PS3 General Discussion

Well, update on my situation. I've paid out for a 160gb replacement which will come on Tuesday, spoke to a Brit this time so the service was smooth, fast and so is the delivery by the sounds. I'll look into claiming that back but I don't know if I'll bother wasting all the time and effort in doing so. Perhaps next time should this one break but I can just about pay for this one without big trouble.

I would've done the same very probably, but it's a shame I think that's exactly what they count on... people not bothering to fight for their rights anymore.
I remember back when I had my PS2(s) it would break every 11-12 months and I always did get a new one from Sony without any trouble, only had to pay for postal service to send in...
My first PS3 died after 12 (!) months, not lucky this time.
My new PS3 lasts since over two years now... *knocks on wood, hard*
It shouldn't be a fiasco. They have no choice in the matter, the goods are faulty, they must offer to repair it or replace it, free of charge. I've done this so many times and it drives me mad that people don't use their rights. It is, effectively, illegal for them to offer you a replacement at a charge.
It shouldn't be a fiasco. They have no choice in the matter, the goods are faulty, they must offer to repair it or replace it, free of charge. I've done this so many times and it drives me mad that people don't use their rights. It is, effectively, illegal for them to offer you a replacement at a charge.

I need to clear up the technicalities of the literature before I engage in that, as I previous discussed it's whether or not Sony has become the supplier to me as it's a refurb, or whether the store my parents bought it from is still the one who is liable. Specifically the Sales of Goods act doesn't apply to Sony normally, as they sold to a retailer first, it's whether or not this responsibility was handed over from the retailer to Sony when they replaced my first console that will decide who I should be claiming my cash back from if I still can. Sony clearly weren't going to sit down easily and they said it was the retailer if anyone otherwise why would they have warranties, I suspect the retailer would blame Sony and it would all get messy. I'm in my exam period, going to be moving back home soon and I just have to much to worry about as it is without trying to get someone to take responsibility if it's not clear.

Though I have taken the replacement now, I think I'm still within my rights to claim that cash back on the grounds that I was mislead by Sony in that they weren't liable but if there's no quick fix it's to much trouble for me to deal with. I'm more worried about my degree then money, any other time of year I'd be all over it but with exams I just wanted to get it out of my consciousness as fast as possible and at least I'll have a working PS3 before my Red Dead pre-order arrives.
I think the PS3 has auto-defrag since the file system is FAT32 and I don't have these issues at all... are you sure you don't miss something in your calculations, like maybe installed something twice? Stuff like Vidzone and Home can take up a lot of space, too. Did you check that?
I have much more stuff (games) on my 360 than on my PS3, odd enough. :)
However I think it's the same system, as there is no manual defrag or anything like that on both consoles.

PS: you're right tho, it's a bit confusing on the PS3 because data is stored in different places unlike on 360, which has the memory management in one place.

PSS: Home and other stuff does reserve space on the HDD btw, even if there is nothing actually stored on it (when not used)... you could also check that by changing the cache size in Home and see if there're are any changes... I always use smallest ( I think 3GB).

Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure of anything at this point, except what I can see in game saves and other items that list size of file.
As said, thats the problem. There is no apparent way to determine allocation and accumulative use without playing HDD sleuth and somehow try to locate each source of disk space.
To my knowledge I don't have vidzone. Home I downloaded only once. The listed file size is 3118mb. I could not find where to adjust the cache size.
I see, maybe you have something similar to Vidzone, but that should be saved under Games anyway.
You can adjust the cache size only within Home, somewhere under Settings, I'd try that maybe it helps to determine where that missing GBs are "gone"... also PS3 uses up to 10% of your HDD as a system chache per default (unchangeable), that must also be considered, hope that helps. :)
Well I'm joining the club... My first time dealing with YLOD

Am I the only person annoyed by not being able to natively use Hulu on the PS3?
Blame Hulu. They blocked the PS3 and refuse to give an explanation.

