PS4 Physics, Updates and Special EventsPS4 

  • Thread starter TT92
Clockwise/counterclockwise, here's bit language barrier, plus reader overreaction.
Two cases where car travels thru right hand corner, only difference is 1psi pressure difference on one tire and car response to driver inputs varies from understeer to oversteer, in other words car tries to travel left (in other words you may also say going straight, but when looking overall case and car going along corner curve is "neutral" then this is taking path to left side of neutral turn) instead of following corner and other car tries to travel right more than corner following requires, left/right counterclockwise/clockwise.
The only words we had to use were yours and lets be honest language barrier aside, the term 'spin' is not exactly vague or open to a great deal of other interpretation.

We also know full well that you have used the terms under and oversteer in the past, so its not a misunderstanding with you using the wrong term.

No one has for a second ever disputed that tyre pressure changes can influence a cars balance, its actually the reason why many of us have been calling for PD to add tyre pressure into the GT series for well over a decade.

Your claim was perfectly clear in that you were implying that a minor change to tyre pressure may result in a dramatic change to the handling balance of a car, as I see very little other way that a spin can be described as other than dramatic. Something you seem to be attempting to back pedal on quite a lot right now.

It's quickly made tune for BHGP, which was just fine example to prove 1psi difference, same phenomenon probably occurs on full stock car, but it might be smaller to see/feel/understand so using above setup makes it easier to notice.
My tune had only reduced front roll and suspension travel plus slightly reduced rear roll and eliminated tire scrubbing for precise driving (toe way closer to zero), so nothing special in there.
I will be interested to give it a go, as you seem to have lowered and stiffened under roll (based on my memory of the default set-up for this car), something that would seem at odds for most given the very bumpy nature of Brands.

You have also still not addressed the very valid question of how this can make such a significant difference when tyre pressure will vary by more than this amount just via the process of driving a car, external temperature, brake temperature, altitude and driving style. Not just front to back, but from side to side across the axle line and cross corner.
Something you seem to be attempting to back pedal on quite a lot right now.

Zero backing, still standing behind this, also few earlier statements, but let those older be, people can check those freely, it's better at I won't try to explain those more with my "broken English", maybe if I get translator San ;)

You have also still not addressed the very valid question of how this can make such a significant difference when tyre pressure will vary by more than this amount just via the process of driving a car, external temperature, brake temperature, altitude and driving style. Not just front to back, but from side to side across the axle line and cross corner.

On real-life initial cold pressure is really dominant for overall tire handling/behaviour (hot tires aren't any way ideal for adding pressure, only reducing is "ok" or there's several precautions what you have to count in), when tries get warmer and pressure rises rubber itself gets softer, on good tires those are going in rate which leaves certain temperature+pressure area "equal" on handling, so overall tire flex (measured as sidewall support to body weight) remains same. If initial pressure has 1psi difference and therefore difference in flexibility compared to others that difference will stay there even pressures by temperature rises.
AC tire temperature and psi curves are simulation of this behaviour.
Zero backing, still standing behind this, also few earlier statements, but let those older be, people can check those freely, it's better at I won't try to explain those more with my "broken English", maybe if I get translator San ;)
Standing behind which?

That it may result in a minor change to the cars balance (which no one has ever disagreed with at all) or that it will result in a dramatic change to the cars balance (which no one has agreed with)

Anyway I have tried out your test and the following are the end results, and this is what the tyres looked like after four laps.

all stock.jpg

Stock with rears reduced by 1psi:
stock rear 15.jpg

Your tune:
OF tune.jpg

Your tune with rears reduce by 1psi:
OF tune rear 15.jpg

What you need to be looking at here is the tyre pressures (the temps can be missleading as they will be influenced more by driving variables and given that you insisted in ABS being off that will be even more the case).

The end result is that the reduction in rear tyre pressure by 1psi has no significant impact on the 'hot' pressures and made no significant difference in regard to the handling balance of the car (the only thing that changed that marginally was your tune, which allowed for sharper turn in to a very small degree, a bit more understeer and a fair bit of bottoming out).

