[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
thanks man, can't wait, only prob now i got to find a new sultan XD i replaced the one i had with a saber and the one i have is fully modded from a friend
btw can u add me on PS3 i sent u a request, it would help me know when a session is going on, if you don't cause don't want to fill up your friends list it's fine
RP summary for yesterday:
I'll post my summary as soon as someone else post theirs, as I have some things mixed up when it comes to order.
Oswald Leigh - RP Summary:

After having destroyed his car, Oswald goes for a haircut, having his head shaven. Outside the barbershop, he caughs the advertising of an Oracle for 5.000 dollars, contacting the Owen Goodman to make the purchase. They meet right beside the barbershop, where Oswald gets hold of the car and leaves.

Right afterwards, Oswald goes to the Los Santos Customs near the Airport, in the San Andreas neighborhood, where he has a tracker installed into his car.


- Do you know any good insurance Company?
- Mors Mutural, of course. What, have you been locked in a cage or something? (the mechanic starts laughing)
- Hehe, yeah... you could say so.

Deciding to change his look for another more respectable, Oswald heads to Ponsonbys, where he gets a brand new suit to compliment his car.

- Ponsonbys... dad used to buy his clothes here.


Driving his Oracle close to the pier reminds Oswald he hasn't swim in ten years, due to his imprisonment. In an impulsive attempt to get rid of his fear of water and go back to his former self, Oswald runs across the pier, coming across some shady looking men in suits, and diving right into the cold water, before swimming back up and returning to his car.

A chain smoker, Leigh later shows up at a store, where he buys some Egochasers and eCola, before asking the owner for Redwood cigarettes. However, the owner's constant use of "ah" in sentences annoys Oswald, to the point of threatening the owner.


- I call the police.
- Make my day, go ahead.

Eventually beating up the owner, Oswald leaves and goes for a speedy drive in his Oracle, before visiting the LS Customs close to his home. Before entering the shop, however, he notices a man smashing up some cars, including a blue Sentinel. Oswald tries to scare them off by pointing his gun at them, but it is of no use as they leave with their job already done.

After another drive and another return to the LS Customs, Oswald meets Ricki and Sean in the parking lot.


There he learns about the Brotherhood, how were they the ones who smashed the blue Sentinel, and sets off with the two to find them, Oswald in his Oracle, Ricki and Sean in their bike. The Brotherhood, however, manages to escape. Asking for a ride back to the LS Customs where his Sentinel is parked, Oswald accepts and gets him there, before bidding each other farewell.

Later, while driving in the street next to the LS Customs in the Airport, Oswald notices the broken down Sentinel. After meditating why would somebody to this, Kathi notices Oswald and comes close to him. Oswald asks why did the people he saw wreck the Sentinel and the cars back at the San Andreas LS Customs. Kathi answers the Brotherhood did it because they thought the cars belonged to her gang, the Midnight Club, which she is the leader of. Oswald promptly mocks her, causing Kathi to punch him, and thus a standoff between the two, as well as Ricki and others. Both eventually back out of the standoff, Kathi having to leave, Oswald refusing to kill "a blonde" and go to prison once again.

As he drives back home, Oswald receives a call from a fellow inmate, "Paul", who has killed and stolen a cellphone from a guard. He says to Oswald he may know where his parents are: in the waters of the islands north of Paleto Bay, which angers Oswald and prompts him to race to his former home.

Once there, Oswald swims down and soon finds a wrapped body, sitting in the bottom of the ocean. Rapidly dialing 911 in the surface, Leigh states the reason of his call: "I-I think I have found the bodies of the victims of the Infinity Killer."
I just started joining events again, then right off the bat I miss two big events. Great (sarcasm).

