PURE | JGTS2-Congratulations to champions tony1311 and team Xanavi Z!

  • Thread starter Wardez
Where are all my teammates?? Did Anthony not Q? DA, Kevin?

I thought I could race but is impossible for me, have to work....thanks for all you help and I will be there next season like your team mate again I hope, because you are fast, clean, and consistent. Have a good race friend!!
Any more late comers going to qualify?

Would be nice if we could get 2 full rooms for the finale
I had to go out for the day/night at short notice yesterday and wasn't able to get qualified, will be racing tonight but won't be home for another couple of hours
I thought I could race but is impossible for me, have to work....thanks for all you help and I will be there next season like your team mate again I hope, because you are fast, clean, and consistent. Have a good race friend!!
Ah sorry to hear that. But thanks :). I will do what I can! :cheers:
Damn now I'm D2 pole ahhhhhh quick someone else come race so I can make D1 lol I need to get a bunch of points to keep or gain in the standings
Am I hosting D1?

Pag: Hope you reach D1 in the next round. 👍
Hey guys, i'm out of home until 17.15-30 UTC so i can't host D2. Hope someone else can do it please 👍
Hey guys, i'm out of home until 17.15-30 UTC so i can't host D2. Hope someone else can do it please 👍

plenty of us had bad quali this time around, Eddie or I can take care of it.
Where are all my teammates?? Did Anthony not Q? DA, Kevin?

I announced last week I couldn't race. Final exams are this week and I need all the time I can get. I'm disappointed though because I love enduros and Suzuka. Good luck cicua...as well as everyone else!

It's been a blast the past 2 months racing guys. Hope to see you guys next season!
Q Deadline is up. Here's the grids.


D1 Room: 1472-6118-3658-4759-1202
D2 Room: 1472-6118-4130-9223-5309

Start line is the usual line under the white banner near the end of the pit lane (where the game grids you, not the "finish" timing line closer to the chicane).
Flag marshals are those who can waive off the start in the event of lap 1 carnage.

Race restart flaggers -
These marshals will act as our "eyes on the ground" to look for incidents during the first lap and can waive off the start for a 2nd rolling lap in case the initial race start goes badly due to contact, lag, glitches, etc.
If there aren't 3 marshals in a division we will appoint regular members temporary marshal status in order to be able to carry out the same orders if need be. In order to "waive" a start, only one of the appointed marshals needs to type in text chat, " restart," and the field must slow and regroup as soon as possible. This will effectively be the same as a track-side marshal waving a yellow flag. The flag marshals or race host may also use this time in order to type out further direction to the room if needed.

The "restart" will give people repair time, no re-gridding (getting back in qualifying order), we will only give drivers time in order to catch up to the back and start from wherever the pit released them, no waiting. This also means no racing once you are released from the pits, you must stay in the order you were released or face penalty.

A second pace lap will commence in order for there to be enough time for necessary pit stops and to regroup with the pack. Drivers can drive at full speed down the straights in order to catch back up to the field but, again, can not race each other, so slow down in the corners in order to prevent more incidents especially if other drivers that pitted are also making their way back up into the race. Drivers caught in incidents will still be 'affected' by the crash but not thrown out of the race entirely as before. The race may be restarted in this fashion up to two times, in other words, the race must be started by lap 5 at the latest after which the race will continue regardless of incident.

The race will be restarted at the regular point, if all drivers have not yet caught back up to the race pack then the pole sitter must either slow or park before the last turn leading onto the start straight in order to ensure all drivers are regrouped afterwhich the racing may commence.

Flag marshals will be appointed from our staff of officials depending on starting position.
In a sixteen car grid, p3-5, p8-11, and p-13-16 should be good enough to spot major lap one issues and "wave" the yellow flag.

