PSP to GT5 Car Xfer Issue?

  • Thread starter Fredzy
United States
I posted this in here but I figured I'll make a thread afterall since nobody is paying attention and the issue is bothering me, especially with more and more talk of arcade mode.

Fact: GT PSP car collection will be transferrable to GT5
Assumption: GT PSP car collection will be transferrable to GT5 simulation mode
Fact: Cars in GT PSP do not have or register individual mileage

Look at GT4. Mileage is a big part of the game, and I'm sure we all really hope it's as big a part of GT5. Features like the used car lot, valuable low-mileage examples and chassis refresh for high-milers are just sweet.

So if the older model cars in GT5 are listed as used with high miles, then what happens when you introduce these same cars from your PSP collection with no miles into GT5? Do the PSP transfer cars simply have zero miles but no special value? Are all the PSP cars that qualify as used assigned an arbitrary mileage and level of wear and tear? Will GT5 omit mileage? (Doubtful.) Will they only be unlocked in arcade mode? I really hope not.

What do you think?
I would agree, 0 miles. but it wont bother me since i wont be using this feature, I love to buy my first 100HP car and try to tune it!
yup, no need for a bumpstart in gt mode... unless your a cheater...

Or unless you're one of those who claim not to have enough time to play GT mode through i.e. the same people calling for full lineups in Arcade mode.

(I still think if you buy video games at all you must have some free time to play with...)
I agree, besides if you have no time for GT, go play some quick pick up and play racers like NFS, Burnout, MotorStorm or Grid, dirt.. plenty of games..
Im going to transfer the cars I have on GTPSP... which doesnt mean I will use them in GT mode right away if theyre available... I just want to live the fact that I know all those cars are there and if I want to, I can drive them around already since I grinded for them in GTPSP anyway..
I won't be transferring anything, so it's a non-issue for me. However, claiming that mileage is a big part of the game and that it is really bothering you...seriously, get out and enjoy life. GT5 is just a game.
I agree, besides if you have no time for GT, go play some quick pick up and play racers like NFS, Burnout, MotorStorm or Grid, dirt.. plenty of games..

Just because you have limited time to play doesn't mean you have to play arcade style games...lack of time does not deter from wanting to experience the driving physics people play GT for...
Just because you have limited time to play doesn't mean you have to play arcade style games...lack of time does not deter from wanting to experience the driving physics people play GT for...

So sure you can play sim games, but I think the whole point of GT is to start from basic of cars and make your way to the top.

Another good idea to transfer cars is when you re play the game for 2nd or 3rd time.
Fact: Cars in GT PSP do not have or register individual mileage
Actually, that's also an assumption, not a fact. Just because it doesn't show, doesn't mean it's not there. The game also doesn't show things like brake balance and gear ratios, but I'm pretty sure they're in there somewhere.

Given the fact that the game also shows total milage (for all cars) it may or may not be in there somewhere, just not shown. We know for fact they don't show things in the tuning screen that are definitely part of the cars behavior.

Still, assuming your assumption is indeed a fact (that cars don't have individual milage), that unfortunately makes it even more unlikely the cars from GTPSP will make it outside of arcade mode. ;)
Despite what anybody says i think transfers are a great thing, hear me out. I consider myself part of the 'GT generation'. First 2 games i was still in school, plenty of spare time, lots of friends, some i liked, some not so much but friends non the less. We had hours to kill every night and for a lot of the time GT 1 and 2 did this.

GT3 and 4 i was at the age of partying every weekend, waking up next to unfamiliar people, times were good. I then had most nights after work and a very hungover sunday to play my GT with my friends.

Now, 4 or 5 years down the line i have 1 and a half kids (2 by April) and a nagging girlfriend so i anticipate a very limited playtime for me and my consoles come April. Bottom line is now i have responsibilities. This does not make me less of a GT enthusiast but it does make me re-evaluate my time.

