[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
RP Summary - Marco Kane:

Kane arrives in Los Santos from overseas and is greeted by the sunshine and calls a taxi to his newly bought appartment at Weazel Plaza.

He arrives, and is surprised about how good his appartment is and that his cars had been transported into his garage.


Having spent time sightseeing, Kane went to the pier at night to see the ferris wheel. But when he got there, he saw two men arguing (Brandon Michelin and Oswald Leigh). Oswald points a gun at Brandon, with the latter simply walking off. Cops arrive and start pursuing Oswald, who evades.

Brandon asks Kane if he is okay, and while bewildered, replies that he is fine and asks the same question to Brandon who had been the target overall. He said that he has seen worse, in particular people who lost in a pink slip race.


Kane needed to service his Elegy and headed to the Airport LSC. However, he noticed a gathering of cars. He decided to check out but is spotted by Sean Clarke who orders him to go away. But just as he is told to do so, a Futo detonates and cops swarm everyone - innocent Kane included.


He successfully evaded the cops by hiding in the Pacfic Standard Bank:

Kane: Gah... Hah... What... What was that all about?
Oswald: C4.
Kane: Wha?! Is... Is someone here?
Oswald: Business gone wrong. What are you doing here?
Kane: I was only meant to service my car!
Oswald: ...Alright. I believe you.
Kane: ...Thanks.
Oswald: After all, I was there for the same reason.
Kane: But how did a simple task end up like this...?
Oswald: There's a war raging on the streets... And you just met the two sides.
Kane: A... War...?
Oswald: A gang war.
Kane: This is crazy. I only just got here yesterday evening and now I've witnessed a huge war?!
Oswald: Tell me about it, I got out of prison a week ago.
[Sean Clarke enters, but both Kane and Oswald are on the floor above]
Oswald: SEAN. Take one of the doors up here.
Sean: Oh...
Kane: Eh?!
Oswald: It's a friend. You have seen hin before at the LS customs
Kane: Uh, yeah... I've seen him.
Sean: Yeah it's me cuh.
Oswald: Anyways, take care.
Sean: How old are you kid?
[Kane looks around suddenly and points at himself]
Sean: Yeah
Oswald: Yeah, you.
Kane: 24.
Oswald: Let's go Sean.
Sean: Same age as me... Anyways, peace.
Kane: Right... Peace?
Sean: [to Oswald] He looks scared
Oswald: Sure... If you don't mess with us, we won't mess with you.
Kane: "Us"?! Who do you mean by that?
Oswald: ME. Of course... And Sean too. [to Sean] Let's go.
[Oswald and Sean leave]
Kane: Uh...
[Kane places his hands on the top of his head]
Kane: What exactly... Was that..?
Final words by GT:

An interesting reset for Kane, who is only just starting his story... But that will continue after Kenton's session which is next session.
Oswald Leigh - RP Summary

Oswald firmly believes the Brotherhood will come for him soon, having already met them a couple of times in the pier, and chased them in his car alongside Sean and Ricki. He believes the best way to find them is to go to the pier, where he has seen them before, but finds Brandon Michelin instead. Thinking he belongs to the Brotherhood, given his highly customized car, he draws and points his gun at him, just as another man, Marco Kane, notices their dispute. Suddenly, the police arrive and Oswald is forced to escape.

Later on, after being hit from behind by another driver in the road, Leigh drives to the Airport's LS Customs, where he finds Eric, whom he had previously met on the same place, spying on the Brotherhood members inside the shop. After receiving a call from Sean, Oswald asks him to join him, hoping to outnumber the Brotherhood. When Sean arrives, they ambush the Brotherhood members, forcing them to. Once again, the police soon arrives, and Oswald is quick in throwing a sticky pack of C4 towards a Futo parked outside the garage, triggering the explosive while he and the rest flee the scene.

Oswald races at full speed throughout the city before he enters the Pacific Standard Bank, having followed another of the men at the LS Customs, being none other than Kane.


Oswald explains him about the waging war between the Midnight Club and the Brotherhood of Corruption. After his friend Sean arrives, he proceeds to tell Kane to "thread lightly", stating he won't mess with him if he doesn't mess with Oswald or Sean.

Both head to the nearest LS Customs, where Oswald leaves his Buffalo for repairs, and orders a cab for Sean. Later on, while on a drive in Los Santos, Oswald tunes in the radio just in time to hear that three of the eight bodies found in Paleto Bay have been identified. Luckily for him, none of them belong to their parents or brother. Before giving a call to Sean and inform him about the good news, Oswald comes across him on the street.


Sean, at the same time, tells him he has a new car, given to him by one of his "girlfriends". Following the conversation, Oswald returns to his apartment after an agitated day in the street.
RP Summary - Brandon Michelin

Everything started pretty much calmly for Michelin. While talking to himself remembering some good old memories from the times in the ULSA, he decided to head down to the pier to think about life like he always did and wonder about a special someone..