I'll probably be available for the event tomorrow, so at least I can look forward to that.
RP Summary: Kathi Stanley ('twas an eventful RP so not everything will be correct because I has bad memory)

It was a busy day at the Los Santos Customs shop in La Puerta, and Kathi offered to stay late at the shop and help out the owner, Hao, finish a few cars for his customers. She came home late and wasted no time in getting herself to bed, too tired to do anything else from a hard night's work at the shop.

Some hours after falling asleep, Kathi was awoken by a call, from a man named Ricki. He said he had heard she was a mechanic and he needed his Sentinel looked at which had just recently been wrecked. Still half asleep, Kathi told Ricki to take his car down to Hao's shop and get it looked at there, but was suddenly interrupted when her younger sister Brooke burst into her room.

"Kathi! Someone just wrecked your Gauntlet!"

Startled, Kathi told Ricki that she had to go, and quickly jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs and out of the house to check on her car. She froze in horror at the sight of the Gauntlet...


She slowly walked around the beat-up car and observed the damage. Brooke came outside and stopped, letting out a small gasp at the sight of the car. Brooke had explained to Kathi that she was awoken by a noise, looked outside and saw two well-dressed men beating up the car. Well-dressed men. The words echoed in Kathi's mind as she slowly ran a hand along the dents on the body of her precious Gauntlet. She knew who had done it. The Brotherhood of Corruption. Suddenly she erupted in rage, slamming her fists on the roof and yelling profanity, cursing the Brotherhood.

Kathi didn't take to the attack well, and ordered Brooke to find out where the Brotherhood was based, and find a new home for them to move in. She knew she couldn't stay in Mirror Park for much longer now that the Brotherhood knew where she lived. Brooke disappeared inside the house to research, and Kathi climbed into the Gauntlet and tried to start it. The engine turned slowly, but didn't fire. She tried numerous times, until finally the beaten-up Bravado coughed into life, but the engine wasn't firing on all cylinders. She slowly pulled out of the drive and headed for Hao's shop in La Puerta to find out how bad the damage was.

After stalling at nearly every traffic light along the way, Kathi made it to the LSC shop. A rental Ocelot Jackal pulled into the forecourt behind her, and Ricki got out. Ricki told Kathi how he was 'supposed' to be in the Brotherhood but they were the ones who had wrecked his Sentinel, mistaking it for a Midnight car. She offered to help him get revenge against them, but it wasn't in his nature and he politely declined. She told him that the reason she had to cut off the call was because the Brotherhood had just done the same thing to her Gauntlet. Ricki then had to take a call and left, and Kathi went into the shop to talk to Hao about her car.

Hao and Kathi walked back out of the shop and observed the Gauntlet. Kathi explained what had happened, and Hao was shocked to hear it. She desperately wanted to know if her precious Gauntlet could be saved, but after a long check over, Hao looked up from the car with sorry eyes and told her that it wouldn't run again. She erupted in anger again, slamming her fists on the roof once more and kicking the door of the Gauntlet. Hao tried to apologise, but that didn't make her feel better. She yelled again, cursing the Brotherhood once more and vowing revenge. Hao told Kathi that he had just finished tuning an Annis Elegy RH8 that he had sent to the dealership in Pillbox Hill, and told her that it was for sale there for $50,000 (wow much cheaps), but he would let her have it for $25,000. Realising she no longer had a car, Kathi accepted the offer for the RH8, and Hao disappeared into his shop to sort out the sale.

