[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
I'm torn. I'm currently watching Radio 1's Big Weekend and Tiesto is about to perform live and he's quite possibly my favourite DJ of all time. I'll have to try and get it on my laptop because I'm not missing the RP... or Tiesto. :lol:
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Dominic Riley
Age: 19
PSN: imRioter
Role Play experience: ProjectWHaT's Cruise Club, DBeav's Cruise Club & this the last time it was around.

In Character (IC)

Name: Brad Shaw
Age: 27
Job/Career/Money Source: Driver, Security hire, Strip Club Security & Part of Merryweather's Consultant for Tactical Assaults.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Brad moved over to the US of A when he was 14, with a mind set on joining the SAS in the UK, which was his dream when he lived in the UK as a young boy. When he moved to Los Santos he developed quite fast, being strong and a "Top Boy" at school. This made him fearless, brave and untouchable during his school years. As soon as he left school, he joined the US Army, quickly rising through the ranks by assisting heavily in Afghanistan, making him an asset in the forces. Merryweather approached him after his outstanding work in Afghanistan to make him part of a special team that plan each tactical assault, so in future when you get killed by mercenaries, they may have been sent & briefed by Brad. He lives in a large house up in the hills, with a whole security system based on Merryweather's "iSecure" system, making his house a fortress. He drives his Enus Super Diamond to work, but on his days off he has numerous cars stored, which he can drive at his disposal. In the next coming years Brad wants to own some businesses, maybe get his airplane license too, but he certainly wants to work on his career in Merryweather, and someday become General in the Merryweather ranks.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Brad's generally a clam person, but once provoked you will know about it. He lives alone, and is always looking for that special someone, but it has to be someone who is willing to adapt to his life.
Vehicle & Photograph (If available):

& My Baby.

In Character (IC)

Name: Naoto "Gavin" Koboyashi
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Transporter/Courier

Naoto Koboyashi had emigrated to the United States in 2008, The second oldest out of 4 brothers, he had led a relatively normal, and rather unremarkable childhood in Fukuoka, Japan. With no surefooted goal and only a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, he moved to Liberty City, not realizing what he'd find in such of a rather infamous city. Finding a job within the city wasn't relatively hard, he had managed to find himself working as a cashier for a 24/7 convenience store within the Algonquin borough, and supported himself through other menial jobs. It got to the point where his life was going in this direction seemed too humdrum and bland. Yearning to find something new and exciting, he turned to his friend who, was operating a rather shady Grey Market automobile importing business and asked if he had any thoughts or ideas. His friend had suggested several, which admittedly didn't seem so much as a good idea, even including some which would have gone horribly wrong if there was ever a mistake. Dejected and on the verge of giving up, he happened upon a job offer while surfing through the internet one day.

The ad had mentioned that an employer was seeking a suitable driver to deliver some goods to various destinations, however the only problem was, the job was located on the other side of the country in Los Santos. With his mind set, Naoto packed up his belongings and set out west. Los Santos is a fast paced city, Naoto was overwhelmed at first as he tried to get himself settled, and began having second thoughts, however after meeting the person who had posted the ad, he began changing his mind gradually. And pretty soon, the job had paid off well, and had earned himself a decent sized apartment in Rockford Hills, and two mid level luxury, yet simple cars.



Personality: Naoto generally keeps to himself and is naturally a quiet person, somewhat introverted, he's also not that big on greetings or such, not that he doesn't do it intentionally, but is merely just a long time habit. He prefers to be called Gavin, partly due to people often mispronouncing his name, and partly because of a certain musician he admires and listens to alot of his songs. He is also easy going, and friendly once getting to know of, however he does get very annoyed and frustrated at times. He also prefers Cluckin' Bell's chicken nuggets over Burger Shot's nuggets, often finding the latter to taste rather, undercooked.
@Michelin My apologies for pretty much forgetting all about you. I was finishing up my story, reading these applications, sending invites to people so they can join the chat and lobby, and also trying to make lunch because I haven't eaten yet today :lol:
If you're still around I'd love to add you.
@Michelin My apologies for pretty much forgetting all about you. I was finishing up my story, reading these applications, sending invites to people so they can join the chat and lobby, and also trying to make lunch because I haven't eaten yet today :lol:
If you're still around I'd love to add you.

