[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
I have dinner the moment I got the chat invite. :ouch:
Depending on if my parents want to watch TV afterwards, I should be able to go on
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Yumi
Age: 19
PSN: x_Shes-So-Yumi_x
Role Play Experience: Pretty Much New At This

In Character (IC)

Name: Yumi Megami

Age: 21

Job/Career/Money Source: Private Airline Pilot


Megami was born in Tokyo, Japan in the early 90’s, though her stay there short lived. Lost both her parents in a horrible accident in ’99. Too young to understand what death was, she always asked Where was “mommy and daddy”. She then lived with her grand mother up until 2001, when she died from natural causes: Age. Still oblivious to what was happening to her, she lived on smiling. Was thrown in a group home, for about two years. During her time there she began to do nothing but think, and draw pictures of a “family”. Would question herself, wondering if it was her fault everyone she loved kept leaving her. Suddenly her smiles were more of a rare sight to behold. In 2003 she was finally adopted by a hispanic/italian family. Where she thought she would be safe. As the people seemed so very nice upon introduction, she hugged them and closed her eyes, imagining she was hugging her own parents. She hated to open her own eyes, only to be reminded they’re still gone.

On the first morning in a new home, she then sees what lies ahead. The family was very abusive, verbally and mentally. As she grew older, she stilled questioned, if she was being punished for what she has done. It wasn’t something she protested against, for she believed she deserved it and that was the reason why her parents left her. Year into the adoption, her sister is at the door. What a sight it is to Megami, as she is reunited with family once again. Upon introduction, Megami is asked where did the bruises come from. All she could say was, “I can be a bit clumsy sometimes,” and shrugged. As the sister lives in the household now, she begins to think otherwise of those bruises, as she sees how they live and what the step father, does to the wife on a daily basis. Megami is confronted by her sister, saying we should get out of here, just us, and try and make it out there saying that we cannot keep living like this.

One evening, the step father kicked the sister out due to her not being able to find a job or provide further for the household. Once again being reminded, money is all that their mind is on. Her sister died two days later from a stabbing, right in front of the very apartment Megami lived in. It was reported that it was over a fur coat. Megami has lost her smile, after years of hiding tears, and living in fear. It is now 2014. She decides to try and make it out on her own, as it was her sister’s wish. She takes all of the savings, and moves to Los Santos. She always had dreams of being a pilot, so this is what she goes for. She puts her heart and soul into anything she does. She recently got a job as a private airline pilot and tries to create more happy activities then sad.

Traits/Personality: Poetic, Unpredictable, Trustworthy, Loyal, Forgiving, Soft spoken
Megami is a very laxed person; she doesn't get angry or offended easily and will forgive you no matter the situation, as friendship and family and love is everything that matters in this world.

Vehicles: Futo / Emperor / Manana / Peyote

P.S: I like chicken nuggets
Interesting. Accepted!

Out Of Character (OOC)

Age: 17
Role Play experience: Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Minecraft and Gran Turismo 5

In Character (IC)

Name: Jorge Adrián Samperio Rocha

Age: 24

Job/Career/Money Source: Accounter in Café Redemption and Air Emu.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Born in December 19th, 1989, on León, Guanajuato, located in the center of México, he's the second of three children: Víctor Manuel (02/15/1986 - 09/08/2012), him, and Dulce Janette (04/01/1991), Sons of Víctor Manuel Samperio Oceguera (01/15/1963 - 01/01/2011) a successful realtor, and Diana Rocha Vidal (05/09/1964 - 01/01/2011) an accounting assistant.

Jorge did not had a difficult childhood, he had everything any children of his age would want... specially, a role model, like his brother, intelligent, openminded, creative and playful, he always was following him, trying to imitate everything his brother did, and that helped to forge a creative and openminded personality, like his brother, but there was one detail there, he was not as extroverted as his brother, actually, he was sometimes shy and always was thinking about what is he going to do next, he started to plan it, "how is he getting it?" "why?" "is it risky?" "is it worth it?" In other words, early maturity, he passed Elementary School without any problem at all.

Then he moved to Mexicali, a border city located in the Northwest of the country, because his father was looking for real estate opportunities around the country, Jorge studied Middle School there, he didn't liked the Weather, but everyone in his family did, temperatures reaching above 50°C on summer, but it was temporary stay so he did not complained at all, even though he gets sick if exposed to temperatures like that. Then, they moved to Los Cabos, Culiacán, and San Blás.

