O.GMy condolences mate, my attempt at dragging Hondas might cheer you up tonight if you're on.
So much for tis the season and all that crapThis is one for the record books my friends.
It seems the Christmas season has a cruse on me.
First off I lost mt Grandfather on 12/26/96. Yesterday afternoon my Grandmother passed away. Six days before Christmas
Now I receive a message form amember and PSN friend R3dnekTeddybear (that got banned for some reason) Anyways, his GF messaged me this morning that he was in a car accident at 2AM this morning. He is in the Hospital with a broken neck and two broken ribs.
"R" Spec Tune's thoughts and prayers are with your family.
During these holiday seasons, If you have a family member that you do not talk to that often. Find them and tell them you love them, because life is too short to forget about family.
R.I.P. Irene Secor Lawrence 10/2/1924-12/19/2012
My condolences mate, my attempt at dragging Hondas might cheer you up tonight if you're on.
Much respect ryzno, condolences from Hoodrich, take it easy
My condolences to you and your family.. My wife went through this on July and I know I will so too because my grandma is getting older and older. I know it must be really hard. Grandmas are more than a mother to us.My condolences Ryzno stay strong and keep your head up.. FroM Your "R" SpeC Tuner'S
Thanks DannyI've been going thru some 🤬 and getting ready to move. So I'll probably be off of here and GT5 for a minute.
I love it!!! No soon as I read it a few minutes later I'm back on the second pageI understand there's no thread bumping(that's why danny's post got moved I assume). But when I make updates to my page(because I cant double post) it remains in the same spot and everyone browses over it(cause its in the same spot and appears as read) I can't put a new post, cause that's double posting right? So what can I do?????
Please don't let this thread die R Spec Tuners, while I'm gone
Also R_SPEC_LEADER please ask more of the team to join GTP, you know its free!!!!! All the other teams have over half the team on here also its easier to communicate. And it also hard defending the team as a one man army!!!
Lol that's what I get for using my phone I meant Happy New Years
I love florida lol I haven't ran my cars in weeks. Ill be back home sunday tho fellas. Happy years team.![]()
I just got me a new game and dont know if I will have time to play GT5!
But just for the records, Im tuning FR and AWD now! is fun too! I will post my RX7 02 time, It ran 9.886! I know I can make it faster!! Also my Camaro SS 10 ran 9.815! for now though!
Happy New Year and enjoy the warm weather
I feel ya, I've been playing San Andreas after they re-released it
Besides this drag racing is getting a little dull, it used to be fun now all this e-cheat and crap, Man I remember when everyone was running 11:9's, we hit 11:8's, the world caught up, we hit 11:7's, the world caught up, we hit 11:6's the world caught up, now its 11:5's. And god the way people react now it's like they are on coke
I'll still be around but I just don't feel it any more and I'm getting tired of working my dang brain for a half hour just to find out Im still slow. And losing all the time is getting old
I'll be driving my butt off trying to do that C-7 challange, I didnt buy a wheel just to go in strait lines
Anyways Good Luck and Good Racing![]()
Happy New Year and enjoy the warm weather
I feel ya, I've been playing San Andreas after they re-released it
Besides this drag racing is getting a little dull, it used to be fun now all this e-cheat and crap, Man I remember when everyone was running 11:9's, we hit 11:8's, the world caught up, we hit 11:7's, the world caught up, we hit 11:6's the world caught up, now its 11:5's. And god the way people react now it's like they are on coke
I'll still be around but I just don't feel it any more and I'm getting tired of working my dang brain for a half hour just to find out Im still slow. And losing all the time is getting old
I'll be driving my butt off trying to do that C-7 challange, I didnt buy a wheel just to go in strait lines
Anyways Good Luck and Good Racing![]()
This echeat and stuff has been around for a long time mate, longer than you have been around. You just never knew it existed because you learn everything off others and they didn't tell you about that one, maybe because they were using it all along, that's my guess.
I am late and off topic of what is going on at the momment BUT....Happy new years to you ryzno and everyone else, I believe by tomorrow i might be back on gt5, I been very busy. Have a great year y'all, cheers !!![]()
The free car is still available, to whoever gets my easy riddle, from the "settling things finally' thread![]()
It was a riddle in a thread that got locked.
Why they locked it bro?
Cause every thread that T51R enters becomes a war zoneThey just end up getting way off topic and people end up getting banned
Also here is the riddle.
I probably could have worded it better.(blame it on the moonshine)