I think, with the inclusion of car transfers from PSP and Prologue, Polyphony Digital are looking after the 'GT generation' because i suspect alot of people are in the same boat as myself, after all, we all have to grow up at some stage. And many have grown up with Gran Turismo.
Despite what anybody says i think transfers are a great thing, hear me out. I consider myself part of the 'GT generation'. First 2 games i was still in school, plenty of spare time, lots of friends, some i liked, some not so much but friends non the less. We had hours to kill every night and for a lot of the time GT 1 and 2 did this.

GT3 and 4 i was at the age of partying every weekend, waking up next to unfamiliar people, times were good. I then had most nights after work and a very hungover sunday to play my GT with my friends.

Now, 4 or 5 years down the line i have 1 and a half kids (2 by April) and a nagging girlfriend so i anticipate a very limited playtime for me and my consoles come April. Bottom line is now i have responsibilities. This does not make me less of a GT enthusiast but it does make me re-evaluate my time.

I think, with the inclusion of car transfers from PSP and Prologue, Polyphony Digital are looking after the 'GT generation' because i suspect alot of people are in the same boat as myself, after all, we all have to grow up at some stage. And many have grown up with Gran Turismo.
Very well put 👍

The thing is, people seem to mistake "time" with "patience". See, assuming that none of you are terminally ill, you actually (I would hope) have a LOT of time on your hands. You may not have several hours a day spare, but still, a game that takes 20 hours to complete can be done in 1 day, or it can be done over 20 days or more. The only difference is, have you got the patience to wait as the game unfolds slowly? In this day-and-age of fast-this and disposable-that, I suspect not for most people, hence why they want the ability to transfer.

Take Dirt 2 for example. A mate of mine bought his copy the day after I got mine. By the end of the next weekend, he had pretty much maxed out the single player mode, and was onto other games - about 14 hours worth of driving, not including loading times and time spent on menus. Two months later, I have literally only just finished the last race, so I'd say in terms of value for money, I got way more out of it, even though I experienced exactly the same game content as he did. This is why I will not be transferring anything into GT5, because I have the patience and I want to have something I can pick away at in my spare hours, not waste weekends at a time playing!
I'd say it's a good thing if PSP and PS3 get tied together a lot. Isn't there a novelty where you can play mini games both on the PS3 and PSP without to buy them twice?

I feel like that's a developerspublisher/marketing choice - and it really wouldn't harm gameplay that much. There are still different colours to be collected I presume on the PS3 that weren't included in the PSP version, and you could always take a fresh approach on tuning individual copies of the same car.
yup, no need for a bumpstart in gt mode... unless your a cheater...

Gee, good to see there's so few judgemental people on this site. So, by your logic, Kaz (the concept creator) wants to encourage "cheating" ? I can't believe the opinionated people who think their opinion is the only valid one out there 👎

If someone plunks down their $60, they are entitled to play the game in any way it was intended to be played .... and that includes transferring cars. It DOES NOT make them a cheater. It simply makes them an individual, who for personal reasons, chooses to exercise options that were incorporated into the game for a good reason ... because Kaz wanted it that way !! :)

Having started and finished every GT ever made, multiple times from the beginning to end (GT4 started & finished four times) by the tried and true concept of buying my first Civic and going from there, I can appreciate the idea as put forth by some, but it simply does not make them right necessarily.

Having suffered through years of street cars only in Prologue, I am starved for real race cars on real tracks, so you can bet I'll be tranferring all my Prologue and PSPGT cars immediately. This includes the 70 Ferrari F2007's for resale.

In the years to come, there will be plenty of time to go back, start anew with my little Civic and play the game as some claim to be the only way to play it. The bottom line here folks, is that we are all GT people and we all love the game. We just don't need to alienate each other by making rash judgements and calling our fellow racers "cheaters" just because their opinion differs from ours.

"Can't we all just get along" :)
I agree, besides if you have no time for GT, go play some quick pick up and play racers like NFS, Burnout, MotorStorm or Grid, dirt.. plenty of games..

Thanks for the suggestion. I've played GT since GT1 day 1, never gave another game a chance so, no thanks.

And yes, starting from scratch is fun. But having done it six times already, I'll take a pass if I can. I might have enough free time to grind for cars, but I don't want to waste that time grinding for cars I've owned so many times before.