I'd have to do some searching, but I recall Hulu did make an official statement saying that they were effectively forced to do that by the content providers (Hulu after all does not actually own the distribution rights to most of the content on their site). The reason they gave was that the content providers agreed to release content on Hulu with the intention that the content would NOT be viewed on people's TV, but rather on PCs.

The article I read many months ago went on to say that the reason for this is that the content providers only want Hulu as a way to encourage people to then watch those shows on TV instead of their computers.

They went on to say that they realize some people will just connect their PCs to their TVs, but that it isn't common practice. They also are supposedly blocking access to the content on Hulu for those with TVs that have internet access built-in.

At the end of the day, it's really up to the content providers and those who own the distribution rights to that content on how their content can be legally viewed. So if you want to be able to watch content on Hulu through your PS3, your best bet is to make your appeals to the actual content providers.

It seems I have a similar situation as appeared in this thread some 60 pages back. Prior to the clean-up, according to the systems "free space" out of 55GB, there was only 17GB available. Thats a whopping 38GB of HDD used up by ? what ? After the clean-up which accounted for 1 to 2GB tops, the available is still 17GB. No change doesn't concern me as much as where is the 38GB and what is occupying it. I can only account for maybe 10GB and that is being generous. There is still 28GB unaccounted for. I have no movies, music, GTTV, or downloads, other than GT5TT.

If you installed any of the following, Life with Playstation, Playstation Home, adhoc Party, Facebook Update,Photo Gallery, VidZone, Play TV, Catch Up TV, MLB TV, BBC iPlayer, ABC iView, RTE Player, TVNZ ondemand, etc, depending on which or how many you have installed can certainly take up quite a lot of space, especially on a small hard drive.

Not only that, but I suspect considering the many new features added to the system software, that it too is taking up more space than before.

Besides checking the file sizes of all your photos, music, videos, games, and game demos. If you have any episodes of Qore, First Play, Digital Comics, among other things, they can take up quite a bit of space.

If you have lots of different accounts on your PS3, depending on how much unique content each account has, like game saves, saved messages, etc, then that will also take up additional space.

In addition to all of that, you will also find that many files that are stored in the Game Data Utility folder can be quite large! I have some that are over 1GB each.

As far as the Saved Data Utility folder goes, I haven't personally come across too many large files, but if you have a lot of them, then that is something to consider as well.

I'm sure there are probably other things that might take up space as well.

The good news is if you don't really need or want most of these things I mentioned, you can delete them from your hard drive, and then when you do want them, you can always just download them again.

Personally though, considering how relatively inexpensive hard drives are now, and how easy it is to replace a hard drive in a PS3, if it were me, I would go get yourself a much bigger hard drive, then run the PS3's Backup Utility, swap out the drive, restore the backup file to the new hard drive, and off you go.

One thing you don't have to worry about is missing disc space, or corrupted data due to fragmentation, as the PS3 uses a file system that does not fragment. 👍

Very sorry to hear about your misfortune DN.
My PS3 is a 60GB almost 3 years old too.
Hope thats not average life expectancy.

If you installed any of the following, Life with Playstation, Playstation Home, adhoc Party, Facebook Update,Photo Gallery, VidZone, Play TV, Catch Up TV, MLB TV, BBC iPlayer, ABC iView, RTE Player, TVNZ ondemand, etc, depending on which or how many you have installed can certainly take up quite a lot of space, especially on a small hard drive.

The only thing I've installed out of that list, is Playstation Home.

Not only that, but I suspect considering the many new features added to the system software, that it too is taking up more space than before.

I do have the latest update 3.3 I think.

Besides checking the file sizes of all your photos, music, videos, games, and game demos.

Don't have anything but game saves and some GT5P replays, which are calculable if the file size is correct. Other than that I have GT5TT download that is supposedly of minimal size.

