R.I.P - Brayton Baker

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Except this isn't a forum for bleeding hearts and sympathy, it's a gaming forum.
Actually its a lot more than that and has been for quite some time.

Given that this topic is posted in the correct sub-forum I would suggest that you stop deciding what members should and should not be discussing. That decision is one made by the own and the staff, not you.

You must be sad all day every day then considering the number of people who die everyday. Or do you only care when it happens around you, making you a hypocrite for going off on people that this doesn't affect. There are a lot worse atrocities in the world that deserve sympathy over a kid who made a conscious decision to end his own life. It's sad for his family and close friends, that's about it.
Many people posts discussions on a range of topic, many of which don't directly affect other members, certainly we have had a number of members over the sites history post similar topics to this one.

Sharing something like this with others can often be a cathartic release and genuinely help, what its certainly doesn't deserve is borderline abuse and ridicule.

I strongly advise you stop posting in this topic.

if you search brayton baker on google this is one of the top results, so i would say it's probably real.

He's referring to "alien dave" being this kids grandfather.
I know, he's only got 1 post because he probably isn't a gran turismo fan and stumbled across this thread as it's a top search result for Brayton Baker.
somewhat so tyrrel racing, but are you a fan of real racing or your playstation either way, the death of my grandson is real, it hurts, and it probably will forever, kinda like if your playstation broke (in your world)
If you really were Brayton's grandfather (sorry for your loss if so), wouldn't you have better things to do than to make a post on a gaming forum thanking someone who didn't even know your grandson beforehand for their condolences? Seems a little suspicious to me, for a number of reasons.
From 'Indy' also?

Anyway, a broken playstation can be fixed or replaced, not seeing the comparison.
This thread was originally posted, I feel(read that as IN MY OWN OPINION mods and the rest), as a means with which the poster needed to reach out to others in an attempt to gain some sort of compassion for someone who he knew of, not necessarily close to, that had suicided. My thoughts on this are that he would have done better to have gone to someone close to him and discuss it there, in person, and be done with it. Not post it in a public forum populated with mostly complete strangers.
I didn't know the kid. I have no feelings one way or another towards him or his family. How can I? This does not mean that I'm not a caring, feeling and compassionate human being, just that I don't form feelings around something that I cannot possibly have feelings for. And let's keep it in context here people. We're talking about the passing of one individual, not an entire town worth or more. Yes I'm keenly aware of what happens every day around the world, and put into that context, yes, it saddens me. But we're not talking about that, so don't.
It was mentioned that this thread was similar to those "RIP so and so" news articles you see in the paper when someone famous dies. I have no more feeling, or less, towards those people than I do towards this kid. Am I supposed to simply start sobbing and break down while the news media plasters it all over every newspaper and tv news show there is? No. Why not? I didn't know them any more than I knew this kid. Sure it's a shame he did it, suicided that is. But why is it that I have to feel something or some way about it when he's not a friend, family member, co-worker, associate, acquaintence or anything else to me? I have my own family and friends that I care deeply about, and when one of them is ill or dies, I'm hit hard. As I'm supposed to be.
Society has imposed this upon us, to be a certain way in certain circumstances, or to feel a certain way about someone even though you don't know them from Adam.
I don't agree. I never have and never will. My feelings about another person form from many different angles, all culminating in the exact way I react to them when I see them.
For instance, someone I don't know bumps into me, or me into them, in a grocery store. I say "Excuse me", and keep on my merry way.
Same thing to someone I know, but not well..."Excuse me...say, I remember you" and we may or may not start up a chat.
Same thing but to someone I know well and like...."Pardon me, oh hey! I was just thinking about calling you...." or something to that order.
Same thing but with someone I know and can't stand...."Excu....grrrrrr"
and walk away.
See how the response, which is emotion based, differs with each individual?
I myself wouldn't post anything as private as someone near to me passing away in a place such as this. It's too private an issue, and this too public a place. And for what it's worth, RIP Brayton Baker whoever you were. I didn't know you, but, meh.
Yea, whatever. I asked for this thread to be locked but l guess someone deleted that post.
Since the original poster wishes it to be so...the thread is locked.

With regards to matters of the heart, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

As with matters of the forum, "If you have nothing to say or contribute, move along and say nothing".

As for both, well..."Better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
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