PURE | JGTS2-Congratulations to champions tony1311 and team Xanavi Z!

  • Thread starter Wardez
The good news? I finished! :dopey:

The bad news? I only got 8th.

I suppose that's what happens when your car's terrible to drive, you start at the rear, you have thought of strategy at all, and there's frame rate issues at the start. Naturally, I forgot how to drive in the draft, so I all but crashed at 130R on Lap 1. I caught back up, but the car was just too pushy to make a charge. Eventually, everyone began pitting, and that's when I had to start thinking strategy. The one advantage of a slow start was that there was a good amount of rubber left, so I chose a 2 stop strategy. I climbed all the way up to 3rd before doing my service, but to my dismay, I fell all the way back to 11th after, thanks to a long wait for gas.

I kept going, simply logging laps, until more cars came in for service. Then, I had two drivers catching up to me, who I let by easily, knowing that I had nothing for them. Unfortunately, I then noticed my tires were wearing faster than the first run, so I came in a lap earlier than planned. Crew chief said 19, but I didn't trust him, so I added 5 more. Again, I watched everyone zoom by me, but in my mind, I thought they would have to come in too.

Not quite.

I did catch up to someone, but they went in before I could benefit from their draft. After that, I barely noticed two cars way off in the distance, who I believe was Skeng and Dennis. With about 9 to go, I pretty much assumed they were going all the way, so there was no point in saving tires for someone coming from behind. It was go time!

Every lap, I pushed the massive school bus, ignoring the petulant yells from the rubber that I exceeded their limit. That blue GT-R driven by Skeng was coming closer on my screen, but that lap counter kept going up far too quickly. At best, I might have only one shot, and that's if I didn't screw up. With two to go, heading towards 130R, DRS finally came on, but it was at the worst possible time. I went in, and my nose didn't plant, sending me wide into the dirt. I worked that wheel like mad, and I saved that car, but lost whatever advantage I had.

One lap to go. 8th was just ahead of me.

My tires were worn, my driving got sloppy, but I was ever present on Skeng's rear view. Even going a bit wide at the hairpin, my school bus carried a head of steam towards Spoon, where I knew I had to get perfect for any hopes for an Alonso' type pass at 130R.

There was no need.

Skeng lost it entering Spoon, and promptly spun around, partially blocking the track. I pointed my nose inside, and barely snuck through. With a few more turns, I saw the most beautiful sight, a white and black flag signaling that I had made it to the promised land, late, but better than nothing. :)


This one's hard to read, but I believe it says 1:47:000:922

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D2 Report:

First time I've ever seen the pole sitter jump the start. :lol:
Jash overtook 2 spots on the blown green (should have given those back bro).
We got through T1 fine, carracer got the best of me so I was down to 6th from 4th but no one crashed so I left it be, didn't hear a yellow from wii behind... so the race was at least underway.

I got by carracer on the end of lap1, but he took me back going into lap2. Took it back and held 5th next time. Now down by many seconds to p1 with jash, litchi, and ren left to pass... litchi dc'd, got by jash, caught up to ren during the good tires on stint1.

Went after ren in turn1, he parried, I pressured... got a run out of spoon and made a safe overtake before 130R. Held off and started chasing the GTR-Bunny. Tires stunk by now, he was a good 15s or so up the road. Gave it a whirl, picked up a couple seconds but also got a gap so I was alone.

Took the free 12 on stop 1 at the planned lap 14 (3-stop). Came out behind ren, caught up to him and went after his old tires with my cold ones. I'd like to say sorry for the aggressive pass at the hairpin, the fronts were colder than I expected and I ran long on the brakes; wasn't my intention to dive and block you. :(

Then I was alone watching the gap... made some bored mistakes as my mind wandered occasionally. Came in on 27 not making any real progress... took 25 to put the tank back up to 1/2. Ran a productive light fuel stint until mistakes here and there due to being all alone lap after lap watching the gap time got to me. (p.s. thanks team mate for letting me by easy after the tow =] ).

Coming in for the last service on 40 I made my final brain fade... right rear got loose on the spoon kerb and I nearly spun. Gap to leader went from 5s to +22 after the stop. Pit dude said I needed 35, sounded about right so I took 36. Ran a lot of descent laps at the end on light fuel but only closed down to 17.

Good Race Dan.
Good Season everyone. 👍
rich, you cut off the most important part of the 1st graphic.... best laps. if you re-post I can submit the results. (any drops btw? I need to know what lap they dnf'd)
My race was okay at the beginning, but after about eight laps my car felt like a pig. Pitted on lap 14 for my first stop and came out in front of a group of cars, then slid off a little bit later on cold tires. 1 minute after that my "Fully Charged" controller died on me at the hairpin. Hooked it back up and drove to the pits to park it. I can't race with it plugged in because my ps3 is too far away from where I sit, so it was game over for me. Summary of my whole season pretty much. :/
Congratulations to Tony and Dan on their respective wins.

