PS3: Freakin Expensive

I play games roughly 3 hours per day. About 4 times a week.

That's about 624 hours a year. That's about 130 days over 5 years :)

That's about $4.61 cents a day over 5 years I think. That's not too bad.


That's about as rediculous as you guy's sound trying to break it down, explain it, argue that it's too expensive, etc. Either buy it or don't, but complaining only makes you sound stupid.
If you intend to use the PS3 as a video game console only, then it's probably not worth it. If you intend to use the PS3 as a multimedia player, it's a great deal, simple as that.
Okay, let me be perfectly blunt here...

Why should I care? I can afford it. Do you think your little diatribe on how you can't afford it is going to somehow change my mind?

Better the chance of me getting one at launch, since apparently only the "super-rich" can afford one.

Gimme a break.
By the time average joe can afford one they will be sold out to NBA players, rappers, lotto winers and CEO's, and pimp my ride producers may stock up on them too.

Remember folks its just $100 american dollars more than the competetion. Do I have to list the advantages?
At he end of the day plenty of people werre paying £700+ for XB360's when they first came out, most of the people that buy the first batch of a new console are serious buyers anyway. By the tmie most people start buying them the consoles are over a year old. These arestatistics that Sony will have looked at in depth and created a stratergy to hopefully, benefit from. I'd also love to see your reasonong that the PS3 + 1 game could equal over $700, the PS3 is $500 or $600 and games will not cost $100 andyone who says they will is scaremongering because neither Sony nor any publishers have said what the games will be priced at yet. Yes I agree most people probabl won't pay $500 for a PS3, but most people won't buy them until after the firs price drop, usually when the console is a year old, that's always the way.

My Calculation:

599.99 for top of the line PS3. Now lets add tax to it. Current Sales Tax is 7.75%

599.99 X .0775 = 46.499225
599.99 + 46.49 = 646.48

1 PS3 Game ( I assume it will be 59.99)

59.99 X .0775 = 4.649225
59.99 + 4.64 = 64.63

(PS3) 646.48 + 64.63 = 711.11

Grand TOTAL = $711.11
Why are you adding tax onto a price that already has tax calculated into it?
Why are you adding tax onto a price that already has tax calculated into it?
I think he's from San Bernardino county CA because here, we have 7.75% tax on everything.

Except food purchased from grocery stores, but not fast or prepared food.
We get 17.5% tax on all our stuff, but our prices are shown with VAT already added in.
We get 17.5% tax on all our stuff, but our prices are shown with VAT already added in.
Is that all the tax that's added?

On top of sales tax, we have tariff tax and excise duty added, usually. I have no idea what tariff or excise is added to the cost of the PS3, but since it's an electronic and from Japan, I'm betting it's a lot.
Solid Lifters
I think he's from San Bernardino county CA because here, we have 7.75% tax on everything.

I am really from Long Beach, CA but currently living in Corona right now to attending school in Rancho Cucamonga. 👍 I like the tax rate in this area though. 👍

Now on to the topic...

Another thing I want to add about the PS3 being expensive is that although it will have these high end hardware in it, people around me at school and home area STILL think its too expensive. I am talking about 500+ students asking every single person in the class and giving me information on what each class thinks.

The only reason I can think why its too expensive for these students its because they are mostly the ones that go to school, work a part-time job and barely paying rent.

To Live4Speed:

I just hope that by showing my math calculation for my proof, you didn't feel like I was trying to make you look stupid. I didn't mean to make you look stupid at all if you feel like I did.
No, your okay I just wasn't aware you had that extra tax that's all.

Solid Lifters
Is that all the tax that's added?
Nope, that's just value added tax which I figure is the equivelent to your sales tax, we have loads of taxes.
It IS expensive but people will buy it after all
I think 360 is expensive as well, sure some people back off when it was released
but look now many people getting their 360
I agree this is quite a risky move for Sony
didn't they forget the failure of PSX?
well ... it better be a killer product

Not everyone can afford what they want
what they can do is to wait for the price drop or get a used one
why people presume consoles should be affordable like toilet paper?
The PSX failed for different reasons to price though, a large ammount of features promised ended up being dropped and it wa delayed a few times. By the time it did come out it was too little too late, so far the PS3 hasn't had any of the PSX's problems.
Yes the PS3 is expensive. $600 is a lot these days, especially with rising fuel costs, inflation on the rise, and the future looking darker by the day. But for a moment, let me take the middle ground here...

