Quick Question [PS3 YLOD]

United States
None ya bizznez
ThAtBoYnIcK17 pepaside
I know this is off topic from GT5, but does anybody know how to get rid of the YLOD (Yellow Light of Death) on the PS3. I tried to google it and it told me to take it apart and clean it, so I did but it still didnt work. Then I read change the thermal paste I changed the thermal paste but it still didn't work. Any suggestions??
I know this is off topic from GT5, but does anybody know how to get rid of the YLOD (Yellow Light of Death) on the PS3. I tried to google it and it told me to take it apart and clean it, so I did but it still didnt work. Then I read change the thermal paste I changed the thermal paste but it still didn't work. Any suggestions??

YLOD is the PS3 equivalent to the xbox red ring of death... If it's under warranty, send it in to get it fixed by the pros... If not, ask around in your hometown about who is the best repair man

From what you did, you probably already voided your warranty, so free repair is almost entirely out of the question. You need a trained professional!
YLOD is the PS3 equivalent to the xbox red ring of death... If it's under warranty, send it in to get it fixed by the pros... If not, ask around in your hometown about who is the best repair man

From what you did, you probably already voided your warranty, so free repair is almost entirely out of the question. You need a trained professional!

lol I had that ps3 for 6 years my warranty was up 3 years ago
Then I read change the thermal paste I changed the thermal paste but it still didn't work.
This did the trick for me though, but then 2 months later it died again and I couldn't repair it either.

Like Aaronrray said, the cheapest solution probably.
I wouldn't bring it to the store because you'll pay too much for something that might die again (simply because it isn't new), and it could take a few weeks until you get it back (and you might lose all your data anyway).

Otherwise get an entirely new one, if that's an option.
I know this is off topic from GT5

Putting it in the right forum (as I have now done) and giving it a more descriptive thread title (as I have now done) will help generate more and more appropriate responses from people more likely to be able to help.
Not sure what size city you live in but a quick search on craigslist here came up with numerous people who fix YLOD.

Keep searching for different fixed on google if you like or as a last resort being it to somebody who knows what they are doing.