I won't be transferring anything, so it's a non-issue for me. However, claiming that mileage is a big part of the game and that it is really bothering you...seriously, get out and enjoy life. GT5 is just a game.

Take it easy bud, it's not that big of a deal to me. But to some it is, and I'm sure we don't want to make them mad.

Actually, that's also an assumption, not a fact. Just because it doesn't show, doesn't mean it's not there. The game also doesn't show things like brake balance and gear ratios, but I'm pretty sure they're in there somewhere.

Given the fact that the game also shows total milage (for all cars) it may or may not be in there somewhere, just not shown. We know for fact they don't show things in the tuning screen that are definitely part of the cars behavior.

Still, assuming your assumption is indeed a fact (that cars don't have individual milage), that unfortunately makes it even more unlikely the cars from GTPSP will make it outside of arcade mode. ;)

Thats a good point. But yea I'll be pretty let down if I wasted all this time on a PSP for arcade mode. Probably did.
I don't understand why transferring to GT Mode would be a big deal. Obtaining cars in GT-PSP isn't exactly easy unless you have Ad-Hoc Party for PS3. Even then not all cars are sharable, tradable or desirable. Trust me, a month later I am still "working" for my Bugatti.

The point of GT is to start basic then work your way to the top, but it is easily forgotten that many of us started from humble beginnings back in 1997. Then again in 99. Then again in 01. Then again in 05. Then again in 09. As hardcore fans of the series, we deserve the right to transfer. It’s preposterous to think that after years of dedication it would be considered “cheating” to keep the cars that you already EARNED through previous installments.

I purchased the F2007 in Prologue, yet I'm working for it again in GT-PSP, and according to some, should be forced to work for it again in GT5. Something is not right with this!

Completion percentage and car collection will no longer be the de facto standard of elitism. This time, leader boards and trophies will truly separate the men from the boys. If anyone has quarrels with this then put your skills to the test online.
/ rant.
I purchased the F2007 in Prologue, yet I'm working for it again in GT-PSP, and according to some, should be forced to work for it again in GT5. Something is not right with this!
A fair point, but take it to the other extreme - imagine if, from the very first game, every car you earned got transferred over from version to version. That hypercar you raced so hard for all those years ago, at your disposal right away in the latest version. All well and good, except for the fact that the GT5 version will look a whole lot better, and probably handle better too with the new physics and all. So, the car is an improvement but you haven't really had to do anything to earn it, apart from go and buy a copy of the latest GT. See for me, having the latest GT is not just about racing the same but with prettier graphics and better physics/AI. If it was, I'd have a high-end PC racing rig.

Besides, one potential problem with being able to transfer cars is the fact that Polyphony Digital would need to re-model each and every previous car every time a new version of GT comes out, as well as all the newer makes and models.

At the end of the day, it will be optional whatever they allow you to do, so in that respect it really matters not what other people choose to do with the game. I just don't see the point in unlocking a huge chunk of game just because you played through a previous version 5 years ago.
I still run GT4 TT comps, and it's still a 'rinse and repeat' ATM racing process to earn the money to get the cars I need sometimes. Even in Prologue, you get stuck, and have to run the same races over again.

Allowing a full garage transfer is not cheating. It's not even all that much of a leg up. Any events will still have to be cleared, and with proper rules in place, running Tuned Vettes in the Sunday Cup shouldn't happen. The difference being, you won't have to seek out the best paying races, you won't have people putting rubberbands on their controllers, and you will be able to attack the GT mode events at the pace you decide, not the pace PD sets with the availability of $$$
Besides, one potential problem with being able to transfer cars is the fact that Polyphony Digital would need to re-model each and every previous car every time a new version of GT comes out, as well as all the newer makes and models.

I expect that most if not all cars in GT-PSP will be included in GT5 based on recent comments from the US playstation blog. 👍 If anyone can do it, PD can.

At the end of the day, it will be optional whatever they allow you to do, so in that respect it really matters not what other people choose to do with the game.

I totally agree. I know this is far fetched, but if done right, some people might buy GT5 and rarely drive. Think unbelievable photomode, b-spec, livery mode. Who knows?