It was then that Kathi noticed a man was looking at Ricki's wrecked Sentinel parked just outside the shop. She walked over to him and asked him what he was doing, and he asked her what had happened. She explained that the Brotherhood of Corruption had mistakenly wrecked the car thinking it belonged to her gang, Midnight Club LS, and then proceeded to wreck her Gauntlet whilst she was asleep. Finding out she was the leader of a gang, the man laughed, and mocked her gender. Kathi frowned, becoming hostile, and warned him not to say anything like that again. The man ignored her, making another comment, which was enough to push the already angered Kathi over the edge. She threw a punch right in the man's face, which he returned as another Midnight Club member, Eric arrived at the shop. Eric pulled out a baseball bat and threatened the man, and the man responded by pulling out a crowbar. Kathi pulled out her knife as Ricki came back, and he ordered them to stop. They ignored, and the man made another comment, resulting in Eric pulling out his pistol and shooting the man in his leg. The man pulled out his pistol, and Kathi pulled out hers, aiming it at him. Ricki ordered them once again to stop, but instead everyone stared at each other. By this time, a man Ricki and Eric had met previously arrived, and had joined in on the stand-off. After another plea to stop from Ricki, Kathi decided she had enough of the man and put away her pistol, walking away from the scene to order a taxi to take her to the dealership, but she warned the man she wouldn't forget his face before leaving.

Kathi arrived at the dealership in Pillbox Hill and went to look at the RH8. After speaking to a less-than-enthusiastic receptionist, she walked around to the back of the showroom and saw a fully tuned, gleaming Annis Elegy RH8 in metallic Garnet Red. It had everything - canards, dual exhaust, racing intercooler, roll cage, chassis upgrade, engine upgrades, transmission upgrades - it was the perfect racing machine, and Kathi instantly fell in love. After being harassed by a larger-than-life salesman, Kathi was handed over the keys and was the official owner of the Elegy. She slowly drove it out of the show room and into the car park, and revved it, the dual exhausts popping back flames. She grinned, and floored it out of the car park, leaving in a mist of black smoke from the custom tyres.

She went to Hao's shop and thanked him for the car once more, and then headed back home to Brooke after receiving a call that she had found a house and found out where the Brotherhood was based. Brooke told her that the Brotherhood had recently occupied Del Perro Pier and had made it their HQ, which Kathi savoured in her mind for future reference. The sisters then went to check out a relatively cheap but nice place in Vinewood Hills, and Kathi instantly fell in love with that too. It had a double garage, a pool, and a breathtaking view of the city, spreading for miles around. Kathi decided there and then that it would be the perfect house, away from Mirror Park, and 'fancy' enough for her status, and they returned home to buy the house and pack their bags, as the sooner they got out of there, the better.

With Kathi's hatred towards the Brotherhood now even worse, what will her plans be to get revenge on their actions?
RP Summary- Ricki Parkinson
(What I remember)
After 'joining' the Brotherhood, Ricki did some uninteresting activities such buying new clothes and driving around Los Santos. Then Ricki decided to drive the convertible Sentinel because the sun was shining with no clouds in the way. While driving the Sentinel, Ricki saw a ad showing a Mesa for sell and decided to take it for a test drive. Ricki contacted the owner (Seeq's character name) and arranged the meet up at a LSC shop next to the police station. Ricki arrives and meets the owner and takes it a quick drive around the block (literally). Then things turned in for the worse.

Ricki comes back to see his blue Sentinel completely wrecked to hell. A stranger named Oswald then came to tell Ricki that he saw nicely dressed men bash it up. Ricki then jumped on the motorcycle (forgot who it was) and both the driver and Oswald then went in pursuit towards the pier. Once they arrived at the pier, two men was running down the pier away from the arrival of three people. Ricki then pulled out his gun as the men got into cars and drove away. After Ricki got back on the bike, the pursuit was called off as the men got away. Furious, Ricki asked Oswald to drive him back to his beaten Sentinel.

While on the way back, Ricki did a internet search and found a mechanic named Kathi who probably could fix the car. Ricki made a phone call and Kathi told him that Han will have to fix it. Then Ricki overhears her sister in the background screaming that some men had trashed Kathi's car. Kathi quickly hanged up the phone after she told Ricki to take it to the LSC by the airport. The Sentinel barely made it to the garage. Ricki called Mors Insurance and Mors sent a rental Ocelot Jackal while the car was in the shop.