When the family finally moved back to León, pretty much nothing interesting happened, just that he almost graduates from High School with perfect grades, a 9.8 out of 10, something his brother was able to do, obviously, Jorge was frustrated, because he always wanted to achieve the same things as Víctor, as he was his role model, but Jorge took it like a champ and continued with his studies.

He then moved to Mexico City to study Public Accounting at UNAM, he worked as a barista in a well known Cafe in the city, with his salary, tips and the money his parents where sending him, he was living good in that city, mainly because the latter reason, until one day. On January 1st, 2011, he received a text message from his sister that said "Call me as soon as possible, something happened and I don't know what to do", he inmediately called her to ask what happened, that's when she told him: "Mom and Dad have not arrived home and it is almost 5am, they told me they supposedly will get home before sunrise", he told her to calm down, that they're either having a lot of fun or they're already on their way, and asked her to wait. Half an hour later, she received a call from a Hospital, and they revealed her that Víctor Manuel Sr. and Diana were in their way to their house (assuming that because the crash was 4km from the house, in a route they usually take), when they were t-boned by a drunk driver, instantly killing everyone in both cars (a whole family was in the drunk driver's car).

Victor Manuel Jr. was the last one to receive the news, because he was helping to supervise the construction of a Skyscrapper in Bahrain, and the construction was half done, everyone couldn't believe it at first, but it was a reality, their parents died in a car accident, now Jorge and Dulce needed money to finish with their studies, and even though a heir was already made, they did not wanted to touch the money they now owned, "just for future use and emergencies", Jorge started to rent a cheaper apartment and sold his car, and started to use his BMX, a present his father gave him when he moved to Mexico City, mainly because he was fat, he barely made it economically through the last semester, with two works, to send money to his sister, who started to work in a legal office as a messagger to maintain her lifestyle.

When Jorge finally finished his studies, he decided to move outside the country, because he was alone in the country, as Dulce decided to move with Víctor to Bahrain, as he was staying there, Jorge does not like places with hot weather, so he started to look for places outside the country with as good weather as growing opportinities, that's how he found Los Santos, now he just needed to find a work, and he can move there as soon as he could, he investigated and found two just-opening companies: Café Rdemption and Air Emu, he applied for a work on both companies and both accepted his application, he had one foot the the half of the other one in Los Santos, now he just needed an apartment, he quickly found one at a reasonable price for its value, 0605 Spanish Avenue Apartment 1, located in Downtown Vinewood, he moved, he worked on his apartment, paid his bills on time, bought a couple of cars, he was having the perfect life.

Then he recieved more bad news: his brother died, Victor Manuel was hurrying up the building workers to get out of their working places, to go to the safehouse because there was a sandstorm coming, the sand was already blinding when the last person got out of the unfinished building, Victor could not see what was in front of him and fell from a 3rd floor, with his head facing upside down, nobody noticed it, and they looked for him after the storm. Doctors could not tell what killed him, if the neck traumas caused by the fall or the respiratory deficiency cause by sand blocking his nostrils, Dulce inmediately moved back to Mexico, bringing Victor's corpse with her, to organize the corresponding funeral ceremony, Jorge attended, he was destroyed, his role model, the person he admired the most, just behind his father, died, and there was nothing he could pretty much do.

Dulce decided to move to Los Santos with Jorge, months after they arrived, she knew an artist, a Hipster painter, to be more specific, both fell in love with each other, she did first, and they moved to Liberty City, Leaving Jorge alone in Los Santos, again...

Jorge lived the same way for the next year and a half, paying bills, working on his home, go meet up with friends and neighbors in night clubs, his car collection grew, he did not wanted anymore else, until now, that he's starting to get a feeling that there's something inside him telling him to get more and more...

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
There's not much to talk about his personality, he's serious, and always think about what is he doing at the moment and what is he going to do next, but he can take humour of EVERY kind. :)

And his favorite phrase is "I like chicken nuggets"

Jorge owns 5 cars:
-Ubermacht Oracle
-Annis Elegy RH8
-Benefactor Dubsta
-Bravado Gauntlet
-Vapid Dominator
He also owns 1 Motorcycle:
-Pegassi Batti 801
He owns 2 bycicles:
-The BMX his father gifted him

Photograph (If available):

That's him, in his apartment

This is a photo of his Ubermacht Oracle just outside of his garage

I've got a one question about this:

-In the case I get accepted, if the character dies in a RP event, do I have to create another character to be able to participate in the following RP events?
This. This is what I'm looking forward every time someone applies. Fantastic application, accepted!

