RACE ITCC 4 - Congratulations to champions! Unofficial final points - Post #3411Finished 

  • Thread starter ITCC_Andrew
I see Andrew's room, and I'm in it as we speak.:D:gtpflag:

So how are you guys doing on laptimes on Apricot Hill? I have a 29.3 so far.
I still don't have Race 1 data. Nothing. Connor has abandoned sending the replay in exchange for some weird absence... Siggers didn't save the replay, and I can't see you, dano or nas in Race 1 replay. What I'd need in order to finally get all data, is the finishing time (when the driver crossed finish line) for the three drivers I couldn't see, fastest lap, and who led the most laps. I would have to cross-reference the data from my replay with yours, since your replay is also incomplete - you couldn't see me.

Data management is excellent. Not having data is absolutely terrible.

@Izzyracer97, you can/should run Audi for Monaco, because it will be a nice, easy way to start out. If you enjoy it, grab a 330i and you can join in cnd01's team, or form a team and contact Siggers to induct Siggers into it. 👍 will be good to have you.

@JacobRPP, how's the internet? :)

Edit: @Izzyracer97, the tire glitch doesn't normally affect ITCC in any way. We don't normally need to pit. Normally. Under some circumstances, everyone might need to pit... But that's extremely unlikely.

I just got it. I will be racing now!!
Im currently away from home for a few days. I return Saturday afternoon, so bar something unexpected happening I will be available to host if needed on sat.