On real-life initial cold pressure is really dominant for overall tire handling/behaviour (hot tires aren't any way ideal for adding pressure, only reducing is "ok" or there's several precautions what you have to count in), when tries get warmer and pressure rises rubber itself gets softer, on good tires those are going in rate which leaves certain temperature+pressure area "equal" on handling, so overall tire flex (measured as sidewall support to body weight) remains same. If initial pressure has 1psi difference and therefore difference in flexibility compared to others that difference will stay there even pressures by temperature rises.
AC tire temperature and psi curves are simulation of this behaviour.
Now I have to confess that the above was not really a major surprise to me at all, you see 1psi is quite frankly a tiny increase or decrease, to put it into context an average humans lungs are capable of producing around 1.4psi (with a trained wind instrument player about to reach around 2psi).

The degree of change you are attempting to make out will have a significant difference of the ability of the sidewall is less than a human can produce by blowing! Unless the tyre is already stupdily marginal its not going to make an noticable differnce in the cars handling traits.

To even start to see differences in handling you need at least a change of 3psi and its use as a tool to balance a car is utterly secondary to its use to get tyres to the optimum temperature for CF(source Allan Stainforth / Ross Bentley and Skip Barber's race craft and technical set-up guides along with Milliken and MIlliken's Race Car Dynamics - page numbers available if you like).

Pretty much every car on the road will have tyres on all four corners that have cold and hot pressures that vary by more than 1psi, as air naturally escapes from tyres (rubber is air permeable under pressure - it takes a while but it will always lose pressure) and almost all are 'topped-up' using either forecourt air pumps (which are notoriously inaccurate and prone to varying from reading to reading) or home pumps which are better than forecourt ones 'if' you spend enough on them.

The difference that you are ascribing significant handling difference to are, in reality within the normal variances you will find and are certainly not going to affect the changes you claim.

So I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion (along with a number of the staff) that you are either deluding yourslef that you are right with these wild claims or that you are now simply trolling the site.

As such from now on any claim you make with regard to physics will be supported by an independent source, as this is now the third time you have made such an unsupported claim within a very short period of time.
Standing behind which?

I.e. Oversteer/understeer, definition isn't clear to you or several others here, probably either basics of car turning physics.
You think at car rear has to slide in enormous slide to be described as oversteer, but you forget basic physics, there's always slide in both ends of car, turning of car in "higher" speeds is just balance of slip between front and rear, when this balance changes more slip to front it is considered and described as understeer, and opposite when rear slip exceeds front slip it's described as oversteer.
It doesn't need any Showtime slide to be described as either of those, first of all you need neutral steer definition for certain test speed and that's then allowed balance of slip between front and rear, anything going over that balance is either oversteer or understeer.
About references/quotes/sources you have bit two minded opinion, you will ask sources if those aren't presented simultaneously with conversation input, and if those are presented then those are just things like "don't quote stuff from wiki(etc) to here" and same time you're using Wikipedia as source?
Well here's source one source for this:
Oversteer and Understeer
The weight bias of the vehicle determines its inherent oversteer/understeer characteristics. A vehicle that is heavier at the front will tend to understeer and one that is heavier at the rear will oversteer. A vehicle in which the weight is equally distributed between the front and rear axles tends to exhibit neutral steer characteristics. Although the inherent understeer/oversteer characteristics of a vehicle are determined by its weight distribution, the design of the suspension and the selection of wheel and tire size can enhance or moderate those characteristics.
Understeer results when the slip angle of the front tires is greater than the slip angle of the rear tires. A greater steering angle is then required in order to maintain the turn. When the steering angle reaches full lock and the turn cannot be maintained, the vehicle drifts to the outside. In an understeer condition, the driver is attempting to negotiate a turn, but the vehicle mushes ahead refusing to cooperate. Oversteer produces just the opposite condition.
During oversteer, the slip angle of the rear tires is greater than the front. Consequently, the turn-rate increases on its own and the driver therefore reduces the steering angle to compensate. During severe oversteer, the steering angle may reach full lock in the opposite direction while the vehicle continues on into the turn. The vehicle is then said to "spin out." A vehicle that understeers is considered safer in the hands of the average driver.
An obvious solution to the negative effects of understeer and oversteer would seem to be that cars ought to be designed for neutral steer. Neutral steer is the theoretical ideal in which the slip angle of front and rear tires increase in unison throughout the range of steering angles. Unfortunately, the factors that influence vehicle dynamics are not so precisely manageable. With the slightest encouragement, a car with neutral steer characteristics can easily cross over into an oversteering condition. Consequently, designers prefer to create some degree of understeer in order to avoid oversteer.