If you have any episodes of
Qore, First Play, Digital Comics, among other things, they can take up quite a bit of space.

Don't have any of these that I'm aware of.

If you have lots of different accounts on your PS3, depending on how much unique content each account has, like game saves, saved messages, etc, then that will also take up additional space.

I have 4 profiles, but only one account.

In addition to all of that, you will also find that many files that are stored in the Game Data Utility folder can be quite large! I have some that are over 1GB each.

I'll recheck this one, although I don't remember anything that large in there.

As far as the Saved Data Utility folder goes, I haven't personally come across too many large files, but if you have a lot of them, then that is something to consider as well.

Nothing there but some GT4 saves. Again minimal.

I'm sure there are probably other things that might take up space as well.

The good news is if you don't really need or want most of these things I mentioned, you can delete them from your hard drive, and then when you do want them, you can always just download them again.

Thats pretty much my leaning at this point.
Evidently its the only way to attempt to determine what is eating up the HDD.

Personally though, considering how relatively inexpensive hard drives are now, and how easy it is to replace a hard drive in a PS3, if it were me, I would go get yourself a much bigger hard drive, then run the PS3's Backup Utility, swap out the drive, restore the backup file to the new hard drive, and off you go.

One thing you don't have to worry about is missing disc space, or corrupted data due to fragmentation, as the PS3 uses a file system that does not fragment. 👍

60GB is certainly not large by todays standards, but as I said I can manage 4 times as many games on on my 20GB XB360 and still have half of it free.
Apparently the PS3 sucks up GBs like pouring them down a rathole.

I still find it unbelievable there is no HDD management utility on this Sony wizz-bang machine.
My impression is they don't want you to know all the space their eating up.
Just go get a bigger one when its used up.
I guess I'll have to consider that option.

Anyway, thanks for the info and I hope you can get your PS3 going again without expending too much time and $$$.
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My PS3 is a 60GB almost 3 years old too.
Hope thats not average life expectancy.

Doesn't appear to be, but there are always exceptions, but I have also logged a lot of hours on that poor thing, including downloading over a terabyte of data. YMMV

I have 4 profiles, but only one account.

Profiles? I think that's only XBL? Or do you mean you have four user accounts, but you only have a PSN account for one of them? That's odd. Just out of curiosity, if that is the case, why do you have user accounts without PSN accounts?

I'll recheck this one, although I don't remember anything that large in there.

You might be surprised, I certainly was. As I recall, I even have one file in the Game Data Utility folder that is over 4GB!

Thats pretty much my leaning at this point.
Evidently its the only way to attempt to determine what is eating up the HDD.

You don't have to delete them to determine how much disc space they use. Just highlight them and press triangle, and for most files they say exactly how much disc space they use.

60GB is certainly not large by todays standards, but as I said I can manage 4 times as many games on on my 20GB XB360 and still have half of it free.
Apparently the PS3 sucks up GBs like pouring them down a rathole.

If you are talking about comparing the same downloadable games, then both XBLA and PSN games use almost identical amount of space.

If you are talking about disc based games, most games do not require installation, and thus most only use the HDD to save games on, which are VERY small files as you have already discovered.

It is true that some PS3 games require that they be installed to your HDD before playing them, but there are advantages to that. When the whole "forced install" controversy came up, tests showed that the same game played on a 360 off the disc had significantly longer load times during the game than when played off the HDD.

It's because of this many people wish that all games gave us the option to install the game.

I still find it unbelievable there is no HDD management utility on this Sony wizz-bang machine. My impression is they don't want you to know all the space their eating up.

Actually, unlike other consoles, they give a lot more detailed information about the files on the HDD, including disc space, it's just some folks don't bother to learn all the things they can do with their PS3. Granted, for those that are using a hacked 360, they can get a lot of disc information... just don't let MS know. ;)

Just go get a bigger one when its used up.
I guess I'll have to consider that option.

