Q&A with Slightly Mad Studios: Ian Bell [Read OP]

  • Thread starter Kitten
That's because we don't hear from Kaz period. He doesn't post as GTP, as such its a false comparison to make.
So not in GTP, can you present one exemple where Kaz is ever complained his customers whining in negative way?
I haven't seen a thing like that, that's the smart decision to dodge those, instead SMS has stepped in line of fire on them self, so it's kinda self made problem to face complains directly, again smart company personnel can take negative comments as good comments and improve things what made those comments to rise, without arguing with customer and his rights to be unpleased on product and complain.
So not in GTP, can you present one exemple where Kaz is ever complained his customers whining in negative way?
I haven't seen a thing like that, that's the smart decision to dodge those, instead SMS has stepped in line of fire on them self, so it's kinda self made problem to face complains directly, again smart company personnel can take negative comments as good comments and improve things what made those comments to rise, without arguing with customer and his rights to be unpleased on product and complain.
You get a dev that engages, you get the good with the bad.

My point is that its a false comparison, not that one is inherently right or wrong.
I never thought that in my life I would be on a forum listening to (i assume) grown adults talking about taking legal action against a VIDEO GAME developer. A VIDEO GAME.

And its not like they claimed "Project Cars 2 is going to be the best first person shooter that is entirely historically accurate".
Just a quick temporary reply from my phone. Yes I have a folder on my desktop full of evidence that this was willfull abuse. I wouldn't have put in the cases to the authorities I have if I didn't think I could prove so (one with the US dept of justice I'm still waiting to hear back from). So I *should* just see what's on my pc before retracting that statement.

However, I accept that it's probably not what you want on gtplanet. Whether or not it is libel or truth, so may just rephrase it anyway.

...oooh wouldn't that be an awesome story if I were dragged through a court by a company to explain myself about exposing the truth?

Btw such exploitation of consumers is not actually illegal... re: petition to government. So I can't accuse them of an illegal act in that way but there are other areas where civil illegal actions have been taken.

I can't believe someone is actually trying to seek legal action because they are dissatisfied in a video game. Whats the world coming too? :rolleyes:

So not in GTP, can you present one exemple where Kaz is ever complained his customers whining in negative way?

Of course he doesn't. How could he if he doesn't communicate with the customers at all to begin with? Have you ever seen Kaz on here? I haven't and this is "GT"Planet!! Yet Ian has been here fielding questions and addressing gamers concerns.
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When SMS spend 15 years starting each game with a Sunday Cup at Autumn Ring, THEN, I'd say there's cause to complain.
We've got it so good now. From Pole Position to this. And i'm wishing for specific cars. Meanwhile, I can drive a real to life car, in a virtual world. Amazing stuff.
Have you ever seen Kaz on here? I haven't and this is "GT"Planet!!
I still remember the QA-forum debacle with Kaz. And then there's his/PD's vague statements for the past decade. Or his recent claims with regards to GTS that are just nonsense (nothing dropped, 85% is offline). People comparing his communication to Ians and then calling Ians lacking in comparison are either insane or pushing an agenda.
I still remember the QA-forum debacle with Kaz. And then there's his/PD's vague statements for the past decade. Or his recent claims with regards to GTS that are just nonsense (nothing dropped, 85% is offline). People comparing his communication to Ians and then calling Ians lacking in comparison are either insane or pushing an agenda.

Comparison is fair and valid, PD hasn't argued with customers who give negative feedback (here, or anywhere), SMS is. Facing negative feedback is skill which is highly needed on customer service, when SMS decided open their marketing channel here at GTP they should understand which kind of consequences it will create, including negative feedback. So mirror mirror tell me who's fault is this?
These different reactions and attitudes by the heads of the dev teams is very easy to explain, really.
One is part of a big corporation, subject to all sorts of politically correct PR rules and in his case also a language and culture barrier.
The other speaks his mind however and whenever he feels like it.

Both methods have their positives and negatives but I know which one I prefer. ;)
Facing negative feedback is skill which is highly needed on customer service, when SMS decided open their marketing channel here at GTP they should understand which kind of consequences it will create, including negative feedback.
I always regarded Kaz/PD's no-show for the Q/A subforum thing as them being unwilling to face negative feedback at all.
@IanBell- just wanted to post my support for project cars 2. The content is unbelievable, I never thought I’d play a decent racing game on the PlayStation that let me race the Daytona 500, Indy 500, Le Mans 24 hours and Monaco Grand Prix. Let alone one where I could play out sports car and F1 races from multiple eras. Great game, keep up the good work SMS :cheers:.
How is it valid when PD doesn't interact with it's community at all to begin with?

I always regarded Kaz/PD's no-show for the Q/A subforum thing as them being unwilling to face negative feedback at all.

It's a designer choice ;)

They're wise in longer terms, they aren't stepping in line of fire and committing seppuku like SMS.
It's a designer choice ;)

They're wise in longer terms, they aren't stepping in line of fire and committing seppuku like SMS.
You don’t really believe the lack of community interaction from PD and Kaz is strategic do you? Even small studios have updates via Reddit at the very least.
False advertising is easy to prove and has no need for supporting evidence. It stands by itself. False advertising is a willful act and can, but not always, be judged a civil or criminal offence. Obviously depending on the detail of the case.

Anyway in the interests of appeasement, I have retracted the statement, although you may need to edit other posts. I have other things to do today instead of get bogged down on this.