No problem with that, guess I have to say sorry for bugging you a lot. :lol:

Well, Brandon's pretty much dead after one episode. He's taking the next flight to France so he can race at le Mans and keep his racing carrer at the WEC. :lol:

I'll probably have a new one by the next RP. :dopey:
In Character (IC)

Name: William E. Young
Age: 34
Job/Career/Money Source: Patrol Officer
Bio: William was born in Tuscon, Arizona, in 1980. William's parents were never wealthy by any means, meaning once William was born, they were classified as lower-middle class. Because of this, William was typically found with the wrong crowd. His parents had always told him what was responsible, yet it never stuck with William at the time. At around 10 years old, it was common for William to be sent to the principal office at school. He would do anything for entertainment and a laugh, even if that ment getting in trouble. He always wanted to impress his friends and be the popular student.

At around 16 years old, William was in high school. After years of living in Tuscon, he's grown into affiliations with plenty of gang members and thugs. William and his friends were always looking for a way to make a quick buck. Either harassing kids near the arcade machine or simply trying to scam somebody, they always made money somehow. William and his friends knew of a vacant house that was up for rent. No one was living in the house at the time, so the group thought they would see if they could scavange anything. Once they got in the house, one of the neighbors had called the police after hearing noises coming from the vacant house. While William and his friends were in the house, the police arrived and took them all under custody.

While William was in a holding cell waiting for his mother, he thought long about the past few years. He knew he needed to change or else this wasn't going to be the only time he will see a cell. William requested to be homeschooled - he was seperated from his friends to focus on a more positive outlook on life. As he grew older, he continued to think about the day he spent in a holding cell. He wanted to be a police officer.

William decided it would be best for himself to move away from where he grew up. He no longer wanted to be tied up with his old friends in anyway. He moved to Los Santos to join the Los Santos Community Police Academy when he was 22. After sucesfully completeing the academy and being accepted in the Los Santos Police force, he felt at home.

Over the next 10+ years of William living in the city, he has fallen in love, gotten married to his wife Shannon, and had a child - a boy named Nathan. Recently, however, he has learned more and more about the corruption of the force. He understands there is more money to be made behind the scenes of a police officer. Willaim supports his family well enough, but is he really happy? Will he try and earn extra money on the side?
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): William is fairly patient and relaxed. He has no problem helping other people when they need assistance. However, if you threaten him or his family, he will have no problem messing you up.

His police car:

I don't feel like finding and stealing a police car every event and risk losing it. So what I did instead was get myself a Stanier, blacked it out, but some smoothie wheels on it with turbo and a cop horn. Please treat this as an actual police car. If I'm behind you honking the horn, be aware that I'm a cop please :)

William also likes to drive his wife's Cavalcade when not working/in his cruiser.

William's house.
Summary of RP Event #1 for Marcello

After waking up to yet another boring day, Marcello decided to have a walk over to the pier for a smoke and to ruminate on his life in the city. As night began to fall, he met Chandler Blackson and had a short chat with him before walking back to his house. He then disconnected, accidentally cancelled the invite sent to him when exiting out of snapmatic and then GTA froze and took a number of tries to actually start up again noticed that the following night was a free drinks night at the Bahama Mamas nightclub and decided to go along to it. He got dressed into slightly smarter attire and headed to the club just as it opened, and was soon joined by Douglas McGregor and Craig Murray and had a rather good time drinking with them... until Kenton Outway turned up. Yep. Kenton tried ordering blood from the bartender and started yelling when he was served a strawberry drink, which got Marcello rather angry at him. Before the situation escalated into a fight, however, Kenton was approached by the cops and made a swift and deadly getaway. After a few more drinks, Marcello noticed the time and headed back to his house... except he didn't. Recognizing how threatening Kenton was, he went into the nearby Suburban and put on a disguise, then broke into a car to head towards his lockup near the airport, where he brought out his Sentinel. He called Craig to innocently ask if he had gotten Kenton's registration, but unfortunately this was not the case, and Kenton hadn't returned to the nightclub. Disappointed and slightly concerned, Marcello drove off... and immediately drove past Kenton. As Marcello stopped to think about what to do next, Kenton swerved past honking... then stopped, almost recognizing Marcello from the previous night. However, thanks to his cunning disguise, Marcello remained anonymous enough to stop Kenton from killing him. After some attempts to stalk him following this interaction, Marcello unfortunately lost sight of Kenton's black Jackal and had to return to his lockup, put his normal clothes back on and head back home.