Which is another thing to be grateful for, because unlike the other consoles, at least with a PS3 they allow you to use any SATA drive you like. In fact, if you really wanted to you can bypass using an internal hard drive, and use a SATA extender to be able to use an external drive as the PS3 HDD, thus allowing you to have 2TB HDD if that's what you want.

It's certainly possible that the reason your 360 doesn't "eat up" space is that maybe it just doesn't do as much as your PS3, or have as many features.

Anyway, thanks for the info and I hope you can get your PS3 going again without expending too much time and $$$.

You're very welcome, and thanks. It looks like it's not going to cost much to fix, maybe as little as $45, so I'm not too concerned.

I may also just use this as an excuse to get the new slim model that just came out. With the 45nm CPU and 40nm GPU, it is probably very quiet. Besides, as much use as our PS3 gets, it is probably a good idea that we get a second one, because between my wife using Home a lot more, and my kids getting older and playing games, I'm not getting to use it myself as often as I would like.
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No, it actually did "install" by itself. I saw the XMB icon, clicked it and boom, TVNZ OD was already running. That's probably down to it appearing to be nothing more than the PS3's browser hotwired to the TVNZ Ondemand PS3-specific webpage (, but it (both the icon and browser redirect) still "installed" itself...

So now I have a "TV" section on the XMB with just one icon under it, and said icon does something I can do on my computer or manually via the PS3 browser anyway :/
I was hoping someone here will be able to help with my PS3 problems. Essentially what happened was I was playing Dirt 2 as normal and then the PS3 shut itself down and displayed a flashing red light. I unplugged everything for a while and left it for 30 mins, turned it on and it booted up fine then shortly after, it happens again (as I played music which began to skip and such for a while before freezing up before I could do anything). The net is being vague as usual and I don't really know where to start as I don't know for sure what the problem is. As I'm at uni, I don't have a landline to phone Sony and my mobile has no credit currently so I'm hoping to get some information even if I can't do anything for now.

It's a 60gb by the way to save that being asked.

I was having the best game of my life on Modern Warefare 2 and mine did the same thing. I got mine new in 07. The sad thing is my PS2 works just like the day I got it 9 years ago. I guess it's back to that for now.
I was having the best game of my life on Modern Warefare 2 and mine did the same thing. I got mine new in 07. The sad thing is my PS2 works just like the day I got it 9 years ago. I guess it's back to that for now.

That's what gets on my nerves, that the older generation was so much more reliable for me. My first, sure bad luck, but 2 makes me begin to doubt and lose faith in a product even though I know I'm the exception not the rule. That's why I'm making my next PS3 my last, just to try something else. I mean if I go through a third then it's just getting ridiculous.
Doesn't appear to be, but there are always exceptions, but I have also logged a lot of hours on that poor thing, including downloading over a terabyte of data. YMMV

Profiles? I think that's only XBL? Or do you mean you have four user accounts, but you only have a PSN account for one of them? That's odd. Just out of curiosity, if that is the case, why do you have user accounts without PSN accounts?

You might be surprised, I certainly was. As I recall, I even have one file in the Game Data Utility folder that is over 4GB!

You don't have to delete them to determine how much disc space they use. Just highlight them and press triangle, and for most files they say exactly how much disc space they use.

If you are talking about comparing the same downloadable games, then both XBLA and PSN games use almost identical amount of space.

If you are talking about disc based games, most games do not require installation, and thus most only use the HDD to save games on, which are VERY small files as you have already discovered.

It is true that some PS3 games require that they be installed to your HDD before playing them, but there are advantages to that. When the whole "forced install" controversy came up, tests showed that the same game played on a 360 off the disc had significantly longer load times during the game than when played off the HDD.

It's because of this many people wish that all games gave us the option to install the game.