This has been a championship of the highest quality, we'll done to all involved. Special thanks to Tim, Dennis and Eddie for creating and running everything to a remarkably high standard. I only wish I could have made a few more races, the timeslot has been a real challenge. Finally congratulations to Tony on retaining the trophy.
Teribble week behind me:guilty:
First disapointing quallification and even worse race...
I'm more D2 material than D1.

Anyway, I'm glad that I participate in this awsome championship.
I have met new people, drive against superb drivers and got new experience.
Thank you all guys:)

I'm little disapointed in my driving but that what you get when you mess with the best:crazy:

Hope I see you next year...
rich, you cut off the most important part of the 1st graphic.... best laps. if you re-post I can submit the results. (any drops btw? I need to know what lap they dnf'd)
Nissman DC'ed on Lap 14:


Fastest Laps:


2nd slowest, and that was the only 57 I ran the whole race. :ouch:

Now for some shameless advertising. If you enjoyed racing with us, we have another series that is ongoing. :sly:

October 2012 - December 2012
2nd Annual PURE GT500 invitational
  1. SuperSic (weider ITOKO)
  2. CSLACR (weider OTOTO)
  3. R1600Turbo (XANAVI NISMO Z)

Team Champion:
XANAVI NISMO Z | 2004 Nissan 350Z


Congrats to tony, back-2-back JGTS Champion.
CSL improves last season's #3 finish by sealing up 2nd.
R1600Turbo prevents the Honda lock-out keeping 3rd from Dennis.

Z's had a meteoric 2nd half and drove home with the Team Prize. 👍

edit: btw, I know Jash and Mich are getting sorted incorrectly; still figuring out why that is.
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Congratulations Tony!!!

I'm very happy that my team won constructors championship.
Great work teammates:)
Congrats to Tony, and Team Z, which, by the way, I was part of the start the season. :lol:

Anyways, here's a clip of me making lemons out of lemonade on the last lap.

As for my season, there's one phrase that suits it perfectly:

You have been disconnected from having fun.





Tony - JGTS Season II champion takes the checkered.

2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th after 300KM's.
Damn Rich you shift too much. :lol:
You hardly shift at all! If I had done that, my entire cockpit would be filled with sand! :lol:

I really need to figure out those S's. There is no way my car can even get past the middle of the track after the first right hander, and yet, everyone else can. :confused:
I always set up my cars to shift as few times as possible, especially when corners are back to back to back like the S's at Suzuka.
Great reports and pictures guys. Congrat's to Tony for becoming two time champion and Team Xanavi Nismo Z for the awesome 2nd half charge and win!
I missed the race since I woke up about an hour too early and pulled the rookie mistake of trying to get another couple minutes of rest before I turned the PS3 on, then I woke up feeling like crap at like 10:30, 30 minutes too late. Sorry I didn't post earlier but I had to rest more then had a busy day in store for the afternoon. Now I'm at work.

Anyway, don't put those wheels and controllers away yet. An announcment regarding new racing to fill in the holiday gap is coming soon!
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I always set up my cars to shift as few times as possible, especially when corners are back to back to back like the S's at Suzuka.

Yeah, I can go down to 3rd into the first left of sector1 and stay in 3rd til i'm powering up the hill in 4th toward degner. Entirely intentional as 3rd went from 70mph to 105mph and turns most of the 1st sector into just an autocross slolem in one gear.
I shifted between 3rd and 4th constantly through the esses, and I wouldn't have it any other way. More car control without braking. :)

Not much for a race report for me, started 3rd, stayed 3rd, built a gap back to 4th, pit in early enough to get a good jump on 12, ran pretty solid stints of 57's, pit on 26, ran a solid stint of 57's, pit on 38 or 39, mostly because I already had the tread advantage coming out and wanted to make sure I kept a comfortable gap back to third, I did, and everything worked like a charm all day long, from 40 on I just paced Max and Jason to the finish, no bobbles, no goofs, enough fuel but not too much at all, everything as planned, in accordance with my desire.
Easiest second place I'll ever get, everything just went my way today, from start to finish.

Congratulations to Max for another strong finish on the podium, bringing team OTOTO up to 3rd in the standings, whooda thunk it?
And Team Z for the team championship. ;) 👍

To old friends and new comrades, a hearty JGTS 2! :cheers:
Looking forward to JGTS 3. :)
Hold on Dan. Do you have lots of times where you randomly look at a clock for it to read 11:11?

When's your birthday? If you were born on a year ending with an odd number I may have some bad news for you.
Well i got 5th in the total points with some penalty points , I think thats not bad, going for 4th next season .

Hold on Dan. Do you have lots of times where you randomly look at a clock for it to read 11:11?

When's your birthday? If you were born on a year ending with an odd number I may have some bad news for you.

Please tell more
I just need for Dan's follow up and all will be revealed on this plane.
Congrtaz to Tony and Team Z!

I didn't have much luck this season only managed to finish two races and some bad qualifying sessions kept me out of D1. Hopefully I'll have time to join you guys in JGTS 3.
See ya soon.
My birthday is 19/12/1988 so 11 doesn't really tie into that.

I still have no idea.... maybe its not a sign....