ryznoWhats up y'all, I'm bored today so I'm going to do a little giveaway today.
So we all know everyone probably has a hacked account, right?
So the challenge is to figure out my PSN for said account.
Whoever figures it out will receive whatever they want within the daily trading limit. Car, paints, parts etc...
As responses come in, I'll tell you if you are getting hotter or colder, I might even throw in a clue here or there.
Good Luck
First clue: its a beer.
Heineken and some X's and -_'s, I think I've seen you in a lobby two days ago.
the borrow glitch app stopped working after update atleast for me it did
Not for me...
Well yall, as you know, my blu ray drive has been on the fritz. Well I think it has finally passed awayI have been trying to get it to play for the last 2 hours with no luck... So till I get it fixed, ill try to get on to run, I will still be here and maintain my threads.... So see ya soon
I have a question that may regard this issue, my PS3 has been having issues lately too. Every day I go to turn it on and as soon as the disc starts spinning I hear a rev followed by a click click sound for about thirty seconds then it tries to eject the disc but it doesn't come out then it just does the same thing over until it finally stops trying and just sits there. I try ejecting the disc over and over again for about an hour and sometimes it finally reads it and sometimes it doesn't so at that point I put Test Drive Unlimited 2 in and it reads that right away, I did that today then I took it out and put GT5 back in and it finally read it right away. So with all of that being said can anybody explain the issue here? Is it by disc tray out of alignment, my laser being dirty, or is it the same problem that ryzno is having with the blu ray drive? Think about it though because it reads Test Drive Unlimited 2 and all of my other games right away and there isn't a scratch or smudge on my GT5 disc so it can't just be the disc...
For me it is my Blu Ray Laser... I cant play any games or DVDs and to be honest I was amazed that it played the cleaning CD(with no help in my situation.)
From what it sounds your problem is either the disk tray or laser is out of alignment. If you said, it wouldnt eject, thats another story, but I think its in the tray or laser alignment. Have you replaced yours or bought a "fixed one"?
Well good news yall! I'm single!! lol. Anyways my new(hopefully) Blu Ray Laser should be here Thursday or Friday. Shouldnt take to long to fix since the system is open.
So see yall this weekend!
Danny280zxturboLooking forward to run you bro!!
Enjoy freedom!!
I’ve been locked up for 11 years now so enjoy!! (I’m happy with my family though and I got a good wife)👍
ryznoSame here dude! I'll be starting from scratch though. You know meshouldnt take too long to get my cars back.
Haaa I've been locked up for 8 years! Feels good but... Ive been with her since I was 20. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF!!!
She was a good wife but, money management was an issue... Ill be catching up for the next 3 months...
Sorry to here about your situation bro. I hope all works out for the best. I have been with my wife for 10 years now and i would be the same. She is the greatest person i have ever met.
Danny280zxturboIs really hard to fine the perfect wife but is up to us to help them get better!
Back to your thread topic, how is everything with R SPEC? I heard my best friend loko got his ps3 damage too?
ryznoWell my new blu ray arrived yesss!
It works fine... game actually loads faster now sweet!
So building back up my garage. See yall on the track tonight!