1) Complaining about the price gets you nowhere. Either buy it or don't. You could wait for the price to go down, buy a used one (assuming Sony lets it happen), or just buy a compeditor's product.

2) That said, you guys shouldn't be a-holes about people who don't have much money. It is rude and offensive to criticize someone for not being able to afford a new HDTV and PS3, as times are tough in some parts of the country. When you are living barely above the poverty line making car payments, paying utilities, tuition and buying food one additional cost can mean the difference of having enough money next-week to get something or not.

I'm not buying one, not right away atleast. I've got my 360 and I'm happy, and I will probably buy a Wii next-spring when school gets out. I'll wait untill prices of the PS3 either drop or they come out with a game I "must have." But untill then, I'm quite content with waiting.
Question ..... What would you do on the PS3 launch date if you were Bill Gates ?

Slash the price of the 360 by at least $100 :ouch:

Sony better wise up because it's going to get DIRTY !!!!!! :nervous:
god...this forum is on the plummet, filled with teenagers and children.

I need to find another community where people aren't simple....
..You guys shouldn't be a-holes about people who don't have much money. It is rude and offensive to criticize someone for not being able to afford a new HDTV and PS3, as times are tough in some parts of the country. When you are living barely above the poverty line making car payments, paying utilities, tuition and buying food one additional cost can mean the difference of having enough money next-week to get something or not.

The difference is that they're spending all their time whining about it. That's what's annoying. I know quite well that not everyone can afford it. But crying about it just pisses people off.
Question ..... What would you do on the PS3 launch date if you were Bill Gates ?

Slash the price of the 360 by at least $100 :ouch:

Sony better wise up because it's going to get DIRTY !!!!!! :nervous:
No, they won't, the premium 360 is a whole $100 cheaper than the 'tard PS3.
god...this forum is on the plummet, filled with teenagers and children.

I need to find another community where people aren't simple....
You'll always find idiots everywhere. I'd just ignore them, and reply to the people who have sense, even if their judgement is misguided.
No, they won't, the premium 360 is a whole $100 cheaper than the 'tard PS3.

You'll always find idiots everywhere. I'd just ignore them, and reply to the people who have sense, even if their judgement is misguided.

It's just difficult, it feels more and more like trolls are just coming into this forum one by one and piling up to post nonsense and complain about something they obviously don't intend to buy.
I'm waiting to see what the price of the HD-DVD add-on for the 360 will be. It will have to be less than £150 otherwise it'll make the £280 Premium 360 no better in value than the PS3. Granted you don't need the HD-DVD but if 360 owners do buy it then it puts the overall cost of the 360 up to that of the PS3, minus the extra 40GB HDD etc. I don't see the 360 being sold with the HD-DVD in a bundle unless it's a significantly lower price than the PS3, say £320. But a HD-DVD player for £40? Never.

I know plenty of people who could'nt afford a PS2 on release, but they got one eventually...
There were rumors that Microsoft could push the extra HD-DVD drive for less than $150 in the near future, thus putting it between the "LS" PS3 and the "LT" PS3 (to use Chevrolet model designations).

If they can sell it for $100 as an add-on, it would make things very interesting I think, and would indeed spice up the format-wars just a bit, as they would both be the same price, offer similar ammounts of clarity (lets not debate that right now), and argueably better DVD selections on both sides.

But anything more than $200 is just stupid, and they would be shooting themselves in the foot if they decided to do so. The cheapest HD-DVD player I could find on Amazon was at $450, so it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

BTW: Is Toshiba supplying the HD-DVD drives for Microsoft?
I'm guessing it will be $150-250. As an addition, it will most likely fail, regardless of the price, however. With possibly one or two exemptions, there has never been a succesful console add-on, and when taken that the 360 HD-DVD drive won't actually be able to play HD-DVD based-games, I'm looking at it's future to be rather limited. It will also not be a system seller, as Microsoft seems to think it will be, because I'm guessing a standalone HD-DVD player for $550 would work better than a $550 360 with the HD-DVD add-on, just because of the fact that it is a console add-on. There is no way in hell it will cost anywheres near $100, though. $150 at least.
I'm also guessing that it may take away from time that would be better used elseware, such as marketing the system more aggressively now that it is just sitting on store shelves.
I wonder if Microsoft wanted a HD-DVD drive simply to steal some of the PS3's thunder. I would have thought a price reduction would have more effect.

But yes, it'll be interesting to see how they compare.