This begs the question, what does Marcello want that makes Kenton such a threat? hmmm
RP Summary - Kenton Outway:

[Plows through a crowd at Del Perro Pier with Zentorno]
A regular day for Kenton Outway, who is just trying to entertain himself by trying to get the cops onto him. Cop cars and helicopters pursue Kenton as he smashes his way through a film studio and has his front left tyre shot out but regardless manages to evade the cops not long after.

Cradling the wounded Zentorno to his appartment, he collides into Brad Shaw who was exiting the garage. More concerned about the cops who were still looking for him, he refuses to exchange details for insurance.


Now in his Tailgater, the next morning he decided to wake up Los Santos by honking his horn and yelling out of the window at 5am...

Satisfied with his wake-up ritual, he heads to the pier.


Kenton walks around the pier and finds a group of people admiring a living statue. Annoyed that they are impressed with someone pretending to be still, he decides to intervene to make sure that he really was "still". So he got out his knife and stabbed the statue in the side who collapses to the ground immediately and completely dispersing the crowd. Seeing that the statue was still alive after the stab, Kenton decided to take things further.

[The following extract contains gore and may not be suitable for sensitive people. Do not expand this quote box unless you are sure that you can cope with it. You have been warned.]

Kenton: Let me show you something.
[Kenton uses his knife to carve open the statue man's belly and rips out his stomach with his bare hands. He holds the stomach over his face for him to see.]
Kenton: Did you know? A human can still pretty much live even if I tear this out. I mean, look at you, you're still trembling in fear. It's a pretty cute sight to behold...
[Kenton holds the knife near the stomach]
Kenton: Oh, and also...
[Kenton creates a gash in the stomach and lets the stomach acid and several foodstuff fall onto the living statue's face]
Kenton: Mmm! Isn't it nice to eat up your food all over again? With a little dash of your own stomach acid, dissolving your face as we speak!
[Kenton forces the flimsy organ into his mouth]
Kenton: Come on, EAT UP.
[Kenton watches the living statue squirm]
Kenton: Yeah, so you see, you're pretty much ****ed. Why don't I put you out of your misery?
[Kenton thrusts the knife into his neck, then uses his elbow to force his head upwards like a door hinge and decapitates him. Some blood sprays onto Kenton's leather jacket]
Following this, the cops start to pursue Kenton again, who evades.


He ended up near a coffee shop where some kids try to beat Kenton up. Of course, he just stabs them all. Paramedics arrived shortly to try to help out, but Kenton tells them it's useless to save them which may have angered the paramedics. He stabs them both.


Having seen a Lifeinvader notice that there was a part at a night club, Kenton decides to pop by for entertainment. He didn't bother to get changed, and turned up in his BF Surfer since he believed it had that party spirit (even though it's amazingly rusty). He parks in a bay, but notices that a green sultan is jutting into his bay (even though it was already there by the time Kenton arrived...). Slightly pissed off, he enters the night club.

Kenton: Hey, whoever parked their green Sultana or whatever it is in my bay, you better move it out of my way.
This utterence of Kenton's managed to catch the attention of the Sultan's owner - Craig Murray.

Kenton: Yeah, so your Sultan is in my bay. I suggest that you move it before it gets a traffic warden punishment Kenton style.
Craig, while criticising Kenton under his breath, decides to move his Sultan.

Kenton sees a group of people getting drinks at the bar, who himself decides to order one.

Kenton: [points at bartender] Oi, you. Could you make me something like blood? You know, crimson red, viscous and metallic tasting?
Both Dougie McGregor and Marcello Fenelly, who were enjoying their drinks, were disturbed by Kenton's request. The former had actually spat out his cup of beer in disgust. Both men thought Kenton was crazy.

Kenton: You do realise, you just wasted your money by spitting out that cup of beer of yours.
He failed to realise, however, that the drinks were free...

At that point, Kenton's drink arrived and took a sip.

Kenton spat out his drink, and tosses the still full glass across the club, smashing against a wall.

By this stage, Marcello was getting quite annoyed with Kenton who asks him to leave since was acting idiotic and everyone else wants to have fun. Kenton retorts saying that he is having fun so there's no point. A small argument ensues, with Marcello threatening Kenton, with Kenton threatening him back but was cut short as he heard sirens and was soon, once again, being chased by the cops.


