Race Selection (Final)

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz


But why is the Rum gone??
QLD, Australia
Nitrous Oxide is prohibited in all races

Round 1 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 12 September 2005

Submitted by Torc Talk:
TRACK: Midfield I
CAR: Amemiya ASRADRINK RX-7 (JGTC) '04
Mode: Arcade hot lap driven in Free Run
Modifications: Full Quick Tune, Power +20%, Weight -10%
Tires: Racing, R5
Settings: TCS & ASM set to 0 (zero), top speed open

Driver: Mr P 👍

Round 2 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 14 September 2005

Submitted by Torc Talk:
TRACK: Autum Ring Mini I
CAR: Clio Renault Sport V6 Phase 2 (2003)
Mode: GT Mode Family Cup
Modifications: Open - must install wing (selection #1, farthest left)
Tires: Sports Soft, S3
Settings: All including TCS & ASM open
Options: 2 laps, AI Difficulty -10 Slow

Driver: Toffe, Vexd 👍

Round 3 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 16 September 2005

Submitted by SOGT:
TRACK: Special Stage Route 5
CAR: Mazda 787 B
Mode: Arcade hot lap driven in Free Run
Modifications: Quick tune: ±0% Power, -10% Weight
Tires: Front: Racing Super Soft (R5), Rear: Racing Soft (R4)
Settings: TCS & ASM open, top speed open

Driver: MR8 👍

Round 4 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 18 September 2005

Submitted by GT Planet:
TRACK: Opera Paris (Normal)
CAR: Civic Type R (EK) '98
Mode: Arcade hot lap driven in Free Run
Modifications: Full Quick Tune, +20% Power, -10% Weight
Tires: Sports Hard, S1
Settings: TCS & ASM open, top speed open

Driver: Alpine 👍

Round 5 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 20 September 2005

Submitted by Torc Talk:
TRACK: Swiss Alps I
CAR: Hyundai Accent Rally Car 2001
Mode: Arcade hot lap driven in Free Run
Modifications: Power ±0%, Weight -10%
Tires: Dirt
Settings: TCS & ASM set to 0 (zero)

Driver: Z. 👍

Round 6 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 22 September 2005

Submitted by GT Planet:
TRACK: Cathedral Rocks I
CAR: Subaru Impreza Rally Car '03
Mode: Arcade hot lap driven in Free Run
Modifications: Full Quick Tune, Power +20%, Weight -10%
Tires: Dirt
Settings: TCS & ASM open, top speed open

Driver: holl01 👍

Round 7 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 24 September 2005

Submitted by GTweb:
TRACK: Autumn Ring
CAR: Mazda RX-8 Concept LM Race Car 2001
Mode: Hotlap driven in Free Run in GT Mode
Modifications: Open
Tires: Racing, compound choice open
Settings: All including TCS & ASM open

Driver: Small_Fryz 👍

Round 8 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 26 September 2005

Submitted by Torc Talk:
TRACK: Infineon Stock Car Course
CAR: Caterham Seven Fire Blade 2002
Mode: Arcade Single Race
Modifications: Power ±0%, Weight -10%
Tires: Sports Soft, S3
Settings: TCS & ASM set to 0 (zero), top speed open
Options: 2 laps, AI +10, no tire wear, penalties, or time limit
Notes: Tarmac run-off areas on this track may be used if neccesary, but no wall contact. 2 wheels on track at all times. No AI contact with the other single AI car.

Driver: MinorShunt 👍

Round 9 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 28 September 2005

Submitted by GTPlay:
TRACK: Nürburgring Nordschleife
CAR: Audi A4 Touring Car
Mode: GT hot lap driven in Free Run
Modifications: Full mods, no turbo or supercharger
Tires: Racing Super Soft, R5
Settings: All including TCS & ASM open

Driver: veilsidebr 👍

Round 10 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 30 September 2005

Submitted by GTPlay:
TRACK: Monaco / Cote d'Azur
CAR: BMW 320i Touring Car
Mode: Arcade Single Race
Modifications: Full Quick Tune, Power +20%, Weight -10%
Tires: Open
Settings: TCS & ASM open, top speed open
Options: 10 laps, AI +5, mild tire wear, no time penalties

Driver: hOt6o4bOi 👍

These are final races.

These are the only races that i will be assigned to :P. I havnt tried any, But they look great and i know the tracks. I dont want to race any others :lol:.

Anyway, if people dont like the races that i suggested you run then speak out! :D.

Lets hear your suggestions? I know the races arnt final yet but it would be good to see whos interested in what.
If it came down to it, I'd rather see holl01 run 1.4.9 as it requires a little more car control that I know I don't have. Swiss Alps (1.4.5) is a little more open to error and I'm more familiar with it, so I'd be more comfortable driving that combo.
Race 1 and the wild card race are NOT finalized yet. We are having voting in the captains forum right now for both. It seems the wet race will be dropped in favor of the wild card. We will know within 24 hours or so for those two races.

My comments are that:

veilsidebr should do the Nurb race 1.4.7
hotboi should do the multi lapper at Monaco 1.4.8
holl01 should do the rally at cathedral rocks 1.4.9
vexd should do the civic race at Paris Opera 1.4.4

As long as you guys are OK with that, anyway.👍

The others can be open for discussion...but it would be a good idea to wait until the races are finalized for sure before anyone gets too serious. I'd like to see everyone who is not listed above choose which races they would like to do in order of preference, so we can see who wants to do what.
I forgot to mention that the race specifics as far as how the car is to be set up are not finalized yet for any of the races. Some things may have to be changed before each race is finalized.
The races that i am interested in are 1.4.4 and 1.4.10. Possibly 1.4.1 too but I will have to test if the NSX handles similarly to the WRS race although i do like trial mountain. For the other 1.4.1 possibility, i'm not too keen on "open"(max) modifications.
Had a go at SSR5 in 787b hit a 1'03.0 (edit 1'02.3 now)

Its a hard race but its not someting i hate. I dont mind doing it :D, its quite fun :D
Races are final!

