me why the jump from DVD to BD/HD-DVD is anywheres near the jump from VHS/LD to DVD. It is not from analog to digital, nor does it come with any of the bonuses that are related to the format, such as longer lasting material to base the format on.
Of that entire chart, I see only 3 parameters that make BD really worth it right now over normal DVD, and two of them don't really have to do with movies; the third being amount of audio streams. The main selling point behind Blu Ray and HD-DVD is higher resolution video. That is hardly the reason that the format will sell, as the amount of audio streams is a more sizable (and achievable, and thus, noticable) difference.
Wireless also allows you to interact with any device that is Wireless B/G enabled, it's not limited to networks only. PSP, Laptops, PDA's, wireless storage points, etc.

And please tell me why any smart person would want to spend more money in the long run, if money is obviously an important thing for them (as you said, people who *don't* have the money). Why not save your cash and eventually by the console that is the better value? Seems smart to me.

Toronado - The quality jump from DVD to Next Gen movie formats is not as minimal as you're making it out to be, and it shows that you obviously have not seen side by side comparisons.

Also, as seen in this chart, the functions of next gen formats significantly outnumber those of Current DVD, from audio, video, all the way down to menu's and everything else.

Still want to tell me the "jump is not as great"?

Well, most of the new flats that I have dealt with recently have a router with hardwired connections which go into each room. The router is also wireless so you do have the option to use wireless hardware if you prefer. I use a wired connection so I don't get any interference with other apartments around me.

Again, some people don't have the money to pay out £550 for a console. They may want to buy the console for say £400 and then next month buy an extra for it. It may be more expensive but it's down to personal preference.
Actually yes, because it isn't. Tell me why the jump from DVD to BD/HD-DVD is anywheres near the jump from VHS/LD to DVD. It is not from analog to digital, nor does it come with any of the bonuses that are related to the format, such as longer lasting material to base the format on.
Of that entire chart, I see only 3 parameters that make BD really worth it right now over normal DVD, and two of them don't really have to do with movies; the third being amount of audio streams. The main selling point behind Blu Ray and HD-DVD is higher resolution video. That is hardly the reason that the format will sell, as the amount of audio streams is a more sizable (and achievable, and thus, noticable) difference.

How is that? When you go to a store, say tweeter, then go into one of their special rooms sure, you're going to notice the audio and it's important. But the video is going to be the selling point. Because they can tweak the TV to be a perfect match for that particular player. even if you don't go into a special room, most people LOOK at TV's and are astounded by the picture quality. When they learn the source is BD/HD-DVD that would be a major selling point. Sheesh, the resolution is more then double that of regular DVD's for Blu-Ray.
Toronado, actually DVD is a poor format for delivering video. Because of the amount of compression you have to do to get the mpeg2 content to fit in a 4.5gig format, the compression artifacts were atrocious when DVD first came out. Movies and animation have to undergo a painstaking process to insure that the compression artifacts are smoothed out, and that's the only reason the video looks as good as it does. This is why you have to do a little research to find the best versions of movies, because otherwise you'll get a copy with more visible compression. I have digital cable, and analog cable is far superior. Animation looks horrible on digital cable when the screen fills with motion, or action takes place in a dark area. Ghosting is horrible. So much for the "digital advantage." :P

This is why I'm all for the migration to high def digital content. It's about time we saw and hear digital content the way it's meant to be.
Don't get me wrong, I think Blu-ray will succeed, and it'll make the PS3 even more of a success, but for people who don't watch movies a lot (and I'm sure I'm in the minority), the 360 will suit them well.

the point of blu ray in the ps3 isnt just for the movie side of it but blu ray is better for the games aswell as it means that games can be made bigger(such as larger maps and longer gameplay) with better graphics as the disks can store more information on them and this is the main reason i want a ps3 as i dont use any of my console's to play dvd's i just use my dvd player as i preffer to use the controller on the dvd player and the simplicity of them
Best of luck to Micrsoft and their $200 add on.

What I find most interesting about this is $400 Xbox360 + $200 HD-DVD player = $600.

And yet the PS3, at the same price, is judged "too expensive". And it has a bigger hard drive. And built-in wireless. And HDMI to actually watch the movies with. And the ability to use said drive for games.
And yet the PS3, at the same price, is judged "too expensive". And it has a bigger hard drive. And built-in wireless. And HDMI to actually watch the movies with. And the ability to use said drive for games.

1. No one expected the HD-DVD drive to be $200 (except JR). If you asked the average person on the street, they'd think it'd be $100 or at the most, $150.

2. All the comments of the PS3 being expensive were made before people knew what the price of the HD-DVD drive was, and so now most of those people will probably shut up now.

3. You can watch movies in 1080p without HDMI, with special component cables, unless movie-makers decide to be evil and enable ICT.
Turth be told though, Microsoft could have sold the HD-DVD drive for $50 and it still wouldn't have sold, so $200 is probably just so every sale is as profitable as possible.
Turth be told though, Microsoft could have sold the HD-DVD drive for $50 and it still wouldn't have sold, so $200 is probably just so every sale is as profitable as possible.

Doubt it. It would sell like hotcakes, especially since it's even cheaper than the games itself.
Doubt it. It would sell like hotcakes, especially since it's even cheaper than the games itself.

& the worst part is when I go shopping & asking if they know about high definition video. The seller tell me that all his product are plug with High Def cable. So what? the video isn't high def. Even now people don't even have the slightless idea what is an High Def video.

Mr Deap explanation:
High def video are video compressed in a higher bit rate, so it require a good processor so it can decode the video. Obviously... Higher bit rate= taking more space, so a new type of media storage is needed to play the full video.

Though, us who have an XBOX 360 already saw what is High Def video, cause most video preview on XBOX Live in 720P are High Def video.
It is HD. HD stands for High Definition, HD-DVD's are high definition DVD's but there's a lot more to higgh definition than just HD-DVD's, like the games. Basically you can play the games at high definition, but to play HD-DVD's you'll need a HD-DVD drive, they won't work in the normal DVD drive.