Ricki then drove around Los Santos and then spots a beaten Gauntlet barely moving. Ricki then tailed the Gauntlet back to the garage where his Sentinel was. He parked behind the Gauntlet to see a female get out. Ricki gets out of the Jackal, goes to Kathi and asked about the Gauntlet. When Kathi responded about the Gauntlet, Ricki pointed to his Sentinel at the back. Ricki then tells Kathi that some people told him that nicely dressed men did that to his car. Kathi responded with, "Brotherhood." Then Ricki pointed out that he was suppose to be in the Brotherhood but he's not so sure since they wrecked his Sentinel. Kathi responds with a invitation to get revenge but Ricki declined, worried about the consequences. Ricki then had to call and meet with Liam so he said a goodbye to Kathi and drove off to the pier in the Jackal.

As Ricki appears to the pier, he sees a black-reddish Buffalo and a 9F at the entrance. Wondering what is going on, Ricki parks next to the Buffalo and walks down the pier. As he approaches the end of the pier, he sees Liam and Dan confront two men with a scooter behind them. "What the hell is going on?" Ricki asks. Shortly after, Liam told the guys to leave and apologizes to Ricki. Ricki then complained that his Sentinel is in the shop and those two had wrecked it. Liam then apologizes again and points at Dan (Who wasn't available to respond at the time. Gud jerb Dan). Ricki then said he had to go check on his car and walks out to find his Jackal with a dent. It wasn't his day at all.

As Ricki arrived at the garage, he sees the 9F and a Oracle along with the Gauntlet and Sentinel.
*I have a cold/sickness so I'm just gonna rap this up. My head hurts finishing all of this.
Stand off between everybody-Everybody chills-Everybody leaves-The end.
Name: Marco Villeneuve
Age: 16
PSN: o6villma (with a "o", not a 0, I've seen this mistake too many times.)
Role Play experience: (Like how much times I RPed and since when?) I love RPing, it's a great way to have a personnal story in a game. I've RPed many times, be it GTA IV, GT5 or even toy cars when I was younger, I've always enjoyed it.

In Character (IC)

Name: (Heeeeeh, can this be changed at any time?) Jacob Springstein sounds nice

Age: 23

Job/Career/Money Source: "Less than legal" means, owns a gas station in LS too!

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Petty thief since he was 18, Jacob made it big on a small job that resulted in his partners' arrests, leaving him with all the money. This small job was in fact jsut a house robbery- they just didn't realize they were robbing Antonio DeMaria, a Godfather with close ties to Sergeant McCoy who jailed Jacob's friends. No desire to rot in LC or in jail, he moved to LS to embark on a sunny lifestyle. Don't be fooled by his 400K condo though, he rents. Jacob has around 60K lying in a bank account. He rarely spends anything and lets it acquire value by doing jobs from various contacts around town. Jacob comes from a wealthy family that crumbled when his father left when he was only 13. His father, Michel Springstein was the only big money source in his family; he was a criminal grade lawyer. His wife was only a pretty-face with what seemed to be too much of an intelligence- she figured out Michel's numerous affairs and kicked him out of the house. When Jacob was 17, he got a phonecall from the LCPD that his father had died from extreme wounds after being beaten up. He had "talked too much", well that was Jacob's theory. Jacob's theory is that he had spilled the beans about one of his clients and that very client was not happy. Jacob was as shcoked as it can get; he had not seen his father in 4 years nor did he care about him. He inherited nothing except a beat up F620, maybe his father was in that car at his death? This is highly possible since there was a blood stain on the gauges. The car was so broken, repair costs were too high- that is until he made it big on this first job.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Jacob is mostly upbeat and loves family (except that he still hates his father despite him being dead) and only sees them around once or twice a year. He loves to be in the company of others and is a happy-hour enthusiast.