Upon arriving there, Brandon parked his Feltzer and went on walking to stare at the sunset when he got interrupted by some man who talked in such a furious manner. This man was called Oswald Leigh. Oswald thought that Michelin was part of something called "Brotherhood", which Michelin never heard of. Even though Michelin showed him that he never heard of those guys or isn't a part of them, Oswald still didn't convince himself.

When the cops arrived, soon Oswald was gone and Michelin started talking with another male who happened to be there. Marco Kane was the man. Michelin in an educated manner asked if he was alright, which Kane answered and quickly asked if Michelin was alright due to being the one "targeted". Michelin explains that he dealt with worse people because of pink slip races, but couldn't fully explain why he mentioned those pink slip races.

Later on, nothing much happened. Michelin just kept drifiting around the Jetway Terminal with the Feltzer under the rain.
Final words:

Can't deny, I didn't expect that in this RP something different would happen. Well, slowly I'm unveiling a bit more by Michelin. Even though he went to the university, has a mechanical engineering degree, played as WR for the university football team, it doesn't necessarily means he was a person who followed all the rules. As most of you guys read in the chat, Brandon did some street racing in the past, which envolved pink slips. But those pink slips made him quit the street racing scene in LS 2, 3 years ago. But the urge to race never dissapeared. He just holds it really deep. But slowly the urge is getting him, especially now that he has a really fast car like the Feltzer.
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Out of Charecter
Role Play experience:

In Character (IC)

Name: James
Job: James Watson was born into a rich family in Liberty City only the best was for him. After years of constantly receiving everything he ever wanted he became spoiled and never did anything. Years later after living a good life it dramatically changed his father was killed in an car bomb ( suspected by a rival company) James attended his fathers funeral then after how will was read. He asked James to study and make a change so he quickly arranged a private flight saying good byes to his family and flew to Los Santos. His Mother had got him an apartment and a nice car so his journey begins! Will he be able to complete his quests OR break more bad.
Personality: Cocky, Strong, Sensitive, Spoiled, No anger issues. Perfectly fine.
Photograph: Not available.
RP Summary - Sebastian Milano

After going through a night without having any calls about civilians wanting drugs, Sebastian started to worry. Once he got home, he turned on his TV to the sight of 'ECONOMIC CRISIS'. He knew that this isn't good for him, or good for his business either.
He knew that he couldn't survive living off a business that has no customers, so he decided to go job hunting. After a long search on the internet, he found a job that was fitting. A job at the Vapid Motorcars Showroom. He sent off an application and went to the interview the next day. He felt that the way that the interview went was alright. After parting ways with the manager, he got a call the next day with him offering the job. He took it, obviously.

Whilst still on a buzz from this, he decided to take his Futo out for a drive, only to be involved in an accident with the Futo getting rear-ended. He took it to the Airport LSC to get it fixed. Upon arriving, there were quite a lot of cars there, so he ended up just leaving the Futo's keys on the counter and getting a cab home.

Later that day, he went back to the Airport LSC to find that this had happened to it:


He could tell that it was going to be unrepairable, so he told his insurance company (Mors Mutural) that it was a write-off. Left car-less, he decided to go home and look at the classifieds for a new car. After days of searching, he found a beat-up Sultan for not very much nearby. He took this brown Sultan and tuned it up. As of today, she stands like this:

I should be back and ready to go for todays RP, missed the last few days so I'm going to get together with Volk and see what all happened 👍

@Volchelkin Want to fill me in on what changed with the brotherhood?
I should be back and ready to go for todays RP, missed the last few days so I'm going to get together with Volk and see what all happened 👍

@Volchelkin Want to fill me in on what changed with the brotherhood?
Pretty much all that happened was that Liam and Fraser now own the LSC in the middle of LS. They tried to steal the documents from Hao's LSC, but the MCLS ambushed them. Long story short, they lost the documents to Hao's workshop but they still have the documents to the other LSC. So, this is pretty much where the wars start.
well i couldnt log in on here on my computer it said the site was down but oh well i guess i am not in this anymore
Huh. Well it wasn't down - and in the last what, 10 pages and more than a week of posts, we've made significant changes. I told everyone who isn't active even in the slightest until the 10th will be removed. Not saying you can't join back in though.

Is there an RP today? I didn't see it on the planned events.
Yeah, there will be one shortly. I had a slight family emergency this morning, meaning I couldn't update the event list nor start an event earlier. Just shoot me when and I think I could make it.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Dominic Riley
Age: 19
PSN: imRioter
Role Play experience: DBeav's Cops n Cruise on GT5 & currently in Project WHaT's Cops n Cruise for GT6 - spend my days on GTA & GT cruising.

