PS3: Freakin Expensive

Due to the extreme pricing of $600 (I'm sorry, but that is really ****ing high for a console game, especially with the major competitor being $200 cheaper), Sony might be forced to cut the price quite a bit before too long once it is released. Or they may not be forced to quickly drop prices, who knows. But it will eventualy go down, and once it drops enough, then I'll buy one. My PS2 can keep me happy for however long that may take, even if I have to wait a year extra. Hell, that's what I did with the PS2 anyway, I waited until it was done to $200, then I bought one.
I bet the first price drop for the PS3 wont happen for at least 18 months. That's a year and a half. I ain't gonna wait that long to save $100. Hell, I just spent $142.14 on four dry-aged prime porterhouse steaks. It's worth the $6.25 per month to have the PS3 sooner.
price well go down jus watch cuz it always does and people wont buy it i am hell yea 1080p blu ray we all knew albout this high price for a LONG time so should ve save no disrepcet jus a diff point of view
Same here, again in English lease, I really don't know what your trying to say.
price well go down jus watch cuz it always does and people wont buy it i am hell yea 1080p blu ray we all knew albout this high price for a LONG time so should ve save no disrepcet jus a diff point of view
We have cool people:ill:
It's like a train crash.

I really find it hard to resist. I have to come here to watch all the unintelligent convene and discuss things they don't really's almost like watching the discovery channel...only sad.

That and seeing people whine makes me sad.

I hate things that make me sad.

So, I hate this thread.
It's like a train crash.

I really find it hard to resist. I have to come here to watch all the unintelligent convene and discuss things they don't really's almost like watching the discovery channel...only sad.

That and seeing people whine makes me sad.

I hate things that make me sad.

So, I hate this thread.
Then feel free to click on the big X on the top right of your screen. No one is forcing you to come here. No one is forcing you to read these threads. No one is forcing you to reply.
I can't believe you guys are actually defending stupidity.

"Your smart people.. they'll have to wait outside, we don't want them here."
Yes, he already explained why. But Daan is doing his duty..... It does me no good to stick around for the responces but i can't help it :) .....

tha_con is under the watchful eyes of moderators so everything will get their attention:sly:
The price of the PS3 is not so bad for what it got.

My rig is like the PS3 in term of price & power.

Mainboard : Asus P4P800 SE PGA-478 (115$)
Processor : Intel Pentium 4 3.0E HT(230$)
CPU Fan: Zalman(CNPS770) (45$)
Physical Memory : 256+512 DDR400 (40$+70$)
Video Card : Ati Radeon X1600 Series(RV530) AGP 512 MB (200$)
PCI: MSI Theater 550 Pro (100$)
Hard Disk : WDC WD400JB-00JJC0(40GB) (65$)
Hard Disk : WDC WD2000JB-00GVC0(200GB) (120$)
(CD-Rom) : LG HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8525B (30$)
(DVD-Rom) :SONY DVD RW DRU-800A (120$)
Floppy: Floppy Drive (10$)
Case: ATX Medium Deluxe
PSU: Acepower 400W (70$)
Added Fan. 120mm Back (10$)

Added Fan 2: 80mm Side (10$)

What I paid : 1155$~ (Can)

Will people pay for that?

My guess is no, lol!

Though the PC is made for my need, but you can make a AMD 64 3800+ with the lastest Graphic Card with less money & the PC actually work well.
Ken Kutargi
Speaking about the PlayStation 3, we never said that we would release a game concole. It is radically different from the previous PlayStation - it is clearly a computer.

...Still feel like buying a PC?
Well, I am a jerk, ther'es no question about that.

But hey, what can you do? Some people just strike me as so unintelligent that I am compelled to comment.
Well, some people strike us as so smugly self-satisfied that they think the rules no longer apply to them. We feel compelled to ban those people if they don't get over themselves.

But hey, what can we do?
In an attempt to knock this thread back on its intended path, the price of the ps3 is only half of my issue, the other half being that i have to shell out just as much if not more for an hdtv just to get the full potential of the system. Personally i would not buy this system right from the get-go, and I have held off on buying a 360 for the sole reason that i will wait until both systems are out and a decent library has built up for them. Before i go spending roughly 1200 - 1400 USD i want to make darn sure im getting my moneys worth.
^^ True, however, you would also have to purchase an HDTV to fully utilize your Xbox 360 as well. Both of these systems have a lot of similarities, but they also have their differences.
On the flip side, the PS3 will work just fine on my SDTV. While an upgrade is recommended, it's not required. Therefore, plenty of time to save up for one. If my raises continue on the same trend as my last one, it shouldn't be too much longer. :)
i realize that an hdtv pruchase is inevitable but my main thing is that i want to see which console offers more for what my needs are, and i cant gauge that until the ps3 is out and a decent library has been built for it, personally i am more than happy with my psp right now and since i bought it i have not touched any of my consoles
Given the time frame you are looking for to have the PS3's established title library, HDTV prices should be in free-fall. The Federal Government (thats the US one...) mandated for 2009 (or did they push it back down again?) that all signals are to go HD, so by then they would be as cheap as regular televisions. But even then, prices have fallen sharply even in the past year, and still stand to decline into 2007 and 2008.