I.e.Ackerman steering works fine and give you theoretically zero slip on wheels, but sadly there's no zero width tires available, those would be only one to give zero slip on low speed turn.

So I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion (along with a number of the staff) that you are either deluding yourslef that you are right with these wild claims or that you are now simply trolling the site.
If speaking of truth is considered as trolling then I must be a bad troll, avoiding lot of bad speaks directed to me in threads where those "bad speakers" are just hanging and pushing arguments of physics of game which they don't have and/or even tried.

I know how bad my situation looks or sounds just because my inability to express myself in correct words, I'm extremely sorry for this, I'll try to catch some time with my friend who can help me to phrase my thoughts better, easier to understand and avoid picking from native English speakers who are more than happy to disrail conversation on my grammar problems instead of actual message information.

I can jump aside and be more spectator than member of conversation, it will be more fun for me and less to others because they have less changes to pick my grammar then.

Thank you.

Edited Android auto mixed word.
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I.e. Oversteer/understeer, definition isn't clear to you or several others here, probably either basics of car turning physics.
You think at car rear has to slide in enormous slide to be described as oversteer, but you forget basic physics, there's always slide in both ends of car, turning of car in "higher" speeds is just balance of slip between front and rear, when this balance changes more slip to front it is considered and described as understeer, and opposite when rear slip exceeds front slip it's described as oversteer.
It doesn't need any Showtime slide to be described as either of those, first of all you need neutral steer definition for certain test speed and that's then allowed balance of slip between front and rear, anything going over that balance is either oversteer or understeer.
About references/quotes/sources you have bit two minded opinion, you will ask sources if those aren't presented simultaneously with conversation input, and if those are presented then those are just things like "don't quote stuff from wiki(etc) to here" and same time you're using Wikipedia as source?
Well here's source one source for this:

I.e.Ackerman steering works fine and give you theoretically zero slip on wheels, but sadly there's no zero width tires available, those would be only one to give zero slip on low speed turn.

Making assumptions about people is a very, very dangerous thing to do if you are not in position of all the information.

You see back in 2005 (yep over twelve years ago) I wrote two tuning and set-up guides for GT4, they can be found here.

In it I wrote:
"Ask car enthusiasts to explain understeer and oversteer and most will describe understeer as when the car looses grip at the front before the rear and oversteer as when the rear looses grip before the front.

Now there is nothing wrong with these descriptions and for general discussions they are more than adequate. However once we get into describing a cars handling characteristics with regard to tuning they are a little basic, as
they only describe the situation once grip has been lost.

For a more detailed description of over and understeer I turn to the excellent book 'Going faster - Mastering the art of race driving' the handbook of the Skip Barber racing school."

Which then goes on to cover this exact are in great detail, opening with:


And then going into more detail around each of the states of balance of a car.

So yes it most certainly was something I am aware of and have been for a very long time. The issue ios that you didn't use under or oversteer at all, you used the term 'spin' all I was doing was asking for clarification on this. Your response was to assign a view to me that I don't hold (and unfortunately for you can show I don't hold), and then attenpt to claim I would stop you from using wiki as a source! Something I have never done.

If speaking of truth is considered as trolling then I must be a bad troll, avoiding lot of bad speaks directed to me in threads where those "bad speakers" are just hanging and pushing arguments of physics of game which they don't have and/or even tried.

I know how bad my situation looks or sounds just because my inability to express myself in correct words, I'm extremely sorry for this, I'll try to catch some time with my friend who can help me to phrase my thoughts better, easier to understand and avoid picking from native English speakers who are more than happy to disrail conversation on my grammar problems instead of actual message information.