After a while, Kenton returned to the nightclub, but finds out that everyone had left. Disappointed, he decided to head home when he sees a black Sentinel parked on the road and swerves to avoid him. He honks his horn:

[He pauses]
Kenton: I don't know about you, but I am sure I have seen that face of yours before.
The man disagrees however, and decides to head on his way without creating much fuss. Kenton shrugs his shoulders and heads home himself. There, he notices Brandon Michelin who decided to enter his appartment by the garage door.

Kenton: Hey, there IS a door on the other side of the garage you know! Why not use that?
It was slightly too late - Brandon had entered his appartment through the garage door, greatly confusing Kenton.

Final thoughts from GT:

...Welcome back Kenton. Man, I've missed the RP and my characters and a great session yesterday. I think Kenton's already starting to get to know some of the other characters from the get-go, and after seeing Snorvette's summary, it could quickly get interesting for Kenton...

I'm not sure if my summary of Kenton will make the mods happy, seeing how extreme Kenton and his antics are, even if I made a warning and placed it into a spoiler like quote box (is there spoiler tags? I don't remember seeing one). I might need to dilute them in future summaries, I'm not sure.

Anyway, as usual, Kane for next session. Time to get back into his shoes :lol:
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I expected to have that scene where Kenton yelled at Brandon because he was walking towards the garage entry at Richards Majestic. :lol:
I changed Terri's car a bit again. The Stanier is staying, but due to @Pinkintron's character driving a cop car looking Stanier, it looked very similar to his and instead I sprayed it in a generic champagne colour.

[...]Dorothy went back home to Liberty City once Terri was on track, and helped her pay for a car, a cheap but cheerful champagne-coloured Vapid Stanier from a hoodlum in Davis. It had over 200k on the clock, but it was good enough for her. It came with 22" pimp rims, tinted windows, and on hot days has an aroma of cannabis, but it gets her around the city. She soon sold the wheels to another hoodlum in Strawberry and replaced them with the cheapest wheels she could find - black steelies.

The generic, high miler weed-smelling panthermobile.

Wassup Ladies and Gentlemen, its ya boy AQG here, just remindin y'all ma Twitter is @AlexGreeneRap, head ova there and give me a follow to stay in the loop and become a baby a followah. Peace - A

(Instead of doing a event summary, those that are interested can follow my character's Twitter, where I will post updates about his day)
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So, it's open again.
I will also be more strict on myself ... as well as more strict on my timing. I will try and be as accurate as possible for every planned event I post in the OP.
I'm going to have to contradict myself already on this. My cousins are coming to visit around this time - I just learnt about this not two hours ago. I changed the timing to a later hour. I know this may change everything, but I'm hoping they leave earlier than I hope so I don't have to break my promise.
So, don't expect the event to be at 12, but expect there to be an event sometime tomorrow. I apologize greatly - I did not see this coming and I am not too happy about it.
I'm going to have to contradict myself already on this. My cousins are coming to visit around this time - I just learnt about this not two hours ago. I changed the timing to a later hour. I know this may change everything, but I'm hoping they leave earlier than I hope so I don't have to break my promise.
So, don't expect the event to be at 12, but expect there to be an event sometime tomorrow. I apologize greatly - I did not see this coming and I am not too happy about it.

This makes me happy. I was not going to be able to attend today's event because I'm going to a football match, but not I should be able to come! :D
I'm going to have to contradict myself already on this. My cousins are coming to visit around this time - I just learnt about this not two hours ago. I changed the timing to a later hour. I know this may change everything, but I'm hoping they leave earlier than I hope so I don't have to break my promise.
So, don't expect the event to be at 12, but expect there to be an event sometime tomorrow. I apologize greatly - I did not see this coming and I am not too happy about it.

I'm off school for a week so I can make any time really. Or, perhaps, someone else could host the event?
I'm going to have to contradict myself already on this. My cousins are coming to visit around this time - I just learnt about this not two hours ago. I changed the timing to a later hour. I know this may change everything, but I'm hoping they leave earlier than I hope so I don't have to break my promise.
So, don't expect the event to be at 12, but expect there to be an event sometime tomorrow. I apologize greatly - I did not see this coming and I am not too happy about it.

What time is it going to start on Central Time today?
Name Tay
Age: 15
Roleplay : MosFree Roam games.

