So your issue is profit, you must be some corporate scum bag to think only retailers have a right to resell for profits, or a communist who thinks nothing should ever be sold at a profit. By that logic, labor should be reduced to the calories required to do the work and the food required to replenish it!
I wouldn't be contributing to the shortage at all if I bought the console, him abusing the code seven times is .
There is nothing wrong with "scalping", in fact, scalping is a result of inadequately low market prices which is caused by sony selling the console at a ****ing loss, which is predatory pricing. The only reason Sony get's away with it is because they are competing against a larger company.
The "Scalping" term comes from stock sales, which is perfectly legal per SEC regulation if you own less than 10% of a company.
"Scalping is a trading style that specializes in profiting off of small price changes and making a fast profit off reselling."
Do big-box chains not buy X product in bulk, or take advantage using algorithms in dip's in prices to stock up their warehouses only to make marginal gains by selling said product? Yes they do, logistics and currency exchange markets are trillion-dollar industries.
Oh, maybe you mean "scalping", as in the word that was appropriated by the collecting/ sports game world?
The activity of buying things, such as theatre tickets or desired collectibles, at the usual price and then selling them when they are difficult to get at higher prices.
Is this not what gold is silver/crypto/real estate investing is? Buying low when demand or supply is high, holding onto the item, and then selling it for a high price? I have a couple of friends who make money buying seasonal items at a discount or off-season and reselling them during the season when demand is highest .. bloody scalpers! Oh, the collecting world HATES, scalpers, but part of the whole collecting world craze is chase pieces/ limited run items. No one wants to collect anything if everything is readily available, and further, You should be forced to sell your rare chase pieces for MSRP because selling them for any sort of gain, is by definition, scalping.
Or do you have an issue with making quick money for little effort, you must hate car dealerships, literally buy the car and turn around and jack the price up a few grand.
TLRD You have no credibility, go picket outside of Walmart and tell them to stop "scalping" and demand every single retailer sell directly to customers. We live in 2022 where the middle man is no longer needed, all you need is a manufacturer and a shipping company. OH wait, if we did that millions of jobs would get lost, but most importantly, these rich companies would probably kick you off their property, and no one would take you seriously if you promised legislation to stop this.
You are just another person who is parroting a poorly formed classist opinion ( which you have no idea is classist because you haven't put much thought into it) which states poor people shouldn't be able to make money unless they do it " properly". To back this up, you even told me to get a better job! Yes, chump, I'm going to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars and a few decades to start a "legitimate" business only so I can buy a product in bulk to make money so R16000 turbo can approve of my Legal money making methods. My parents ran a business they started from scratch. much of what you call scalping is laughable when every business does it on a much larger scale.
The fact is, once I buy ANYTHING LEGALLY, it is mine to do so as I please within legal limits, you can not alienate me from my property rights just because you have a classist worldview where only big businesses with large sums of capital are entitled to sell.
Further, you will get slaughtered if you try to argue scalping is immoral unless you are willing to concede all profit is immoral, refer back to the top if that is your take.
As a young lawyer who could afford to buy 10 PS5s for 800$ without breaking a sweat, hat's off to the kid smart enough to resell a Ps5 he finds at Walmart, if he finds two he can pretty much get a free ps5. I'd gladly pay 800$ just so that kid keeps hustlin.
Making money is not just for who you think is entitled to make it .