I can jump aside and be more spectator than member of conversation, it will be more fun for me and less to others because they have less changes to pick my grammar then.

Thank you.

Edited Android auto mixed word.


In a short period of time you have demonstrated a lack of knowledge around AV systems, how HDMI works, audio coding formats, when people knew the Earth was a sphere, what facts are, how sound is transmitted and how significant pressure changes are to a tyre (and that's just the ones I have been involved in - I know of more).

In every single case you have made an inaccurate or missleading claim, provided no sources or missused those you do provide, dismissed the knowledge of others, ignored sources that contradict your own view and continued to insist that only you are right and no one else knows anything. You do this well past the point that you have been shown to be incorrect numerous times and then simple stop posting.

It would not be quite as bad if you actually acknowledged that your mistakes and errors at times, but you don't, you simply stop posting (until the next claim comes along).

Its a pattern of behavior that fits the description of a troll perfectly and it has not gone un-noticed by the staff. Hence the reason why you will back up your claims with sources from this point on.
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The discussion was in regard to AC physics and a moderation request for a member to stop making claims that they are not able to support.

If you wish the thread to get on track then I would suggest stop posting complaints and post about the physics.

I have no intention of continued discussion about Odefinn's posting behaviour, as should it continue in the vein it has been it will result is deleted posts and infractions being issued.
OK so now I wish to register a complaint that you are abusing your rights as a moderator. Who do I complain to because your actions are unacceptable?
Well said TT92 :cheers::gtpflag:

I have been a bit grumpy for a few days now about how this thread has been hijacked. I mean no disrespect to any Mod here by using that term, it is just how I feel.

So Flavus when I saw your post here I thought I should speak up. I have wanted to carry on the conversations I was having with the other posters and give them some feedback but I am afraid that any further comments would just get lost in the noise.

Again, no disrespects to the mods here as they generally do a great job here and I do sincerely hope they will understand our point of view and how the added conversations do not really match with what was being generally discussed.

I have actually been a moderator on another site (years ago I might add and it was to do with hi end hi-fi) and do understand how hard it can be to keep the peace and keep the masses happy ;-) If I may be so bold to make a suggestion. Start a new thread titled "AC Physics and Handling" move the posts relating to that there and then delete the posts by me and Flavus (and anyone else) that has commented on this and leave the original thread the way it was.
OK so now I wish to register a complaint that you are abusing your rights as a moderator. Who do I complain to because your actions are unacceptable?
Contact me member of the admin team or use the report buttons.

What you don't do is create an off topic thread about it.

I have been a bit grumpy for a few days now about how this thread has been hijacked. I mean no disrespect to any Mod here by using that term, it is just how I feel.

So Flavus when I saw your post here I thought I should speak up. I have wanted to carry on the conversations I was having with the other posters and give them some feedback but I am afraid that any further comments would just get lost in the noise.

Again, no disrespects to the mods here as they generally do a great job here and I do sincerely hope they will understand our point of view and how the added conversations do not really match with what was being generally discussed.

I have actually been a moderator on another site (years ago I might add and it was to do with hi end hi-fi) and do understand how hard it can be to keep the peace and keep the masses happy ;-) If I may be so bold to make a suggestion. Start a new thread titled "AC Physics and Handling" move the posts relating to that there and then delete the posts by me and Flavus (and anyone else) that has commented on this and leave the original thread the way it was.
As I have said above, the only thing now taking this thread off topic is this discussion.

My posts contained both directly on topic points and moderation (which is always on topic).

No need for an additional or new thread exists.
The moderator in question is well out of order. I made a polite request and he/she deleted it because it did not fit in with their point of view. TT92 please record your posts as I have opened a new thread to request assistance about the unacceptable behaviour of this moderator. We have been polite and respectful in all of our posts.
The moderator in question is well out of order. I made a polite request and he/she deleted it because it did not fit in with their point of view. TT92 please record your posts as I have opened a new thread to request assistance about the unacceptable behaviour of this moderator. We have been polite and respectful in all of our posts.
You asked how to address your complaint and have been told how to go about this.

