Q: Cars earned in GT5P transferable to new GT5??

  • Thread starter beaky84
Your first car in GT is usually the one you consider 'yours', at least thats how it is for me. To me its just so fun starting with an old second hand Japanese car & tuning it slowly, I had the skyline r32 GTR for GT4. If cars are transferable that whole feel wont be there. However Kaz is always trying to make cars feel as if you own them, and he said he wants you to be able to carry cars from GT5 to GT6 and beyond, in an interview, I just hope it works, maybe it will be a lot harder to own 100's of cars in GT5, afterall most of the cars in my GT4 garage were unused. Making it really a challenge to get new cars would add to game the game time
For me, I do no see a point in transferring cars right away.
We waited for GT5 for many years now, years not months, and why would we want to waste some of the gameplay by pretty much skipping from some Low Powered miata to a M3?

No thanks

I'll start GT5 from beginning.
I started with the Focus in GT5p, but now I feel the Integra is more "mine" because it's winning more races for me.

Yeah Integra was the all round car for beginner classes. I bet when GT5 comes you Integra will be out of reach, unless you buy old one in game.
It would be cool if I could transfer my 91 NSX (one of the three - I bought it in all the available colours).

Then again, I'd be fine with starting from scratch. I like the GT when I don't have enough money to buy a better car and have to fight to win a race.
I hope not. There's already people here claiming to be on their 3-4th Formula 1 car in GT5:P already.

Just going to allow people to rape the hell out of the events in the game.

Haha some have 50 F1 cars, I have 6 and I don't even do many races anymore, most my GT5P is free lapping. I won't transfer anything to GT5, like I didn't with GT4.

Edit - I actually have 8, not 6.
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I don't want anything transferable from GT5P whether this is cars or credits.

When I finally fire up GT5 I want to start with peanuts and slowly work my way up to owning all cars. Considering the long wait for GT5 im not in any rush to get 100% because I want to saviour the game.

Still this is going to be different this time because aside from completing the single player I will also be tempted to compete online and time trials. Infact I can see myself happily playing the single player but then the temptation of playing online will be too strong.

When GT5 is finally released im probably going to balance my playing hrs between completing single player, racing online, hotlapping. With a combination of all 3 of these means GT5 is going to have a very long lifespan.
It will be too easy to start the game with all prologue cars. I think you will only be able to carry on some extra credits but i hope we wont' be able to carry on anything so the game experience will be greater. (sorry for my english)
I dont think the cars that you earned in GT5P will be transferable to GT5!

In my opinion you will have some $$$ (25.000cr), and maybe a few licence test unlock (A and B licence).

I think that some money between 10K-30K should be transferred. As for the cars I'd personally like to earn them all over again. B Licence should be unlocked as well.
I think they should give us the option to transfer what we've earned over at any time we like, even 6 months after we get GT5. If you transfer it, that's your choice. If you don't, that's fine too. It will be your own choice.

Don't confuse ATM races with "grinding" or toiling through crappy 3 wheeled useless cars. A 10 day work week with 12 hour days is a "grind". I don't do MMO's. The only MMO term I know is "gold mining".

ATM races have a high payout for an easy event. The Capri race won you a Toyota Rally Raid. El Capitan gave you a Minolta. The 24 hour 'Ring run dropped an F1 car in your garage. You would stock pile the cars to buy parts for your current car or other cars.
if you guys could transfer just one car from GT5P to GT5.. what would that ONE CAR be?

I'd choose the HONDA NSX-R.
Head Start on Gran Turismo 5 -- Get a jump on the competition. You can transfer your Gran Turismo 5 Prologue progress to Gran Turismo 5 when it releases.

From North American Gran Turismo official website.
MajorZero, thats very good news!

Going back to the question of 'if there you could only transfer one car, which would it be?' I think I'd have to join those who would be taking their F430, it has the looks, the sound and just drives so nicely!
I seem to be in the minority here but let me explain ....

I, for one, want everything to transfer from Prologue to GT5.