Matt, while I respect the work you've done identifying bugs I wish you would just ghost with the legal banter.

This isn't the place for it.

I know I've beat up GT pretty good, but I wouldn't threaten Kaz or anyone else with false advertising or willful deceivement.

I think it's great we have a community here that can have constructive differences and engage in debates, but when things turn legal it's just no longer fun.
Of course he doesn't. How could he if he doesn't communicate with the customers at all to begin with? Have you ever seen Kaz on here? I haven't and this is "GT"Planet!! Yet Ian has been here fielding questions and addressing gamers concerns.

Jordan's mentioned several times that Kaz and PD are aware of GTPlanet and have looked at the forum. I'm not sure how frequently they do, but Jordan does get invited to several events by PD as evident in the news section of this site.
Jordan's mentioned several times that Kaz and PD are aware of GTPlanet and have looked at the forum. I'm not sure how frequently they do, but Jordan does get invited to several events by PD as evident in the news section of this site.

That has almost nothing to do with what I said but note taken anyway.
That has almost nothing to do with what I said but note taken anyway.

You asked if anyone's ever seen Kaz on here. I was giving you an answer with some context. While he may not post, it's not like he (or his team) aren't around.
Matt, while I respect the work you've done identifying bugs I wish you would just ghost with the legal banter.

This isn't the place for it.

Well I get asked directly or indirectly about it (or challenged) so I respond when I can.

I know I've beat up GT pretty good, but I wouldn't threaten Kaz or anyone else with false advertising or willful deceivement.

It is was it is. I wish it wasn't. False advertising is false advertising. It's very easy to prove - "it will do this if you buy it", "but it doesn't do this". It's not fair that it happens and it's not fair that people should be able to continually get away with it [because they always have].

It seems like I'm picking on PC2 but I've been detached from gaming for several years. It is my experience of re-entry. If it had been another title sold in the same way, my response would be the same where applicable. I guess you lot just got unlucky! ;)

I like to think you got lucky that there are some who don't take no **** and all you have to do is go along for the ride.

I think it's great we have a community here that can have constructive differences and engage in debates, but when things turn legal it's just no longer fun.

Fair enough. I wouldn't really say I'm having fun either and I definitely don't when a bug screws my race through no fault of my own, other than being tricked into buying a pre-order for the first, and only, time.
False advertising is false advertising. It's very easy to prove - "it will do this if you buy it", "but it doesn't do this". It's not fair that it happens and it's not fair that people should be able to continually get away with it [because they always have].

You should try your powers at the herbal supplement and "cleansing" markets, everything they say is false advertising and their products don't do anything that they claim or even contain the ingredients listed on the bottle. Yet people literally spend billions of dollars on this garbage every year.

Ian & the Development team earned my respect with Project Cars 1. Of course a newly released game is going to have faults, it's 2017. Besides I thought this was a Q&A not a PC2 bugs thread? Am I lost or something?

So all it takes to earn your respect is to release a buggy game, never completely fix it, then release another buggy game? Your respect is very easily earned then.
So all it takes to earn your respect is to release a buggy game, never completely fix it, then release another buggy game? Your respect is very easily earned then.
No, actually. I genuinely enjoyed playing Project Cars 1. I thought it was pretty decent, & it's called an opinion. Learn what one is before you call me out. I just look on the positive side of things.
Well I get asked directly or indirectly about it (or challenged) so I respond when I can.

It is was it is. I wish it wasn't. False advertising is false advertising. It's very easy to prove - "it will do this if you buy it", "but it doesn't do this". It's not fair that it happens and it's not fair that people should be able to continually get away with it [because they always have].

It seems like I'm picking on PC2 but I've been detached from gaming for several years. It is my experience of re-entry. If it had been another title sold in the same way, my response would be the same where applicable. I guess you lot just got unlucky! ;)

I like to think you got lucky that there are some who don't take no **** and all you have to do is go along for the ride.

Fair enough. I wouldn't really say I'm having fun either and I definitely don't when a bug screws my race through no fault of my own, other than being tricked into buying a pre-order for the first, and only, time.
What is your end game here with all of this nonsense? Do you want everyone to stop playing pCars 2? You claim false advertising over and over because a feature doesn’t work as you expect it too or there are bugs. Have you played any AAA title in the last decade? They ALL have issues.
Glad you enjoyed it. My opinion still stands that your respect is easily earned if you require nothing more than unfinished and buggy games to earn it.
I've edited my comment as I thought I went a bit too harsh on you there. But thank you I guess. Well that's your opinion, but i genuinely enjoyed PC1. I still play it now. & when I heard that there was going to be a PC2, i was hyped to hear that because of his much I enjoyed PC1. & now I'm enjoying PC2, & tend to avoid the bugs as best as I can. Are you a video games developer? Can you make the perfect racing game without any bugs?

You don't know anything about me, so you shouldn't really be judging me.

Edit: Yeah, it's fine. Whether that's sincere or not. & I will thank you.
You asked if anyone's ever seen Kaz on here. I was giving you an answer with some context. While he may not post, it's not like he (or his team) aren't around.

Coming on here once in a blue moon and actually communicating with the community when he does are 2 totally different things. We don't see him unless he posts, which he doesn't. Inviting Jordan to something is also totally different. Jordan is essentially a member of the media.

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