You'll get invited when there's a space open. And to answer your second question, you'll get invited to a chat, then you'll be invited to a lobby in GTA Online.When will I get invited? And how does it work?
The club is full so you'll have to be put in the queue and you'll have to wait.My character wasn't fully played out so im gonna stick with that one. Can I be put on the Reserve list
Adding your character to the queue list.My character wasn't fully played out so im gonna stick with that one. Can I be put on the Reserve list
Just for my own reference, how many people will he coming on later? I'm really in the mood for RP and I wanna know how likely tonight's session is.
I'll definitely be able to particapate.Yep. Also, while it's relevant, I won't be able to reply to any posts directly as the text messes up so I shall have to reply like this. Both Dom/ImRioter and Speed/GTDriver are both hoping to participate.
Calm down, Kenton.Ima stab someone
I hope the people in the Queue List understand they won't be added to my friends list nor are able to join lobbies until there is room in the club.Am I invited? :3
I don't want an entire friends list of RP members. I am almost at the cap already and I'm not going to delete old friends for some new members - it's best if they wait.If there is a space in that days lobby, why can't they join?
No, you're still in it group - I only removed people who haven't been active in over a month.ERMAGERD. I'm not getting alerts on ANYTHING. I hope I didn't get kicked out because of GTPlanet's constant non-alerting system.
I've been waiting, looking at my friends list. looks like 2 or 3 members just hopped on if you wanna join.Not sure if there is even a RP tonight
If I remember correctly, you're in the queue list. You're just not on the OP yet.I'm wondering, am I meant to be on the queue or?