Questions regarding GT5 triple screen setup

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
United States
Hey guys, I'm looking into doing the triple screen setup for GT5 and have a few lingering questions. I've been in the Official Multi Screen Review thread but it was suggested I come here for quicker/more thorough responses.

I currently have a 32" 720p LCD tv, sitting approx 28-32" from my seating position. I had originally considered getting 2 more 32" tv's but I've discovered I can get 3 24" 1080p computer monitors for less than 2 32" tv's. My current tv is very "middle of the road" as far as quality goes (it also does some weird scaling where I can only see 85-90% of the screen area). Would I be better off going with the smaller screens with higher resolution or should I stick with the 32"/720p screens? The smaller screens would be a little bit cheaper (and I could sell my 32"), take up less space in my apartment and they would all match, so I'm leaning towards that option.

My final question is regarding my router. I have this Belkin router, it's very beefy and does very well with GT5 online. Would I be able to plug all three PS3's into the router directly or would I need to buy an additional switch to put between them and the router? It have 4 gigabit ports which I believe is good for this kind of thing but I want to be sure I don't need additional hardware.

Thanks in advance for your help.

I think the 3 new 24 inch tvs will be your best route to take. ( as we discussed over in the general gt5 section )
With the scaling issue you are having, try going into gt5 options and setting multi monitor display on and to 1x1 screen. This will allow you to adjust the scaling within the game.

As for your router question.... i have no idea lol

I mentioned audio immersion in the other conversation as well, and I highly recommend looking into a 5.1 or better for exclusive gaming use. Having the speakers properly positioned around you in a cockpit will greatly add to the driving experience.
I have a second pair of speakers that i mounted to my chair that I use as a replacement to my rear surrounds when gaming. It is so much better for all games. Bf3 for example will make you turn your head as a bullet goes wizzin by your head.

We have alot of guys into tactile immersion here, and im sure they will try to sway you to go that route too. Looks amazing, but I havent crossed that realm (yet).

One last thing, the CES show is coming up very soon and we may see a price drop in tvs as the new models are coming out soon. You nay be able to go with 27 or 32 for the same price point the 24 is at now.
I have speakers setup, 2 are mounted right behind my chair, but I recently got a Turtle Beach headset so I haven't been using the speakers. I have a Yamaha receiver the headset runs out of and it does 5 channel surround sound with any headphones so it sounds great (much better for voice chat too).

I also have a form of tactile feedback, I stumbled across a seat pad that's similar to a vibrating massager you can put in your car but it hooks up to the audio. It has 5 points (3 in the back, 2 in the bottom) that have variable vibration in response to the audio. I can control the level/volume of it and it works really great, if I hit a rumble strip/wall on the left side of the car, the left side of my seat rumbles. 👍

So I've got all that covered, just need the triple screen goodness to top it off! I've been reading a lot about tv prices, I think the ones around this size are pretty much at rock bottom for a while. I can get a 24", 1080p computer monitor shipped to my local walmart for about $120, hard to beat that!

That raises another question.....any difference between using computer monitors and actual tv's?
Awesome on the massager, that thought crossed my mind.But I havent acted on it yet.
Good that you have the speaker setup! Makes worlds of difference.
Tvs/monitors. Really the major difference is going to be amount of inputs. Tho, if you plan on pc gaming as well you can get better resolution from monitors. Best by was just running a deal on acer monitors under 100$. But the were only capable of 900 res.
You seem to have done your research on tvs and such, so ill let those with triple screen exp.continue on from here.
Yeah, been doing quite a bit of research over the last week or two. If all goes to plan I might be able to get this done for right around $600-650. I have a gaming tower I don't use, going to see if a pawn shop will take that as trade towards a used PS3. Sourced a 160gb PS3 on craigslist in my home town for $175, just working out the final details on it. Also have some PS3 games I can trade towards one of the copies of GT5. $390 + tax (free shipping) on the monitors.

The tactile pad I got is actually pretty nice. Found it on amazon last year for about $30 (It's up to $55 now). It works much better than I expected and still functions like new after hundreds of hours of use. It was a great find. 👍 The speakers were rubbish but it has a headphone output so I was easily able to bypass them and use my own speakers.
Get a nice 4 port wireless router. Cisco is what I recommend. then get a Cisco 8 port Gigabit switch. Connect the Switch to the Router. Connect the PS3s to the switch.

Get the biggest screens you can afford. Trust me you'll thank me. :)
If it works for ya OK, but I've never had any luck with Belkin stuff. I've switched to Cisco and everything is smooth as butter. They make really good equipment. good luck.
Thanks for the input. I researched this router before I bought it and it was recommended for gaming. I've done hundreds of hours of GT5 racing on it and never had an issue, never get booted or have connection problems. So as long as it meets the required specs I'll stick with it. It's 100x better than the Linksys I had before. 👍
Great to see more interest in "Multiscreens"
With monitor prices dropping all the time it is becoming more affordable and 2nd hand consoles are easily purchased these days. TN based panels will loose a bit of contrast if angled but deffo I recommend having 3 screens the same. Even then calibration can be a job as I discovered the same settings on identical monitors sometimes everything aint identical.