Normally, I agree with everyone who likes to start out from scratch and work their way up as the game was intended. I did this from beginning to end with GT4 three times. However, I have been a dedicated Prologue racer since launch day and I am as bored to death as most of you are. I feel as though I have worked my way through the early stages of GT5 by suffering with the limited cars and tracks of Prologue for hundreds of hours. I've already "paid my dues". Since PD never made good on their promises with Prologue, I have been starved for real race cars ! Unlike a few of you who prefer the street cars, my preferences are just the opposite. Of the 556 cars in my GT4 garage, I never drive a street car except to take the Honda Odyssey out for a Sunday drive around the Ring :)

I want to sell my 66 Ferrari F2007's and buy real race cars. I'm simply starved for that experience. I fully intend to go back and "start from scratch" because I can fully appreciate the perspective voiced by so many of you, but I just want to immediately fullfil the expectations that Prologue never provided.

That is why I hope PD allows full transfer of data. It still gives each and everyone of us control of our own desires and preferences.
. I fully intend to go back and "start from scratch" because I can fully appreciate the perspective voiced by so many of you, but I just want to immediately fullfil the expectations that Prologue never provided.

I imagine you can go into Arcade and drive race cars right away in GT5 if you can't transfer very much from GT5P.

As I assume you're aware previous GT's had GT mode where you work your way up and arcade where you got your quick fill.
First of all, they Must let you transfer something, good? from GT5P to GT5, because some Players (nothing personal, also just an example) will say HEY! I Bought you a fricking Demo, so you're not going to give me something?

Im ok To Transfer, uhm 15.000 Cr. More? but i want to do the licenses myself, and want to start with a cheap-o-ride.
After playing the game a few times since my last post id probably transfer the R35 GTR. But saying that.. I'd much preffer to transfer money and then again not a whole lot because I dont like the idea of cheating, as many others have said starting with minimal cash and a crap car and working your way up is fun and ive enjoyed that in previous GT's. I really think the amount of Cr you start with needs to be lifted to say 15,000Cr or 18,000 even.
I imagine you can go into Arcade and drive race cars right away in GT5 if you can't transfer very much from GT5P.

As I assume you're aware previous GT's had GT mode where you work your way up and arcade where you got your quick fill.

I'm not 100% positive about this, but I seem to remember there being a limited supply of race cars in Arcade mode at start up. The offerings increased as you worked your way through the game. I could be wrong about this, but that is the best my recollection can do :)

I also prefered the set up options that GT Mode offered as compared to the generic options in Arcade. That being said however, I am not really optimistic about my getting my wish. The odds still favor what most have said here ..... small cash transfer and no cars.

Thankfully, I've learned not to worry or fret about things that I have no control over. Like you, I'll just be happy to get the thing finally :scared:
I hope they block option for transfering...at least for the cars. They should do it like in GT4, where you could transfer some Credits from GT3. The point of GT is to start at the bottom...and if some of you guys would transfer your xx F1's, this point it would be killed.

People say "I want to choose for myself!", but i think the guys behind GT know best. It's sort of the "story" of GT and by allowing to pass this (for me) important part of the game, i dont see any sense of that.
At the very least, I want to be able to use the cars that I have in prologue in arcade mode. I am looking forward to trying out the F2007 on tracks such as spa or taking one of the other ferraris out onto the nurburgring. Depending on how online mode is run, I think that I would like the option to use my GT5P cars. Offline, I would like to be able to start from scratch as long as I don't have to repeat events over just to get enough money for a particular car. If there is some sort of online career mode, I would like to be able to start from scratch on that as well.
At the very least, I want to be able to use the cars that I have in prologue in arcade mode. I am looking forward to trying out the F2007 on tracks such as spa or taking one of the other ferraris out onto the nurburgring. Depending on how online mode is run, I think that I would like the option to use my GT5P cars. Offline, I would like to be able to start from scratch as long as I don't have to repeat events over just to get enough money for a particular car. If there is some sort of online career mode, I would like to be able to start from scratch on that as well.

I like that. Makes sense and probably what they'll actually do. Seems far more realistic to me.

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