Name Adam
Age 21
Job Courier
Bio : Adam has been a courier for LS Haulage for 3 years & knows the area really well. His father own the Suburban clothes store & South LS customs. Adam has a Tailgater when driving casually but when he is in his free time he drives his jumped up Rancher off road & rock crawling. His dream Job is to be a cop & is waiting for his application for the force to be accepted.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He isn't a very aggressive person but can get annoying if bothered. He also isn't very laid back, once he starts a job he is confident and plans on finishing it. BTW I LOVE CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!!
Name Tay
Age: 15
Roleplay : MosFree Roam games.

Name Adam
Age 21
Job Courier
Bio : Adam has been a courier for LS Haulage for 3 years & knows the area really well. His father own the Suburban clothes store & South LS customs. Adam has a Tailgater when driving casually but when he is in his free time he drives his jumped up Rancher off road & rock crawling. His dream Job is to be a cop & is waiting for his application for the force to be accepted.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He isn't a very aggressive person but can get annoying if bothered. He also isn't very laid back, once he starts a job he is confident and plans on finishing it. BTW I LOVE CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!!
Even though I'm not Pinkitron or a official mod for this group, I can already tell you that this isn't going to be accepted.

First, is that the same application that is shown on the first page? It just doesn't look good at all, plus you're missing the photograph requirement.

Second, that paragraph for a bio isn't going to cut it. Can we get a background to him? His family? It's just so half-arsed looking for an application.

I'm just giving constructive criticism before you have all the other members and probably Pink tear at you just because of the app.
Name Tay
Age: 15
Roleplay : MosFree Roam games.

Name Adam
Age 21
Job Courier
Bio : Adam has been a courier for LS Haulage for 3 years & knows the area really well. His father own the Suburban clothes store & South LS customs, the shop specializes in Rock Climbing vehicles, they dont get many customers so it would be nice if you could pop by. Adam has a Tailgater when driving casually but when he is in his free time he drives his jumped up Rancher off road & rock crawling. His dream Job is to be a cop & is waiting for his application for the force to be accepted. My mother died when I was 8, living in Liberty City was too much for her. She was the woman found dead at the bottom of the Empire State building... Since then I've never been back. I liked growing up with my dad, going football games, stunt shows and he even taught me rock climbing, but now, with my father working, he never has time to do father and son stuff. I have 2 brothers who are somewhere in Afghanistan fighting. I recieve letters weekly which I keep safe incase the inevitable happens...

Adams hobbies are football, he liked going to the games with his dad, and rock crawling. Adams past life involved gun crime and drug abuse but he served his time when he was sentenced to a youth offenders at the age of 15, his sentence was 3 years but halved as mysteriously the evidence against him was damaged and was not enough to charge him with the gun crime. Adam is now a revolved criminal living the high life after his father gave him money as he has no time for him. He lives in La Puerta and likes riding his JetSki through the little tight canals, he has had a few accidents on it but not as big as the accident he had in 2012.. He was off-roading down the tight paths of Mt Chiliad and crack... His wheel axle snapped and he was sent off the cliff side. After spending 2 months in hospital he was back to his job delivering parcels for LS Haulages.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Adam likes to keep cool but when he gets angry, (little tip..) keep away from him! He's originally calm and likes to meet new people. BTW I LOVE CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!!
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Even though I'm not Pinkitron or a official mod for this group, I can already tell you that this isn't going to be accepted.

First, is that the same application that is shown on the first page? It just doesn't look good at all, plus you're missing the photograph requirement.

Second, that paragraph for a bio isn't going to cut it. Can we get a background to him? His family? It's just so half-arsed looking for an application.

I'm just giving constructive criticism before you have all the other members and probably Pink tear at you just because of the app.
I have edited my app and I'm sorry for the last one, i was on my PS3 & it would of taken ages to write up. Hope you get back soon!
I have edited my app and I'm sorry for the last one, i was on my PS3 & it would of taken ages to write up. Hope you get back soon!
Understandable. PS3's version of a web browser is a bit rubbish.
I have edited my app and I'm sorry for the last one, i was on my PS3 & it would of taken ages to write up. Hope you get back soon!

Please don't double post, either. The edited app is improved but still lacks a lot, and suddenly changes from third person to first person. Try taking a look at the previous applications to see the kind of standard we want. :)
Haven't been getting alerts. I haven't been home for a couple days. I'll try to get my bio up today and join the next event.

Edit: I'll post my bio as soon as I can get a picture of my character.
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