With the downside that you'll be shot in the face every time you get on the Tube for "looking a bit foreign"...
lol i can´t help but love that sense of humor... even though... it was tragic for him...
still... about the PS here
i remember reading once, and now i can´t the story anymore, that there´s +/- 10 million PS2´s in latin america. that can be a totally misleading stat, speacially because most of them are sold without paying extra taxes... i mean, ilegal, so they don´t count in that breakdown of sales that Kaz showed at E3.
its like.
PS2´s come out of the factory > miami > paraguay > then brazil.
paraguay its like a bahamas for eletronics. no tax, no rules.
anyway, sony never released the PS here because 95%, yes 95% of our games come from piracy.
sony makes moey here with MC´s, controllers and PS2´s, but not with games.
still, micro$oft released the xbox in colombia and in mexico, with good results.
they will launch the 360 here, now its left on sony to know if they have any plans for the PS3 here...
a bit of off topic, but just a rant because government is crazy with taxing eletronic products