Questionable modifications: pictures inside!

  • Thread starter -Fred-
Why exactly is it a bad place? its very easy to glance in that direction, or to even notice it with your peripherals rather than putting it above the steering wheel, blocking other useful gauges, or putting it center dash making it farther away and less noticeable.

Thats one of the best places for it, its just that people think negatively about seeing gauges now a days because of the way its been ruined by people putting it when they dont really need it.
I agree that the lowest one is in great place to have a gauge, but the one on the top is actually in pretty bad place. You have to look up-left to see it properly in the worst case you have to move your head just to see it properly and all other gauges are in completely different place, so if you want to see them all the distance is much longer than if it would be in right side of other gauges (unless you have enough gauges to make your dash look like one in Ford GT40).
I agree that the lowest one is in great place to have a gauge, but the one on the top is actually in pretty bad place. You have to look up-left to see it properly in the worst case you have to move your head just to see it properly and all other gauges are in completely different place, so if you want to see them all the distance is much longer than if it would be in right side of other gauges (unless you have enough gauges to make your dash look like one in Ford GT40).

Have you ever been in a car that small? The middle one is probably going to be eye level, probably slightly lower if you are a person of average height. Still even with that in mind, I can look up and down enough to where I would be able to view all of them, with only moving my eyes just a bit. After driving your car enough you know when to shift, and its not like you have to stare at the dash for 30 seconds to realize what you are doing, so I guess someone can put them there if they'd like, but I still feel that its currently in an ideal place that requires minimal-to-no head movement.

Well that makes sense, but I would've taken it off altogether.
Its a lose lose. In that case he'd be stuck with ugly holes on his trunk :P
I didn't think this at all. I was thinking the windscreen line of Tesla Model S instead of the one in MR2 or any other low sports car. Sorry.

Gauge on a-pillar is a good idea, but it has a problem of having making the inside of the a-pillar wider and therefore affecting to visibility, this isn't a problem on cars with wide a-pillar in the first place, but it can be a serious issue on car with narrow a-pillar.
hop the curb.
One my Cobra when it was Supercharged I had 3, boost, fuel pressure and a oil pressure since the stock gauge was close to a dummy gauge since it registered "middle" unless there was NO oil pressure.
Fact: Factory Ford gauges SUCK
1st pic - Trust me! These wheels are enough to support the heavyness of a pick up truck!
2nd pic - Trust me! These wheels are still not enough to support the heavyness of a pick up truck!
Although for some reason, i like the wheels on the 2nd one, maybe its because its more like a truck like that.
Or i should just go to my local doctor.
If you want pick-up truck you should buy pick-up truck in the first place.

This is not made by Ford and it doesn't contain any Cosworth parts.

Oh look it's Ford Mustang. Oh wait...
I love these posts where the cars are just hidden in the background like a horror movie.

Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him...
Ricer LaBeouf
:lol: I would've gotten closer, but the owner looked like He-man and the incredible hulk decided to fuze together. Seriously, at least 6'5", and ripped from head to toe.