Actually, unlike other consoles, they give a lot more detailed information about the files on the HDD, including disc space, it's just some folks don't bother to learn all the things they can do with their PS3. Granted, for those that are using a hacked 360, they can get a lot of disc information... just don't let MS know. ;)

Which is another thing to be grateful for, because unlike the other consoles, at least with a PS3 they allow you to use any SATA drive you like. In fact, if you really wanted to you can bypass using an internal hard drive, and use a SATA extender to be able to use an external drive as the PS3 HDD, thus allowing you to have 2TB HDD if that's what you want.

It's certainly possible that the reason your 360 doesn't "eat up" space is that maybe it just doesn't do as much as your PS3, or have as many features.

You're very welcome, and thanks. It looks like it's not going to cost much to fix, maybe as little as $45, so I'm not too concerned.

I may also just use this as an excuse to get the new slim model that just came out. With the 45nm CPU and 40nm GPU, it is probably very quiet. Besides, as much use as our PS3 gets, it is probably a good idea that we get a second one, because between my wife using Home a lot more, and my kids getting older and playing games, I'm not getting to use it myself as often as I would like.

:nervous: I imagine it's only a matter of time for me, I should think about doing some preventative maintenance
Well my new PS3 arrived on schedule, they sent a 60 instead of a 160 which I was dubious about but then I realised it's in fantastic condition, to the point I'd really be surprised if it isn't brand new or never been used. Anyway, it's also a later model judging by the date it thought it was, Jan 2009, so it isn't a launch model which makes me happy enough. Infact if they'd have said I could have a 60 like this I'd have asked for that over the 160, I just thought I'd get another pretty tatty refurb.

Pleased even though I paid, though I'm still sticking to my plan that this could well be my last PS3 should it decide to break.
Profiles? I think that's only XBL? Or do you mean you have four user accounts, but you only have a PSN account for one of them? That's odd. Just out of curiosity, if that is the case, why do you have user accounts without PSN accounts?.

Sorry, I meant users. I have 5 users to sign in under. One of which has never been used. Only one of the others is used for PSN. The rest are to provide for different players. I utilize two of users for my game play and sometimes have two different plays of the same game.

You don't have to delete them to determine how much disc space they use. Just highlight them and press triangle, and for most files they say exactly how much disc space they use.

Thats fine for what you can see, but as said what I can see doesn't add up to anywhere close to 38GB. Some here have pointed out there is also HDD cache or allocation associated with some features.

Actually, unlike other consoles, they give a lot more detailed information about the files on the HDD, including disc space, it's just some folks don't bother to learn all the things they can do with their PS3. Granted, for those that are using a hacked 360, they can get a lot of disc information... just don't let MS know. ;)

I must admit I'm not very PS3 savy. I've only played maybe six games on it.

You don't have to have a hacked 360 to manage the HDD. Just go to hardrive selection under systems/memory where you can view the size of everything on the HDD and manage by delete accordingly.

Which is another thing to be grateful for, because unlike the other consoles, at least with a PS3 they allow you to use any SATA drive you like. In fact, if you really wanted to you can bypass using an internal hard drive, and use a SATA extender to be able to use an external drive as the PS3 HDD, thus allowing you to have 2TB HDD if that's what you want..

This is a definite plus. Provides a lot more flexibility, less cost and ease of replacement. The main reason I may just up the drive size.

I may also just use this as an excuse to get the new slim model that just came out. With the 45nm CPU and 40nm GPU, it is probably very quiet. Besides, as much use as our PS3 gets, it is probably a good idea that we get a second one, because between my wife using Home a lot more, and my kids getting older and playing games, I'm not getting to use it myself as often as I would like.

Sounds like you've already talked yourself into that new slim.
No, it actually did "install" by itself. I saw the XMB icon, clicked it and boom, TVNZ OD was already running. That's probably down to it appearing to be nothing more than the PS3's browser hotwired to the TVNZ Ondemand PS3-specific webpage (, but it (both the icon and browser redirect) still "installed" itself...