I just don't see the point in unlocking a huge chunk of game just because you played through a previous version 5 years ago.

I didn't stop playing GT4 five years ago. I still play Prologue and GT-PSP knowing my efforts will carry over.

In GT mode, the point system will prevent transferees from obtaining high HP cars from blowing away the competition. Events will still have to be raced and won. As long as PD does the online mode properly then transfers or even online trades shouldn’t be considered a crime.

I just don't want to be labeled as a lazy cheater just because I choose to transfer my collection.
I simply cannot understand the backlash against this optional piece of functionality. Personally, I think it's a very good thing. I no longer have the time available to play videogames that I once did and I've played every Gran Turismo that's ever been released. The ability to not have to grind the same high paying races over and over just so I can build up my garage yet another time would be a huge win for me. This would allow me to actually enjoy the career mode every minute that I'm playing.

That said, there are differences in how much time others would have for the game as well as varying definitions of fun. As such, that this is an available option is FANTASTIC. If transfering your cars would let you enjoy GT5 more then by all means use it (I will definitely be doing so). If you feel that this would negatively affect your enjoyment of GT5 then don't transfer your garage. What could be simpler?

Forcing *either* behavior means that some group of players is going to be unhappy. Having the choice means that everybody wins.

[edit: fixed typo]
I think all cars from GTPSPand GTP should be able to be transfered over but they all have 200 thousand miles and blown motors, slipping clutches, bald threadbear tires, and big tears in the seats!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!
I think all cars from GTPSPand GTP should be able to be transfered over but they all have 200 thousand miles and blown motors, slipping clutches, bald threadbear tires, and big tears in the seats!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!

You forgot the cut brake lines.
Despite what anybody says i think transfers are a great thing, hear me out. I consider myself part of the 'GT generation'. First 2 games i was still in school, plenty of spare time, lots of friends, some i liked, some not so much but friends non the less. We had hours to kill every night and for a lot of the time GT 1 and 2 did this.

GT3 and 4 i was at the age of partying every weekend, waking up next to unfamiliar people, times were good. I then had most nights after work and a very hungover sunday to play my GT with my friends.

Now, 4 or 5 years down the line i have 1 and a half kids (2 by April) and a nagging girlfriend so i anticipate a very limited playtime for me and my consoles come April. Bottom line is now i have responsibilities. This does not make me less of a GT enthusiast but it does make me re-evaluate my time.

I think, with the inclusion of car transfers from PSP and Prologue, Polyphony Digital are looking after the 'GT generation' because i suspect alot of people are in the same boat as myself, after all, we all have to grow up at some stage. And many have grown up with Gran Turismo.

So true...

Look ppl if you don't like the transfer option don't use it. Last I heard GT was nothing but leisure. No lives are at stake here, so if you don't like a feature don't use it. I personally am in the middle of drifting 1000s of corners to rack up enough points to buy my Veyron on my PSP hoping that with each standby supsend the game doesn't crash and take all my earned credits with it.

It would suck royally to lose that and have to do the whole thing over in GT5 just to get the same car. In my book I earned it.
I think its far to easy to get new cars on GT PSP. I have 121 cars and i played for 41 hours.
So thats roughly 3 cars per hour and i didn't only buy cheap cars, i allready got the Audi R8 LM Race Car, Enzo, both Lamborghinis, 12 Rally Cars, SLR and many more expensive super cars.
My first car was a DMC Delorean, i had to drive 12 or more driving missions on GT4 to get that one.

I will not transfer cars to GT5, because it ruins the experience of working your way through all the events and gradually getting better cars and upgrades.

I don't think mileage is important in that case.
The luster of building you garage one car at a time quickly wears old. Especially after over a decade of the same formula. What it forces you in to is a scenario where you're significantly short on cash and a capable vehicle to be able to progress.

A properly structured events format/schedule and progressive ladder would provide a far more satisfying and more realistic racing experience than the current style. That way your own talent could determine the rate at which you progress through the game, rather than having to figure out the events that pay the most credits per minute, just so you can afford to enter the next level of events.

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