In Character (IC)

Name: Stanley Yelnats
Age: 22
Job/Career/Money Source: Young Entrepreneur, with a tendency to buy businesses and blow cash unnecessarily.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Stanley was an only child, born and raised in the Los Santos, with Mummy and Daddy making him earn everything he has got today. He learnt the hard way to earn money, having several part-time jobs through his younger years, reflecting on his "maturity" present day. He is always looking for new business opportunities, working on his current portfolio, willing to work with anyone, anywhere, as long as Stanley has time for his ladies. He has had his heart broken plenty-a-time, but has wised up to the minds of women and is staying single, and focusing on family, friends and his empire. He drives whatever ride he feels for the day, whether it be his armoured MerryWeather Jeep with custom paintjob and custom leather upholstery, or it's his JDM Stickerbombed Asea, complete with Lime Green alloys and a Vortex exhaust system. Where will Stanley's future lie? No one knows. The future is unpredictable for Stanley, he lives one day at a time, for thrills that kills, with a side of chicken nuggets.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Obsessive about money, paranoid when things go bad but generally a happy guy who is a "party king".
Photograph (If available):
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: AJ Kuzma
Age: 12
PSN: peep60889
Role Play experience: GTA IV, GTA V, Minecraft, Habbo Hotel, Garry's Mod

In Character (IC)

Name: Jack Upland
Age: 20
Job/Career/Money Source: Photographer

Bio: Jack Upland was born in the gloomy city of Liberty City. Jack, however, was not born as a normal child; in fact, Jack was born with a growth-hormone disease which only allows his body to appear as if he were a 12 or 13 year old child. Jack's school years were not kind, though he had some friends, he was not the most popular of the bunch. Jack was teased because of his disease, but he had many friends, even some girlfriends throughout the years. However, Jack moved on into high school without any issues.

Jack was a "nerd" in high school, where he had only a few friends. Jack joined a club which involved photography. Jack instantly became hooked with photography, and moved from his average cell phone to a Digital SLR camera. Jack passed his driver's test to then get certified paper work to prove his age because of legal troubles. Jack was in all of the honors classes, where he then moved onto university.

Jack moved to "LS" to meet his desires of becoming a professional photographer. Jack is currently in a public university; he owns an apartment only half a mile across the city from the university. Jack came to the city with only a few bags, his car, and his camera. Jack travels through the city every weekend to the mountains, lakes, and the sky. Jack takes pictures wherever he visits, where he then advertises them for professional photography companies in Los Santos. Jack is currently 20 years old, and his growth-hormone disease has not gotten better since birth.

Personality: Mellow --- Jack likes to glide through life.
Photograph: N/A
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And in conclusion to my file, my age does not really account for my roleplay experience.

Yes, I am twelve years old to this day.

No, I do not have bad grammar usage, and I'm actually quite amazing with my English skills.
Alright so did I get kicked out I ment to tell you to put me on the Reserve list
Yes, you were removed - I can place you back in (but you will be on the queue list) when/if you apply again.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Dominic Riley
Age: 19
PSN: imRioter
Role Play experience: DBeav's Cops n Cruise on GT5 & currently in Project WHaT's Cops n Cruise for GT6 - spend my days on GTA & GT cruising.

In Character (IC)

Name: Stanley Yelnats
Age: 22
Job/Career/Money Source: Young Entrepreneur, with a tendency to buy businesses and blow cash unnecessarily.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Stanley was an only child, born and raised in the Los Santos, with Mummy and Daddy making him earn everything he has got today. He learnt the hard way to earn money, having several part-time jobs through his younger years, reflecting on his "maturity" present day. He is always looking for new business opportunities, working on his current portfolio, willing to work with anyone, anywhere, as long as Stanley has time for his ladies. He has had his heart broken plenty-a-time, but has wised up to the minds of women and is staying single, and focusing on family, friends and his empire. He drives whatever ride he feels for the day, whether it be his armoured MerryWeather Jeep with custom paintjob and custom leather upholstery, or it's his JDM Stickerbombed Asea, complete with Lime Green alloys and a Vortex exhaust system. Where will Stanley's future lie? No one knows. The future is unpredictable for Stanley, he lives one day at a time, for thrills that kills, with a side of chicken nuggets.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Obsessive about money, paranoid when things go bad but generally a happy guy who is a "party king".
Photograph (If available):
Easy enough, Stanley Yelnats. I'll be right back, gotta go dig some holes - maybe I'll have some peaches too.
Accepted! You will be placed on the Queue list and you will be in the club when there is room.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: AJ Kuzma
Age: 12
PSN: peep60889
Role Play experience: GTA IV, GTA V, Minecraft, Habbo Hotel, Garry's Mod

In Character (IC)

Name: Jack Upland
Age: 20
Job/Career/Money Source: Photographer

Bio: Jack Upland was born in the gloomy city of Liberty City. Jack, however, was not born as a normal child; in fact, Jack was born with a growth-hormone disease which only allows his body to appear as if he were a 12 or 13 year old child. Jack's school years were not kind, though he had some friends, he was not the most popular of the bunch. Jack was teased because of his disease, but he had many friends, even some girlfriends throughout the years. However, Jack moved on into high school without any issues.

