[RACE] Weekend Fun Runs - Thnks fr th mmrsFinished 

I probably won't be in the room all night. I need to calm down since any racing gets me really conpetitive. I admit, I was the whole cause of this. It would have been fine if I didn't try to blame everyone but myself and my pathetic driving skills. Terribly sorry, guys.
I have to say, I've raced better and tonight was not good. It was half my fault but not blaming anyone else yet. I might Pm tonight
I'm done for the night, also Nas if you want to put me in the Skype chat for some opinions you can, or I'll just Pm you them
Decent room last night. There were some people misbehaving but I myself had a positive experience overall.
The latter half of the night was definitely better, in my opinion. I myself had fun, even with my internet potato problems.
Nobody took Daytona seriously, but that was just going to be a mess around anyway, Motegi was way too messy with unnecessary divebombs etc, GT300s were a bit divebomb-y but there were a few good rear shoves in there, very Oliveira-esque. 👍
That roast was a fail. Except for the few from Angel which were good, and also Bambi's dig at himself. :lol:
Next step is a mic, so you can all laugh at my terrible accent and my constant mumbled ramblings regarding motorsporty things.
Whilst I did use some Olveira-esque moves last night, I still do dislike Oliveira, because some stuff like 4:55 is just not acceptable.
