Considering that the car is more likely to bottom out, that the EXTREME camber often causes a LOSS of grip because it is so high, and because the springs are poorly cut since it's usually somebody my age who thinks they know what they're doing when they don't, yes. I'd say that all of those things make "stanced" cars dangerous to drive.
And, if driving over a bump makes the bumpers rip off of the car (which I've seen countless times online and even once in feel life) then I'd also call that unsafe. The people behind can easily run into the debris. Plus, the stanced car has to stop and try to pick it up somehow. Not safe.
I'm not for telling people what and how they should/can drive, but this is a great law. There are reasons why cars aren't sold with the tires at 10° of camber and with only half an inch of ground clearance.