Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
I am rarely not connected to the net. Be it, through the Worksite, home or via Q, I tend to mod more than post, as I like to keep a neat and tidy forum. I sometimes miss the posting, as there are numerous threads I've taken literally weeks to get around to posting in.

Much like the Downshifting to Slow down thread. Apparently, I've been driving incorrectly for the past twenty years.

You've been a mod for twenty years? :crazy:
Umm.... No, according to the "Downshifting to Slow Down" thread, I've been driving incorrectly for 20 years. I've had my drivers license for 20 years.

Mod for 20 years? Al Gore hadn't invented the internet yet.
I guess that would only happen if he racked up enough infractions or broke the AUP.
Will any of you ban the walking, talking trainwreck that is Ghost C?
This sort of post is best handled by PM-ing a moderator, not by posting this publicly.

In my opinion, he hasn't really broken any rules, although he's twisted them before.
Will any of you ban the walking, talking trainwreck that is Ghost C?
We're not about to discipline anybody here for their behaviour somewhere else unless it directly affects GTP (such as when a disgruntled member fraudulently put GTP up on Ebay).

Now, if he happens to go further off the deep end here, he'll be disciplined accordingly.
Oh wow! I never heard of that. Is there a thread anywhere referencing it?
Most of it was back-channel or handled elsewhere. He was a prominent (if highly volatile) member of several other GT3/4 forums with a history of trouble with authority figures of any kind. During BC5 he got into conflict here and turned it into a full-on war that spilled into several other forums, including his own. I believe he's since lost it completely and been banned even from the few forums left who could tolerate him.
I seem to vaguely recall that it’s happened once or twice, but I can’t remember why.

Also, when we initiate an IP ban, there are sometimes innocent people who get taken out by that – we try to be careful about that, but sometimes there’s no way around it.
Has anyone ever been banned by accident?
Well, I and two other members were ALMOST banned by accident once. I don't think Duke would be too happy if I say what happened, though. ;)
I seem to vaguely recall that it’s happened once or twice, but I can’t remember why.

Also, when we initiate an IP ban, there are sometimes innocent people who get taken out by that – we try to be careful about that, but sometimes there’s no way around it.

Well, I and two other members were ALMOST banned by accident once. I don't think Duke would be too happy if I say what happened, though. ;)

Well, I and two other members were ALMOST banned by accident once. I don't think Duke would be too happy if I say what happened, though. ;)
It sucks being on the outside looking in. :grumpy:
Well, I and two other members were ALMOST banned by accident once. I don't think Duke would be too happy if I say what happened, though. ;)
That was the you-and-Diego incident?
That was the you-and-Diego incident?

and Small_Fryz.... and Matt (aka Jimmy N/A)

To be honest, it's one of those things we can laugh at now that time has passed... I still have those PMs on file.

and Small_Fryz.... and Matt (aka Jimmy N/A)

To be honest, it's one of those things we can laugh at now that time has passed... I still have those PMs on file.
Yeah, I definitely know what you mean. :)
I can't hold it back anymore. The people must know!

Ladies and gentleman, the mods and admins had, and may still have, an oubliette.

Call Amnesty International!

Tell the world before they silence me.
Its a food. You crack some eggs, mix them up, and heat them in a saucepan...
an omelette? :confused: , no, I think you're pulling my....:)

EDIT found an explanation in a dictionnaire: subterranean dungeon! hehe no omelette. I didn't believe that that's why I looked it up. ;)

Call Amnesty International! For an omelette is a bit over the top.:)
When do you guys moderate the most (time)? I see most of the British mods online during the day (same time min 1 hour) when you guys should be at work, working!

Or has this maybe already been discussed?

Here normally Daan and Famine (and some other British mods) come online near bedtime and come off early in the morning.

I have a question, can you reverse a ban if it happened by accident?