Funny enough too as today I've been testing GT5 with my newly arrived projector.
No borders is nice but looking to try and achieve 3way but also in 3D. I need to buy another RF transmitter thingy for my glasses though.

I have only been using a temp setup so the past while, real pain as it means constantly setting everything up, connecting then disconnecting after use. Even today I had to spend quite a bit of time updating the extra consoles then downloading the GT5 updates to ensure each console was matching regards GT5 version.

Never had much trouble with the network side of things at all, just the lag online but then I dont play much online at all.

Hope to hear more on your journey into multiscreens
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Thanks Mr. Latte. I just ordered 3 of the Acer monitors from walmart, to be delivered to my local store by Jan. 12. $414 USD after tax for 3 23" monitors is pretty dang good I thought! Currently on the hunt for a couple used consoles, I know my local game shop has them for about $220 but I'm going to search more to see if I can find them for $200 or less. After that I just need a switch and a couple copies of the game and I'll be ready to rock!

Very excited, this is something I've always lusted after and I'm really looking forward to experiencing GT5 in a whole new way. I'll be sure to share some pics as I get everything hooked up!

Thanks for all your help, I'm sure I'll have a few more questions once stuff starts arriving. 👍
I hear you. But 23 inches is kind of small. 42's are better.
Indeed Old Racer 42" with 2" borders is pretty nice but well what's that I hear in my brain, oh whispers that "Project R" will be triple 55"-60" with no borders, hee hee hee. :crazy:

I just thought whats the point having triple 40" or 50", whatever physically fits into my room is going to be the max size.
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I'm currently running triple 46" with no borders and can not go back to playing single screen. Latte beware, triple 46" is just about a 1:1 scale with a real cars cockpit. I think if you go 50" triple it would be perfect 1:1. Triple 60" is just too big.
OlderRacer 1944
I hear you. But 23 inches is kind of small. 42's are better.

You buyin'? Lol

I have a 32" now but it's only 720p. I discovered it was cheaper to get 3 23" 1080p monitors than 2 32" 720p tv's so it made sense financially. Plus I'll be able to sell the 32" so that makes it even cheaper. I was concerned that 23" might be too small but then I saw this guys's setup, he uses 3 22" screens and it looks just fine to me. :)

Ive found with multiscreens if you have the edges of the outer monitors in line with the wheel then this should be pretty good for your FOV. This seems to also apply with bigger sizes and because their bigger then the centre screen will be further back.

Photos showing borders do tend to spoil the effect but when playing it isnt as bad at all.
Not having them is of course nice but then PJs can be a real pain to all have matching height and square to each other and to their individual screens.

I agree going beyond 50" is likely going to be huge but I will test and see how things go with different sizes and different viewing distances.
That should be about where the edges of my outside monitors will end up and I'll only be about 24" away from the center monitor. Gotta decide if I wanna go wide angle or or more of a wrap around. Lack of space in my living room might require more of a wrap around angle.
Well it is good to mess around with different screen positions and then determine what is best for your own setup and preference. Keep us posted on your experience and setup plans.

Mr Latte / GT5 3D Exclusive???
I have recently achieved getting "Multiscreen & 3D" functionality to work using triple 3D projectors and RF 3D glasses. This is something Sony themselves have never even demonstrated with GT5 before and well I think it may be a first, certainly something I have not seen done elsewhere yet.

Currently only temp congifuration for testing.
Now combine this with 3x 50"-60" screens in a cockpit that will have 5 Subwoofers, 7 channel surround and 14 tactile units for surround tactile. All on a purpose built base with chrome tubing. 2012 will finally see my own rather crazy cockpit plans being built.

More Info Here:

It doesnt get much better than this.
Triple screen borderless GT5 in 3D or plain old boring 2D with a Fanatec CSR Elite :)

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Holy moly! That must be an incredible experience! I considered 3D but they were quite a bit more expensive and I'm trying to get this done on the cheap. :)
Looks like you still need to tinker with the contrast settings and so on Mr Latte, but I love that setup. Wish I had room for it like you do. Keep up the good work, which is probably a joy.
It is a indeed a great experience even with the dropped framerate 3D imposes that well isnt always that much missed. You certainly get more of a feeling of being their and great sense of depth and increased speed. More will be covered in future cockpit updates.

For 3D DLP technology is the way to go to avoid Xtalk issues. I think many of the monitors are expensive and not many support HDMI and Nvidia standards.

Taking the pictures is very hard particulary with the 3D on as some screens appear different I think due to the 3D output. Notice 2 are appearing better as those were perfectly synced. I will update things later on how that improves as got another RF adapter ordered, most places were out of stock of these.
Latte, if you view the video I posted of my triple projector setup I make mention of how the camera make one or two of the screens looks like they are different contrasts. DLP doesn't like to be photograph or filmed.
Looks great Mr.Latte and make sure you'll list all the equipment you have once the time comes for completion. Have a great new year you all!