Photograph (If available): Yeeeaaah... Jacob hates photos. And I didn't bother to save one before. =3

SIDE NOTE - I see that there are 19/20 members but also one in a reserved space. Will that extra space be taken by him and if I am to accepted, will I go in the reserved list? Or will I immediately skip to member's list?
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Thanks for the brilliant summaries everyone - I can see that the lobbies have been eventful :)

So from what I'm seeing, the two gangs are slowly becoming aware of each other especially since the Brotherhood are smashing cars belonging to the Midnight. I can see there will be a full on gang war very soon...
Probably not coming tonight guys. But if anything that has to do with my character and his car sales please include so I can pick up on it next chance I get. (Note: I want little to nothing when it comes to choosing sides with the two gangs.)
Before I invite anyone or create a room, I want to know if anyone else is going to join besides Lucas, Katie, and possibly DBeav (they're the only ones on). If not, I won't bother with a room because a 3 or 4 person lobby is just... ugh.
I can't come again tonight college always cuts out Monday and Tuesday nights for me. Wednesday to Sunday are been my best times, however I won't be here Saturday as I'm going to see the Top Gear Live show in Glasgow.
Im on and would join
I'd love to add you, but it says you're still pending my friend request.

Name: Marco Villeneuve
Age: 16
PSN: o6villma (with a "o", not a 0, I've seen this mistake too many times.)
Role Play experience: (Like how much times I RPed and since when?) I love RPing, it's a great way to have a personnal story in a game. I've RPed many times, be it GTA IV, GT5 or even toy cars when I was younger, I've always enjoyed it.

In Character (IC)

Name: (Heeeeeh, can this be changed at any time?) Jacob Springstein sounds nice

Age: 23

Job/Career/Money Source: "Less than legal" means, owns a gas station in LS too!

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Petty thief since he was 18, Jacob made it big on a small job that resulted in his partners' arrests, leaving him with all the money. No desire to rot in LC, he moved to LS to embark on a sunny lifestyle. Don't be fooled by his 400K condo though, he rents. Jacob has around 60K lying in a bank account. He rarely spends anything and lets it acquire value by doing jobs from various contacts around town. Jacob comes from a wealthy family that crumbled when his father left when he was only 13. When he was 17, he got news that his father had died from "talking too much". He inherited nothing except a beat up F620. The car was so broken repair costs were too high- that is until he made it big on this first job.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Jacob is mostly upbeat and loves family despite only seeing them around once or twice a year. He loves to be in the company of others and is a happy-hour enthusiast.

Photograph (If available): Yeeeaaah... Jacob hates photos. And I didn't bother to save one before. =3

SIDE NOTE - I see that there are 19/20 members but also one in a reserved space. Will that extra space be taken by him and if I am to accepted, will I go in the reserved list? Or will I immediately skip to member's list?
1.) No, your character's name cannot be changed at anytime.
2.) What was this "small job" that got his partner's arrested?
3.) How did his family fall apart?
4.) How/Why did he get news that his father was killed from "talking too much?" What does that mean?
5.) The member's list was not updated yet, so you'll be put on a queue list and won't be able to join events until one member of the club is removed/leaves. The "reserve" thing is just there for member's who used to be active but are not really active anymore - but I will change that in the future. No more 50/50 - either you're in or your out.
Quick RP Summary because my coughing has gotten worse and I don't want to wind up ded with a unfinished post.
Ricki sees Oswald in Oracle. He then checks on Oswald. After small talk, Ricki calls Kathi who was packing up to move. Ricki offered to help so he went to Kathi's house. Kathi shows with Mule mover, packs, swore to Ricki about selling her out, and moved. After unloading at new home, Ricki left as [Doogler's character name] enters. Ricki went to home to buy a Carbonizzare online and went to bed. Ricki wakes up and Carbonizzare is in le garage. Ricki takes it for a drive and then calls Kathi for a race. They met up at LSC at La Mesa. Finish line was at LSC by airport. Result was nearly a dead heat with Kathi getting it. And Deebo came and stole my sheit (jking).

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