Out Of Character (OOC)

Harry (please just call me WHaT)
14 turning 15 in a few months :3
Role Play experience:
role played with friends in Midnight Club 3, role played a lot in my drivers club, and others

In Character (IC)

Jake Brookley
Job/Career/Money Source:
works at LifeInvader and plays around in the stock market
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Jake, being the oldest in the family, is the most responsible. From a young age, he knew the differences between right and wrong. He knew what he had to do to be even more successful than his already filthy rich parents. So Jake paid attention during school and was getting straight A's throughout his school life. As technology grew, Jake noticed the only way to become more rich is to get into the computer and technology industry. At a very young age, Jake started to work at LifeInvader.

When Jake was in college, he started to get into the car scene around Los Santos. Jake borrowed some money from his filthy rich parents to get himself a Lampadati Felon as his daily driver. After playing on the stock market for a while, Jake paid back the money and got himself a project car, a used Maibatsu Penumbra. Jake's plans for the car is to completely tune it and to race on the streets.

Being the responsible one in the family, Jake is always taking care of everyone in the family from getting into too much trouble with the police and from other people.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
creative, responsible, happy, content, adaptable, extremely intelligent (like me), nice
Lampadati Felon
Maibatsu Penumbra
[pictures coming soon]
Photograph (If available):
[pictures coming soon]
Today was a bit of a mess... I think we were all sorta solo RPing and trying to interact with other people at the same time and bleh.

A lot of stuff happened to Marcello though. Going to make the summary a bit brief because I'm tired.

He started off the day heading to Al Dente's, where he learned that the restaurant was already going out of business due to Al's shoddy work and some very poor staff. However, upon leaving, he found that his Voltic had a dent in it from another person and not a collision, and he also found that it wouldn't start. Calling LSC, he had it towed, then went to grab his Sentinel. He then returned to Al Dente's, and managed to jump and kill two thugs who tried to break his car. Dragging their bodies into the office, Marcello checked their phones to find that they, and Al, shared a contact that suddenly made Marcello terrified. Heading back home, he grabbed a wepon and immediately headed back to LSC to get his Voltic back, only to find that it wasn't there and that the mechanic had no idea about it. Suddenly, Marcello saw a figure on the roof. Going back to his Sentinel to grab his wepon, the figure disappeared, and then returned with an RPG. And then fired straight at Marcello's Sentinel. *fwooosh* *BOOOOM*

Luckily, Marcello had managed to get out of the way in time, and quickly escaped out of there. However, with no car and assassins confirmed to be targeting him, he knew he was in trouble. He managed to dive into a clothing store to grab a jacket and a cap to disguise himself, then he called for a taxi and headed to the Dinka dealership, where he saw a red Dinka Thrust with gold wheels and immediately fell in love. He headed back home on his new bike, then saw a bunch of armed thugs skulking around his beach house. Worried, he instead decided to find somewhere to stay, meeting Diego Brookley on the way, and finally settled on a quiet motel to spend the night.


  • Lost Voltic. Possibly temporary, but at the very least stolen and not running at all.
  • Sentinel has been destroyed by an RPG-wielding assassin and will never return. Which is unfortunate.
  • Marcello now owns a red Dinka Thrust with gold wheels.
  • Marcello is currently laying low from a mysterious gang that is somehow linked with Al and the thugs that broke his Voltic, and will not be returning to his beach house any time soon.
The next week or so is going to be quite hellish as I try to finish college so I might miss some events. I'll try and make those closer to the weekend.
I will be able to make tonight's event. Sorry about the last event with my friend he won't be joining again my bad if he killed y'all and messed y'all's cars up I told him not to and he said he wouldn't mess up anything but he lied so I'm really sorry
If everyone who is online were to join if I invited them, it would be a 5 person lobby.
Before I waste my/anyone elses' time, I'd want to know if it would be worth setting up.
If everyone who is online were to join if I invited them, it would be a 5 person lobby.
Before I waste my/anyone elses' time, I'd want to know if it would be worth setting up.
I'm just waiting for a post confirming that it's still happening, though I usually wait until 2 PM on the nose. I'm too much of a person who likes everything on time.