For smaller grids we can use one in the middle grid and one out in back

The flag marshals will be well documented when the room #'s and grid orders are posted before the race and a provisional list of flag marshals will be announced directly after qualifying deadline. "FM's" will also be designated in lobbies before races when we call out the pole side so everyone knows who can call the race and we all stick by the call 100%, no second guesses. If we give people the call it's their call and they have to be smart about it.

Remember to be smart and quick about restarts. It's up to your discretion. Everyone will form-up for a second rolling start on your call.
This only should be waived off in the event of a many car pile up or multiple accidents taking out several cars. Two cars getting into each other that doesn't affect the start in general will be dealt with after the race as usual. So use your own judgement and stand behind whatever you do.

Rich, Jason, and I have run "race control" before and can probably all agree that it's harder than it sounds; good luck. 👍

To everyone in the field:
If a yellow flag is called on lap1, drive cautiously for the remainder of the lap. No passing, no aggression, follow the car in front.
Once back around to the pit entry anyone with damage will be able to duck in to repair.
The current pole sitter will slow back down to 100 km/h (62 mph) and lead a second formation lap which will start at the same line as lap 1.
Drivers who are released from the pits, drive cautiously to catch back up to the rolling grid. No passing, follow the car in front until you've joined the grid and start as normal from whatever position you are in.
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Have a great race guys. Please post the results ASAP, I might not be able to make it but I can't wait to see how the season ends.
Yeah sorry for not making it again, I got home an hour ago and guess what, no power, again! Luckily it came back 15 minutes before the race, but by the time I had already plugged everything in and prepared myself for the race, it was already too late.

Because I don't make it that often, I would like to participate next season as a reserve driver, when there's only one driver from a team participating in the event or something like that.
I had a doubt of m connection today when i seen 2 guys on the map stuck on the start line while we were doing our formation lap. They suddenly disappeared from my map but not from the position (still 13 in the race). Few laps later, i finally seen they were out of the race (11 now) and 3secs after this i got disconnected :(

And sorry Dan, but I think that English is your native language, so i'm perfectly sure that you can understand this:
Start line is the usual line under the white banner near the end of the pit lane (where the game grids you, not the "finish" timing line closer to the chicane).
Hard to stay concentrated here on a normal week, let alone this week.

I think I'll quote my friend Ponyboy when I say "I hate Spoon curve" :lol: Crashed there about 3 times I think. Figured my race was over at that point, so I tried pushing it and trying for that 58 I said I could get. Got within .025 before stuffing it head first into the wall at Degner. By the time I came out of the pits from that, the leaders had caught me. No point risking crashing in front of them. Some of them are mad enough as it is.

Oh well. Suzuka isnt my best track, and once again I was lacking in the practice area. Dibs on the Calsonic GTR for next season.
Must of missed Tim's post about start line. I waited for everyone to come round corner and was in line, then put my foot down. Lol oops sorry guys.
Nice race to conclude the season. Had a pretty long battle with JTV as we were roughly on the same strategy. Inherited his spot midway through the race when he spun in Spoon, and after my last pitstop my HSV started to dramatically lose power, so I was the guy coming with a knife to a shootout when he finally passed me 3 laps or so from the end in his Denso. Seems like 4th in D2 is the best I could come up with. Was my third one, I think.

Just checked: power was down to 489 from 514. :crazy:

Anyway, great series, great racers! See y'all!
Lost power in the house for 2min! FFS! :banghead:

You DC'd right in front of me. For a second I thought it was ME who was DC'ing, I was like...please no! :nervous:

As far as my race, I knew with Dom starting up front that my 2nd place in points was gone already. Starting 8th I had to find a way to make up some ground in the race, especially since yet again the frame rate was horrible at the start of the race and it only made things worse.

Going into the race I knew I could do a 2-stop strategy so I went for it. I think it helped in the long run, and 4th really isn't bad even though I had hoped for more. I don't think any good moments in the season have changed my opinion of these cars. :grumpy:

Wouldn't have been so bad without the mess that was Fuji, so I guess I'll just move on. I can say that chances are I won't be back next season, I just don't enjoy these cars.