Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
Wow, I just read this entire thread, and I have to admit, it's threads like this that make me love this place. :cheers: Now, onto the topic at hand:

Do any of the Moderators wish GTP was like how it was, before the explosion that preceded/ was/ is GT4? Do you miss the close-knit feeling, or was it ever lost? :confused:

Second question: Once I upgrade to Premium, will I be able to take older member's names if I so wish? (I'm rather aggravated by whoever took the original name Jetboy.:irked:.)

Third Question: Was anything of the original test forum salvaged? I want to read and laugh my arse off once again at the Rumple Club...

Appreciating answers.:)

Do any of the Moderators wish GTP was like how it was, before the explosion that preceded/ was/ is GT4? Do you miss the close-knit feeling, or was it ever lost? :confused:
GTP is what it is, and we adapt to new conditions as they occur. Time is never static - everything changes. Trying to hang on to some over-romaticized glory days is pointless at best. Was it fun back then? Sure. Was it different? Sure. Was it better? In some ways - but it's better now in other ways.

Pining for the 'perfect little GTP' of the past is silly. It's like a 50-year-old guy who still hangs out with his college fraternity buddies or keeps his school football jersey in his closet. The past is gone - remember it fondly, but don't get stuck wishing it could always be that way. You miss new good things when you do that.
Second question: Once I upgrade to Premium, will I be able to take older member's names if I so wish? (I'm rather aggravated by whoever took the original name Jetboy.:irked:.)
No, sorry. Member names are member names and we don't delete accounts.
Third Question: Was anything of the original test forum salvaged? I want to read and laugh my arse off once again at the Rumple Club...
It may be around somewhere in the database, but it's been removed from circulation. Even staff don't have access to it.
Do any of the Moderators wish GTP was like how it was, before the explosion that preceded/ was/ is GT4? Do you miss the close-knit feeling, or was it ever lost?
I personally don't wish for it to be like it was as being on the old MSN forums wasn't the best way to run a forum or the best way to converse with friends about the game.
But, the closeness we had back in the day was something that may be missed by those that remember those days.
Also, the beginning of something that would build up to what the GTPlanet is today is something that those who were there from the start will never forget.
The changes, the new forums, new mods, and all that Jordan implemented to make one of the best forums on the 'net.

Duke had it right though and said it well in his post.
If you don't continue to move on with the present, you'll be relegated to old school status, always trying to relive the past, which as we all know is just that, the past.

Great thread btw.
I must admit that even though I post very little on the GTP, Jordan has the best mods, and most mature bunch that keeps this place running great.
This is what makes a great forums and kudos to the moderating team. 👍
I must admit that even though I post very little on the GTP, Jordan has the best mods, and most mature bunch that keeps this place running great.
This is what makes a great forums and kudos to the moderating team. 👍

Took the words straight from my mouth. The mods these days do a wonderful job looking after this place.

And I, personally, miss the "good ole' days." Mainly because I was still a kid back then, and had all the time in the world to post, and there were a ton of great folks to talk to. Things have changed - on both counts.
It seems that I like to fire up old threads. I hope it's not going to be an habbit.

* Are mods (super or not) allowed to browse the forums in invisible mode? ;)
It seems that I like to fire up old threads. I hope it's not going to be an habbit.

* Are mods (super or not) allowed to browse the forums in invisible mode? ;)
Famine does as far as I know.
It's good for surprise attacks. Ninja moderation FTW.

It's also good to ward away stalkers. I don't know how many times we've watched Sage's profile for his movement whenever we started some crap in the chat thread.

He's usually searching for something though. Maybe for money for the new Mac OS. But hey, I'm not knocking him, I'd do the same thing. Leopard is going to kick Vista's ass to hell and back. I'm certain of it.

But anyway, I like doing it to other people but not done unto me. That's why there's an invisible mode! Reap the benefits without the downsides. It feels good.

And even then, if you're not as messed up as me, you still get the benefit of a star by your name. A star! It raises your self esteem and makes you feel special and needed.
Not you, kikie. Only mods. :P

I used invisible mode once, but no more.

I also remvoed my sig and avatar and changed my title to 'bamed' or something to appear banned.
It's also good to ward away stalkers. I don't know how many times we've watched Sage's profile for his movement whenever we started some crap in the chat thread.


Why the heck would he be searching for something in the conversation thread? I mean, every one of those posts is completely useless, deliberately wrong, misinformed, >pg13, pure sarcasm, or stupid .gifs that aren't funny.

Why the heck would he be searching for something in the conversation thread? I mean, every one of those posts is completely useless, deliberately wrong, misinformed, >pg13, pure sarcasm, or stupid .gifs that aren't funny.

shhhhhh!!! lest the outsiders know our secrets!!
I always wanted it. Just rumors of weekly babe contest and convo thread made me want it more.

Shall I... steal it? 💡
I always wanted it. Just rumors of weekly babe contest and convo thread made me want it more.

Shall I... steal it? 💡

those rumors are false, you actually think the mods would allow a weekly babe contest run by this bunch of premo hooligans?