My answer is in line with the site policy outlined in the FAQs.

What you do not do is start off topic, public threads to try and discuss it, they will be removed.

Please follow the route you have been provided.
@Scaff it is not obvious how to register a complaint with admin team so please advise, i.e. you deleted my posts so I cannot register a complaint about deleted posts
@Scaff it is not obvious how to register a complaint with admin team so please advise, i.e. you deleted my posts so I cannot register a complaint about deleted posts
Contact @Famine.

And please do not post about this any further on the site, you complained about posts being off topic, yet are doing the exact same thing.

Contact the admin team or use the report buttons on one of my posts that you believe has broken the AUP.
BMW M4 with front 295/rear 275 street tires(stock tires are front 255/rear 275)and still understeer if you brake too late in Schwedenkreuz and Fuchsröhre also when stopping in a straight line locks the front wheels first.:crazy:
I know this is PS4 thread but there is no other physics thread.
I know this is PS4 thread but there is no other physics thread.

It was actually intended to be about PS4 special events and how updates have changed tyre models and possibly the physics making some of the events extremely difficult.

We (PS4 users) were having a very productive conversation and a huge amount of useful information has been exchanged. I now know a huge amount more than I did when I first started this thread and I am sure it has been very helpful to many other people.

Alas, it has now become a dumping ground for anything that mentions "physics" :banghead:

As far as your PC question goes it seems all the PC guys just modify the ini file for that car and solve the problem.
It was actually intended to be about PS4 special events and how updates have changed tyre models and possibly the physics making some of the events extremely difficult.

We (PS4 users) were having a very productive conversation and a huge amount of useful information has been exchanged. I now know a huge amount more than I did when I first started this thread and I am sure it has been very helpful to many other people.

Alas, it has now become a dumping ground for anything that mentions "physics" :banghead:

As far as your PC question goes it seems all the PC guys just modify the ini file for that car and solve the problem.
Are you honestly surprised when the first two words of the thread title are PS4 Physics?

To be accused of posting off topic in a thread that has physics in the title is odd, and off-putting to say the least.

Yes the conversation with Odefinn was heated, but the protectionist reaction was not exactly constructive either.

It's not as if a look at how tyre pressure affects balance is even off topic by your narrow and specific requirement either. But rather than looking at it as a possible area of analysis (after all the key physics engine difference between the cars on PS4 right now is tyre model), it's automatically 'someone is not part of our specific ongoing discussion - burn the witch'. It's the very definition of a protectionist attitude around assumptions of thread ownership.

Quite frankly as a member even if I had the most valid and insightful information on this topic I would not want to post it in here.

I'm happy to create a new thread dedicated to physics discussions and would also suggest that you edit the thread title to ensure its not the source of further confusion.

I would on a personal note however add that this kind of 'my thread and I control it' mentality is one of the factors that has in the past made the GT drifting and tuning sub-forums rather unpleasant places to visit, and certainly goes some way towards putting people off joining in discussions.

It's certainly for me cast members in a very new light and to a degree put me off discussing AC at all.

Oh well at least Dirt 4 and Wipeout are around the corner to keep me busy.

That's all I have to say on it, I do not intend contributing to the thread as a member again.
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It was actually intended to be about PS4 special events and how updates have changed tyre models and possibly the physics making some of the events extremely difficult.

@Scaff, I have to say that is why I read this thread. I was struggling to even get bronze on the first hotlap events I tried, thought "GTPlanet will have the answer", and this thread's title stood out as being exactly what I was looking for.

With a big update coming soon, I do hope this thread will stay mostly on that topic. Some more general discussion is fine, but please let's not have the mess of recent posts lead to any rash judgements.

I'd welcome another thread called, say, "AC Physics (vs other games, real world, etc)" or maybe "AC Physics and driving techniques". I would probably read it as well, but for different reasons than reading this one. Perhaps it's too late, and most such discussion has already been made in general threads (and this one).
I finished the extreme series last night... but didn't get platinum!

