RP Summary - Diego Brookley
Diego had driven home that night, back to the house, and after he had parked up, he could see Vixen in the distance; although he didn't know why as it was past midnight. Diego had begun to walk away and go out for a drive up in Rockford, as per usual, but as he walked away, he could hear Vixen say the words 'job' and 'move out' in the same sentence. Diego started to get suspicious, but then carried on walking away.
The next morning, Diego went down to the driveway to take his Futo out for a drive; although it wasn't that easy. Christian, for some strange reason, decided that he would take Diego's Futo out for some reason; and subsequently managed to smash a headlight.
Inevitably, Diego was angered by this and resorted to kicking Christian's Bati 801 over; scratching the body. Thus, Christian started crying like a weenie, but Diego didn't care - he just wanted his headlight fixed; so he stood from a far watching Vixen comfort Christian.
Now, Diego was pissed off with Vixen too, as he was on Christian's side; so he contemplated whether or not his Alpha should receive some punishment too. In the end, it didn't - but only because Diego was too distracted by Christian challenging him to a race; a Karin Futo VS a Pegassi Bati 801. Vixen stepped in and broke of the duel; and Diego, inside, was glad, because he knew the he would get destroyed, but didn't express these thoughts.
Afterwards, Vixen announced that he had to go to a job, and Diego, remembering what Vixen said last night about moving out with a job, got suspicious; but Vixen wasn't having it. He didn't want Diego coming with him - causing Diego to get even more suspicious about what Vixen was doing. A young, pretty 21 year old, having a job that could lead to him moving out? What was he doing? Stripping at the Unicorn? Diego, worried about that, decided that he was going to follow him no-matter-what.. Although; it didn't take long for the pair to have an accident. Diego had managed to rear end the Alpha as they were both coming out of the driveway. The pair carried on driving into the mountains, but eventually, Vixen's talent ran out, as he spun out and nearly fell down the side of the mountain.
Diego chuckled at the fact that Vixen had managed to get himself into an accident because he didn't want Diego in his car or following him. Diego told himself; "Should've just let me in, Sonny". Diego drove off, leaving Vixen and his Alpha in a ditch on the side of the mountain. Diego went in search for a Mechanic or Repair Shop that would fix the Futo's headlight and dented grill. After driving around for what felt like forever, Diego found himself a place called 'Los Santos Customs' in the Center of Burton. He dropped the Futo off and rang Vixen for a lift; only to not have him pick up. Then, Diego resorted to calling Christian, who has willing enough to give him a lift home so that Diego could get his Schwatzer. On the way home, Diego told Christian about the fact that he didn't pick up, and he too was worried/concerned. Eventually the duo got home in one piece; but without hearing a word from Vixen - and not finding out what he did..
Closing Thoughts:
Last night reminded me why I love this group so much! It's quite fun interacting with people; and have them hate/love each other.
Ishikawa M How am I terrible? Because I left you to die at the side of the road?