Jack was a "nerd" in high school, where he had only a few friends. Jack joined a club which involved photography. Jack instantly became hooked with photography, and moved from his average cell phone to a Digital SLR camera. Jack passed his driver's test to then get certified paper work to prove his age because of legal troubles. Jack was in all of the honors classes, where he then moved onto university.

Jack moved to "LS" to meet his desires of becoming a professional photographer. Jack is currently in a public university; he owns an apartment only half a mile across the city from the university. Jack came to the city with only a few bags, his car, and his camera. Jack travels through the city every weekend to the mountains, lakes, and the sky. Jack takes pictures wherever he visits, where he then advertises them for professional photography companies in Los Santos. Jack is currently 20 years old, and his growth-hormone disease has not gotten better since birth.

Personality: Mellow --- Jack likes to glide through life.
Photograph: N/A
Interesting. I like the fact that your character has a stuggle/flaw he lives with currently. Just out of curiosity, how would that effect your RP?
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: AJ Kuzma
Age: 12
PSN: peep60889
Role Play experience: GTA IV, GTA V, Minecraft, Habbo Hotel, Garry's Mod

In Character (IC)

Name: Jack Upland
Age: 20
Job/Career/Money Source: Photographer

Bio: Jack Upland was born in the gloomy city of Liberty City. Jack, however, was not born as a normal child; in fact, Jack was born with a growth-hormone disease which only allows his body to appear as if he were a 12 or 13 year old child. Jack's school years were not kind, though he had some friends, he was not the most popular of the bunch. Jack was teased because of his disease, but he had many friends, even some girlfriends throughout the years. However, Jack moved on into high school without any issues.

Jack was a "nerd" in high school, where he had only a few friends. Jack joined a club which involved photography. Jack instantly became hooked with photography, and moved from his average cell phone to a Digital SLR camera. Jack passed his driver's test to then get certified paper work to prove his age because of legal troubles. Jack was in all of the honors classes, where he then moved onto university.

Jack moved to "LS" to meet his desires of becoming a professional photographer. Jack is currently in a public university; he owns an apartment only half a mile across the city from the university. Jack came to the city with only a few bags, his car, and his camera. Jack travels through the city every weekend to the mountains, lakes, and the sky. Jack takes pictures wherever he visits, where he then advertises them for professional photography companies in Los Santos. Jack is currently 20 years old, and his growth-hormone disease has not gotten better since birth.

Personality: Mellow --- Jack likes to glide through life.
Photograph: N/A

I'm not at all being horrible here, but it is funny how he's a Photographer but doesn't have a photo of himself :lol: other than that it is a great idea :D
I'm not sure whether it's my disc or my PS3, but I simply cannot connect to GTA Online at all - if I select Online on the loading screen, the game gets stuck on the loading screen, and if I try and join GTA Online from the ingame menu the entire PS3 freezes and forces me to do a hard reset. Not only that, but my PS3 has once again returned to only-connect-to-psn-every-other-day mode. If I can't sort out the freezing problem within 2 weeks, could you put me in the queue list?
I'm not sure whether it's my disc or my PS3, but I simply cannot connect to GTA Online at all - if I select Online on the loading screen, the game gets stuck on the loading screen, and if I try and join GTA Online from the ingame menu the entire PS3 freezes and forces me to do a hard reset. Not only that, but my PS3 has once again returned to only-connect-to-psn-every-other-day mode. If I can't sort out the freezing problem within 2 weeks, could you put me in the queue list?
What PS3 do you have exactly?
Try looking online for any solutions. I'm unsure if this will help you but give it a try:
I personally cannot really help but you could check if any other games can go online without a problem, if not we can guess that it's either internet or PS3 related. If it does, it's probably either the disc or the internet.
What PS3 do you have exactly?
Try looking online for any solutions. I'm unsure if this will help you but give it a try:
I personally cannot really help but you could check if any other games can go online without a problem, if not we can guess that it's either internet or PS3 related. If it does, it's probably either the disc or the internet.

I have a 320GB slim (I'm pretty sure it's a slim, at least).
Also, I know for a fact that the method doesn't work for my only-connect-every-other-day issues, but I've never had to try it for this issue before. I'll give it a try now.
What do you guys think about recording RP sessions? Maybe making a highlights OR even staging events i.e gang shoot outs etc.