super_gt 4,935 Bulgaria Aug 31, 2019 #1 I found this out today, one day late. He was one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time.
McLaren Premium 45,603 Texas Aug 31, 2019 #3 There's a great post by Arnold on Reddit paying his respects.
Michael88 5,212 Nicest part of hell Aug 31, 2019 #4 Coincidentally I just learned about his death during a break between my 200kg deadlift sets, an exercise Columbu was really strong in. I think the best I can do is think about him and his achievements during my lifting session. RIP Mr. Columbo. Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
Coincidentally I just learned about his death during a break between my 200kg deadlift sets, an exercise Columbu was really strong in. I think the best I can do is think about him and his achievements during my lifting session. RIP Mr. Columbo.