I'm still missing the 'get gold on all the series' trophy - I have all the individual series trophies, but you don't need all the races for those. Do I need to complete all the series races?
I finished the extreme series last night... but didn't get platinum!

I'm still missing the 'get gold on all the series' trophy - I have all the individual series trophies, but you don't need all the races for those. Do I need to complete all the series races?

Do you have the 57 golds in the total medal count? You need them all gold as far as I remember.

I now have several gold on hotlaps and yes some were quite easy to obtain on stock settings with the DS4.Some are very challenging indeed and i am way off pace, if i can get bronze in the rest of them i will be a happy chappy.

Do i need the Plat ? No, just achieving a tier in all will be my plat :D

Another ? You guys with wheels do you have much under steer with the street cars ?,don't know if it is a pad thing but boy i have it bad,might have to figure out some new setup for them cars.

Hope the list helped people out 👍

Thanks everyone who has helped and i will frustratingly chip away. :cheers: Norm
I now have several gold on hotlaps and yes some were quite easy to obtain on stock settings with the DS4.Some are very challenging indeed and i am way off pace, if i can get bronze in the rest of them i will be a happy chappy.

Do i need the Plat ? No, just achieving a tier in all will be my plat :D

Another ? You guys with wheels do you have much under steer with the street cars ?,don't know if it is a pad thing but boy i have it bad,might have to figure out some new setup for them cars.

Hope the list helped people out 👍

Thanks everyone who has helped and i will frustratingly chip away. :cheers: Norm

I've just been finishing off a few of the lower tier career events using the DS4 with the settings you shared... it's nowhere near as nice to play, and I'm miles slower (though winning easily enough as only playing on very easy).

The way the steering works with the stick in AC isn't implemented as well as in GT, where you could still be very smooth. In AC, the steering isn't damped in the same way, so it's much harder to make small steering adjustments... and I'm struggling terribly with understeer on most cars, which I don't generally with my wheel.

Tyres are screaming - which I've never had with my wheel.

You really should invest in a wheel if you have the space - transforms the experience.
Just finished off the final few career races, and the platinum trophy is now mine :D

Big shout out to @WhoosierGirl @TT92 @HavanaB0B @Zakspeed_TV @onepublo @lisanorm @ALB123 for tunes, advice, tactics, cheats etc :cheers:

A very big congratulations. Well done :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

I am still stuck on about 5 Hot laps at silver and 1 at bronze MP4 C at Catalunga :-(

I am getting a little desperate now. I tried rolling back the updates and using the game and physics as it was first released. I deleted all the game and all updates and then reloaded the game not connected to the net so updates would not trigger. Unfortunately I couldn't load my saved game data as it just locked the game up. So 9 hours later re-installed all updates.

Note: Unlike GT6 where you could load updates sequentially this game only loads update 1.13 (the latest) as one nearly 10Gb file :-(

Getting back to the MP4C at Catalunga, I have studied Havanna Bob's video very carefully and I am using his exact tune, TCS OFF, ABS at 4, no other aids, Tyre & Fuel usage ON and damage at 50%. He can brake a little deeper into the corners and seems to have a lot more front end grip than me. I have the same gear change points, the same top speeds at the end of the straights and appear to be on the throttle sooner in a lot of the corners and yet I am nearly 2 seconds slower :banghead::banghead:

I have spent hours here and I am getting very frustrated. It is as if the finish line for me is 50m further down the road. It isn't, I checked that too ;-)

So Stotty, again, well down and getting your Platinum does make you very special. I am in awe of you guys that have gotten there. WhoosierGirl you too in case you think I am forgetting about you.
A very big congratulations. Well done :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

I am still stuck on about 5 Hot laps at silver and 1 at bronze MP4 C at Catalunga :-(

I am getting a little desperate now. I tried rolling back the updates and using the game and physics as it was first released. I deleted all the game and all updates and then reloaded the game not connected to the net so updates would not trigger. Unfortunately I couldn't load my saved game data as it just locked the game up. So 9 hours later re-installed all updates.