Come and choose!! so you can start!

Needless to say, dont tell anybody outside our team what races you are doing. Especially racers in other teams!!
I dont really have any favourite out of the races that haven't been assigned yet. Probably because i haven't given any of them a test run :) . Anyways, i'm willing to sit back and wait a bit and see if anyone on our team has races that they really want to compete in.

Edit: But please, dont make me wait too long! A good head start could mean a couple of placements!
Dion, how would you feel about doing race #1? I know you do well at Autumn Ring...give it a try and see what you think...

Also some input from Alpine, MinorShunt, MR8 and Toffe would be nice, along with everyone else. I think 2,3,7, and 8 will be for you four, so I'd like to hear if you have a favorite track or car among these. If it makes no difference at all, I will just assign them out, so let us know.

So far I'm assuming that Z. wants to run 1.4.5 as far as rallies. As long as that's OK with you, go ahead and get cracking on that one, and holl01 can do 1.4.6, as long as that's OK with him. You two are the ony guys wanting to do rally, and I'd rather see holl01 doing 1.4.6 due to his rally results in the WRS rally race we had.

hOt looks good for 1.4.10, pleasse let me know that this will be OK with you.👍

I know veil wants to do Nurb, so that's all yours if you want it, just let me know for sure.👍

Also I need to hear from vexd about 1.4.4, the civic race at Opera Paris. You voted for it, I hope you are wanting to do it. Let me know ASAP.:)
Ok Todd, im gonna have a go at it.

Well i cant tune so its really understeery :(. If i could get rid of that then it wouldnt be too bad

Such a high power car on a small track, what was they thinking :crazy:
Races are final!

Come and choose!! so you can start!

Needless to say, dont tell anybody outside our team what races you are doing. Especially racers in other teams!!

No one is to discuss ANYTHING with anyone from other teams, or anyone else on GTP either that is not on the team. Keep all info within this forum only. No lap times, split times, car setups, no ANYTHING!!! Don't give other teams any more motivation to do better. Don't let anyone else get any advantages!
Got rid of the understeer 👍, now it spins the wheels too much on exits :(, no matter how much i play with LSD, bah!! if only it was about 200hp less.

this combo isnt too bad though I dont mind running it 👍
I think you'd be the best choice for race 1, lil chippers, so if you're willing that would be great. I'm going to have one or more support drivers joining the team soon, so they will be able to help with tuning if you need it.👍

Yeah i'll race Round 1 :D. So far im at 1'02.8xx, but damn 877hp with no TCS is fookin hard!.
TCS=1 might be your friend for this one! ;)

So far you are confirmed for race 1, and veil for race 9. Hopefully we'll get some more confirmations here soon and everyone can start shaving tenths off of thier races.👍
Hotboi is confirmed for his race also.

I cant use TCS=1 because it cuts off too much control and speed :guilty: :grumpy:
Out of the races I've tested so far, race 7 is my favorite, followed closely by race 8.

Either one of these would be fine. Both Midfield and Infineon are tracks I enjoy, and know quite well. Had good results in the WRS race in the Plymouth at Infineon.

Best times so far are:

1'05.5 at midfield in the RX-7
2'49.0 at Infineon in the Caterham

Let me know!
I think this is a really hard decision. Right now it feels like i would like to race round 2 or 7. What do you think, guys? I need some help!
Go ahead and confirm me for 1.4.5 -- enjoy the combo a lot.

Have a 1'29.5 lap set.
I think this is a really hard decision. Right now it feels like i would like to race round 2 or 7. What do you think, guys? I need some help!

Hey Toffe. Could I suggest you run some laps in each race you would like to run and see which one feels right to you? That's what I'm doing. What type of race or track have you done well in the WRS events? etc.
Which one are you pretty fast in right out of the box, which one is a struggle, etc. Which one would you be motivated to run over and over and over and......well you get the picture. :sly:

So far I haven't done any testing in race 2 at Autumn mini ring or the race with the 787b at SS5 because neither one strikes my fancy.

So I guess I would prefer wildcard race 8 then if Toffee or Alpine wants race 7. But if you want me to do a specific one of the four Todd, just say so. I'm ready! :mischievous:
Minor if you like 8 you should go with that one 👍, MR8 has 3, and Toffe can take 7 or 2, that leaves Alpine and Vexd to see who wants 4 or 2/7.
Thanks SF! Round 8 it is. 👍

Edit: I just read the final rules, and it appears that because race 8 specifies permission to use the runoff areas beyond the curbs at Infineon ST, I could swing wide outside the curb at the bottom of the right downhiller after T1 correct? If so, that would be a huge advantage in passing the AI.

Also, since the race setup specifies no AI contact, does that mean I would not be allowed one non-penalty minor touch as allowed for in the rules?
Guys, ive had whats known as a "Bank Holiday" in the UK, and as such havent gotten to a pc till now.

Im off to try races 4 and 7, though i think i may not be fast enough for 7, and see what happens, I'll be back in a bit with a choice.

VEXD, checking in.....:irked:👍

Good Luck to all of us!!:cheers:!!
Looking at the updated races, the only race that doesn't appeal to me is round 2. Not a big fan of the track, ai, and open modifications.
If thats the case you (alpine) and vexd can sort out 4 and 7 between you two and toffe can take 2?

Hows that?