So now I have a "TV" section on the XMB with just one icon under it, and said icon does something I can do on my computer or manually via the PS3 browser anyway :/

So if you press a button and then something installs, it's a "self-instal" ? Funny.

For that very reason I never press any buttons I have no use for the function behind, but that's just me. ;)


PS: I'm actually surprised your PS3 did it that long DN.
Sorry to hear tho, that's always a misfortune, I just know so many people who's PS3s died or are on their 3rd, 4th, already, I think Home does use a lot of resources actually, but anyways good luck and maybe you can get it fixed.
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It was already installed though. I pressed the button and the app (or whatever you'd call it) started, all ready to go. No "please wait, installing" message or anything.
So if you press a button and then something installs, it's a "self-instal" ? Funny.

You own a PS3, so you know that's not true. Any app, game, etc that requires an install (of which there have been many over the years) will always ask you if you want to install it.

As Sharky already made clear before, the only thing that was automatically "installed" was the addition of the icon in the XMB... just like other icons have been added over time when new features/apps have been added... but they are just icons.

Not only that, but in his case, it didn't even require an install, as it is simply a shortcut link to a website to watch the video on demand content through the PS3, rather than on a PC. So it is nothing like Home or Life with Playstation, which require installing additional data... and like all other installs, it will ALWAYS give a pop-up message asking if you want to install the data first.

We are talking about two very different hings here, so no need get so alarmed, or worry about "pressing buttons", and some how having GBs of data being automatically installed on your HDD without you knowing.

PS: I'm actually surprised your PS3 did it that long DN.

While certainly unfortunate, I'm surprised it didn't last longer, as I'm the only one I know personally, and not just people I read posts from on the internet, that has experienced any failure of their PS3. In fact, among the commercial home theater group I belong to, of which there are at least 50 that use PS3s in their system, I again am the only one to have had to deal with YLOD.

So clearly YMMV come into play, but so far, considering how many PS3 are out there, I don't see any evidence that there is any serious or even above average failure rate in PS3s.

Sorry to hear tho, that's always a misfortune, I just know so many people who's PS3s died or are on their 3rd, 4th, already, I think Home does use a lot of resources actually, but anyways good luck and maybe you can get it fixed.

My wife uses Home regularly, and I do on occasions, and neither has ever caused the fan to kick into higher gear any more than any other time. In fact, the only app that ever causes the fan to almost always run at a higher speed was when we were running Folding@Home.

I do have an update to my YLOD issue, including some pics I took during the repair process. I'll post the update on my YLOD thread later this evening when I have more time.

But I can say that it started with some really bad news, followed by really great news, and ended with possibly bad news... :boggled:
Uh I wasn't so serious about the install thing hence the ;) just pointing out I (try) not to press any buttons I don't intend using the application.

The people I know of with broken PS3s are without exception psn friends, some even showed me photos of fixing them. I have no reason to not to trust them.
Actually the only occasions my PS3 goes in highest fan mode - i mean highest = 4 - is Home and for some reason Dirt 2, however I brought the issue up here when it happened and it appears vacuuming it from time to time does the trick and it didn't happen yet again. *knocks on wood*
Ya I've had more problems with the PS3 then any other console I've had. I shouldn't be surprised though, it's a Sony product and Sony stuff tends to breaks based on my experiences with it. Their stuff is awesome when it works though!

Anyway PS3Media Server sucks and TVersity only plays a very minimal amount of files. Does anyone have any other suggestions for streaming media to the PS3? Really I want to stream MKV files if at all possible.
Ya I've had more problems with the PS3 then any other console I've had.

Yes, and you also said you never had any problems with your 360 despite the fact that it is well known to have the highest failure rate of all consoles, and has cost MS more than 2 billion dollars in warranty costs. So as I said before, YMMV.

Personally, I prefer to base my decisions on the calculated odds, and not just the hands I've played, or anecdotal evidence. But that's just me.