Insignia, a Best-Buy only brand that has a pretty good quality rating sells a 30" HDTV that can run up to 1080i for less than $450, and the reviews on the product have been pretty good considering it's value pricing. From what I understand, Sony and Panisonic are supposed to be the best for HDTV shopping, as you are paying for what you get.

I don't have immediate access to a full-size HDTV for my 360, but I have ran it on a 42" unit at 720p and 1080i at my Aunt's house, and it looks great. But at the moment, it isn't completely necessary, as I am quite happy running it on my circa-late '80s 27" RCA monitor with a few other extras.
^^ True, however, you would also have to purchase an HDTV to fully utilize your Xbox 360 as well. Both of these systems have a lot of similarities, but they also have their differences.

Yeah, the PS3 is more expensive. Even a decent PC is less expensive & you can do much more stuff. The XBOX 360 have less option(I suppose...) & less expensive too. A Wii too is less expensive. Even the portable Ipod Video 60GB is less expensive.


U2 rules!! 👍​
Mr Deap
Yeah, the PS3 is more expensive. Even a decent PC is less expensive & you can do much more stuff. The XBOX 360 have less option(I suppose...) & less expensive too. A Wii too is less expensive. Even the portable Ipod Video 60GB is less expensive.

What do you consider to be a "decent PC"? Because I seriously doubt you could build a "decent PC" for less than $500.

Especially if you want it to "do more".. that means you'd have to build it to similar specs, just to get it to play the games.

Do you want to break down that cost, or should I?
I blew 3 grand on my computer from 04 to now (after I hd already built it) and it can't do what the PS3 can graphics wise.
Im gonna have to agree with jedi, i have never built a decent gaming pc for anything under 1200 USD and even then i still found myself having to make some sort of compromises to get decent performance with most games, I have always loved consoles for thier ease and hassle-free performance. I think we have finally reached a milestone where consoles are no longer inferior to PCs as far as gaming goes.

As far as on hdtv goes i like the sound of that best buy only brand, but im ashamed to say im rather in the dark as far as resolutions go and the letters following the numbers, i guess thats me showing my age.
I blew 3 grand on my computer from 04 to now (after I hd already built it) and it can't do what the PS3 can graphics wise.

That's because there aren't any PC games yet that look as good as the PS3, it's nothing to do with your PC. It's because of the limits imposed by DirectX 9. When the DirectX 10 games are released (e.g. Crysis :drool:) they will look just as good, if not better.
I wasn't able to make one under 500$ The PS3 is sold 650$ here in Canada.

Here the result

The PC got a DVD burner with 1GB or Ram with a 7600GT with an AMD 64 3500+. Also 160GB of space. :sly:


By the way, the XBOX 360 & the PS3 outperform this computer, but it is considerate very good for a PC, way above the average.
The Playstation 3 is the most awaited person place or thing of this year
but most of the people who waiting for it can't even afford it

the 20 gig will set you back about $400
the 60 gig about $600

for all the money that there milking out of our wallets it better be good
It's a bargain, but I have not gone crazy.
Mr Deap
I wasn't able to make one under 500$ The PS3 is sold 650$ here in Canada.

The PC got a DVD burner with 1GB or Ram with a 7600GT with an AMD 64 3500+. Also 160GB of space. :sly:

I said "comparable". That means a chip that runs similar to that of a 7-SPE Cell. A video card that runs similar to that of the RSX. That AMD is nowhere close, neither is the vid card.

The DVD drive is irrelevant.. I said "comparable".. that means a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD drive.

And since you're talking about the "high-end" PS3 at $650CDN, you'll also need to add full HD video out, which I don't think that vid card can do. And wireless 'net access.

That computer you posted actually does a good deal less than a PS3.. not what I'd call a successful comparison, especially since it's more expensive to boot.

Maybe it would be easier if you built a computer more like an Xbox360. Which, in a way, I suppose you already have.