Note: Unlike GT6 where you could load updates sequentially this game only loads update 1.13 (the latest) as one nearly 10Gb file :-(

Getting back to the MP4C at Catalunga, I have studied Havanna Bob's video very carefully and I am using his exact tune, TCS OFF, ABS at 4, no other aids, Tyre & Fuel usage ON and damage at 50%. He can brake a little deeper into the corners and seems to have a lot more front end grip than me. I have the same gear change points, the same top speeds at the end of the straights and appear to be on the throttle sooner in a lot of the corners and yet I am nearly 2 seconds slower :banghead::banghead:

I have spent hours here and I am getting very frustrated. It is as if the finish line for me is 50m further down the road. It isn't, I checked that too ;-)

So Stotty, again, well down and getting your Platinum does make you very special. I am in awe of you guys that have gotten there. WhoosierGirl you too in case you think I am forgetting about you.
If you are on the power sooner how do our apex speeds compare? In the 12C you can really roll a lot of mid corner speed if you keep it off throttle (at least with the setup I made) might be where the time is? Are you suffering from a lack of front grip on entry, mid, or corner exit?
Thanks buddy 👍

The MP12 at Barcelona was the one that took me the most time out of all the hotlaps - so I know how you feel!

I needed 1psi more in the left rear than Havanabob to stop it overheating, but even then I could only do 1 fast lap, followed by a slow lap, to keep the tyres in the right temperature range.

Be careful getting on the gas too soon - if you pick up the throttle too early you just push the front (you might not feel it, but you will be), and the car won't accelerate as quickly. At Barca, you MUST hit every apex cleanly, with minimal steering lock and without any understeer by mid corner.

It is a tough one, so don't beat yourself up.
If you are on the power sooner how do our apex speeds compare? In the 12C you can really roll a lot of mid corner speed if you keep it off throttle (at least with the setup I made) might be where the time is? Are you suffering from a lack of front grip on entry, mid, or corner exit?

That was a quick reply :-) I am losing grip on entry. Mid corner and exit is fine. So I am being very careful to get off the brakes before I start my turn in otherwise I just overheat the tyres.

It is a shame that in replay mode I can't get the telemetry up like we could in GT6 so I have to go off memory or even save the replay back to the PS4 and watch it from there which is a real PITA :-(

To try and overcome front end grip loss I have played around with your tune a little because as my driving was getting more aggressive I was over heating the left tyres too much.

Left hand tyres to 24psi, rear ride height lower, -ve rear toe, rear spoiler down to 3, rear springs stiffer and ARB stiffer.

It now appears, compared to your video, I am on power earlier and longer and at the same time save the left tyres BUT I am still doing the same times low 1:50s :-(

One question please, did you do that time in your video on update 1.13? It seems to me I am only having problems with the GT3 cars which I believe ate on the latest tyre model.
That was a quick reply :-) I am losing grip on entry. Mid corner and exit is fine. So I am being very careful to get off the brakes before I start my turn in otherwise I just overheat the tyres.

It is a shame that in replay mode I can't get the telemetry up like we could in GT6 so I have to go off memory or even save the replay back to the PS4 and watch it from there which is a real PITA :-(

To try and overcome front end grip loss I have played around with your tune a little because as my driving was getting more aggressive I was over heating the left tyres too much.

Left hand tyres to 24psi, rear ride height lower, -ve rear toe, rear spoiler down to 3, rear springs stiffer and ARB stiffer.

It now appears, compared to your video, I am on power earlier and longer and at the same time save the left tyres BUT I am still doing the same times low 1:50s :-(

One question please, did you do that time in your video on update 1.13? It seems to me I am only having problems with the GT3 cars which I believe ate on the latest tyre model.
Yes I did the time on the newest update.

Overheating the tires is going to happen no matter what you do, the asphalt temperature is high, and Barcelona kills the left side tires.

24psi hot or cold? If that is your pressure cold that is too high, if that is your pressure hot you should increase it a bit to reduce the overheating a touch.

You can always try mediums, with the high track temp they are going to stay in the optimal range much better than the softs.

Understeer on entry could be solved by decreasing the coast on the diff if you haven't tried that yet.

Good luck! 👍