Anyway PS3Media Server sucks

That's certainly your opinion, however you'll find that's not a common opinion. In fact of all the UPnP media servers, it's one of the most popular.

However, I can see how someone might think it sucks if they don't know how to use it properly, and or need a very specific feature, but then that doesn't mean it sucks, it just means they need to learn how to use it properly, or use a different server.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for streaming media to the PS3?


Really I want to stream MKV files if at all possible.

It is possible.

You could start by following some of the links in wiki's UPnP Media Server Comparison Chart.

There is also a dedicated thread here: UPnP Media Servers for the PS3
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Anyway PS3Media Server sucks and TVersity only plays a very minimal amount of files. Does anyone have any other suggestions for streaming media to the PS3? Really I want to stream MKV files if at all possible.

What problems are you having with PS3 Media Server? I know when I first tried it I had to hunt down some setup instructions on their forum to get the Mac version working but once that was done it's been flawless.
What problems are you having with PS3 Media Server? I know when I first tried it I had to hunt down some setup instructions on their forum to get the Mac version working but once that was done it's been flawless.

It stutters when I try to stream any thing. It will play a video file for like 30 seconds, then the sound will cut out and it will freeze up, buffer for 20 seconds and then play again. I have tried numerous setup guides. I know it's not my router either because TVersity works just fine.

It's a pretty awful program.
It stutters when I try to stream any thing. It will play a video file for like 30 seconds, then the sound will cut out and it will freeze up, buffer for 20 seconds and then play again. I have tried numerous setup guides. I know it's not my router either because TVersity works just fine.

It's a pretty awful program.

Wow that's odd, I've streamed 4GB MKV files without any stutter or buffering before and I've not changed any streaming settings from default. Are you using the Windows or Mac version?
One thing you don't have to worry about is missing disc space, or corrupted data due to fragmentation, as the PS3 uses a file system that does not fragment. 👍

There is no file system without fragmentation. Fragmentation doesn't cause loss of data. The access just becomes slower.
Wow that's odd, I've streamed 4GB MKV files without any stutter or buffering before and I've not changed any streaming settings from default. Are you using the Windows or Mac version?

Windows 7 64-bit. I haven't thought about trying it on my Mac yet, maybe I should give it a go. Although it's a Mac Book Pro and there isn't a ton of RAM or processing power in it.
There is no file system without fragmentation.

Technically speaking, that's true, but depending on the file system you use, there is no need to manually defrag a drive, as is the case of the PS3's file system. There was an in-depth very technical article about how the PS3 file system works, and why it doesn't need to be manually defragmented, like other file systems such as FAT 32 and NTFS, which is what the 360 HDD uses.

It's been a long time so I don't quite recall, but perhaps it uses Linux Ext3, which also doesn't need manual defragmentation.

If I can find it I'll post it, but just doing a Google search it found 50,000 hits, so it might take a little while.

Fragmentation doesn't cause loss of data. The access just becomes slower.

Quite true, and despite having a 320GB drive in my PS3 that's been close to full for some time now, and having easily saved and deleted close to a terabyte of data over the last couple years on that drive alone, it has not impacted load times for accessing any of the data on it.
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Doesn't PS3 use FAT32 tho? I recall having to reformat my 160GB HDD to something like that in order to make the PS3 recognise it?
However I didn't notice any slowdowns and I'm pretty sure it's using an auto-defrag system otherwise it wouldn't make much sense, would it?
Doesn't PS3 use FAT32 tho? I recall having to reformat my 160GB HDD to something like that in order to make the PS3 recognise it?
However I didn't notice any slowdowns and I'm pretty sure it's using an auto-defrag system otherwise it wouldn't make much sense, would it?

External drives have to be formatted in FAT32 for the PS3 to recognize them, but the file system for the internal drive is different, and definitely not FAT32 or NTFS. It's a proprietary file system from Sony, which may be based on or similar to Linux Ext3.