"Racer X" is Patrick Crider, SohnVonStig! Going to Silverstone! (pics)

  • Thread starter Wardez
Dude, you are the man! You definately deserve the spot, and I am actually prett convinced that you'll be headed to silverstone next. Congrats on the win, and I hope to see you move forward. Cheers man!
Congrats, Stig, it is great to see a GTPlanet Premium member take the prize! :D

Just so everyone knows, the competition is open to the public tomorrow, and there is a "grandstand" in front of all the racing rigs so the audience gets to see everything. It's free to attend and you can come and go throughout the day as you like; there is also a bar and lounge area where you can grab a drink.

It's at Jolt'n Joes in the Gaslamp district of San Diego, and kicks off at 10:00am local time. Here's a link to the exact location.
Wow this sounds so much better than ours. I know some that would have really liked to have friends/family able to watch at ours last year.

Would be fun to watch, sounds like today's action was great to watch too. Although a GTR at Monaco seems like a bull in a china shop lol. Congrats to stig!
The other settings are just guesses but all the aids except ABS would be off, no tire wear, and they're running this offline.

6 attempts for me before I got a 51.1, so I guess my odds would've been 40/60, given I bang the walls far too often here. I hope they run something like this next time, and that I actually have money to make the trip.

Dude I cant believe you are actually doing this test. If I ran this practice and was able to beat stigs time, I would probably kill myself for not quitting work and flying to Cali today. I would rather not know what I can do... that way at least I can get too sleep. Sounds like stiggy made a pretty solid lap though
Congrats again buddy!
Dude I cant believe you are actually doing this test. If I ran this practice and was able to beat stigs time, I would probably kill myself for not quitting work and flying to Cali today. I would rather not know what I can do... that way at least I can get too sleep.
Eh, I've gotten numb to disappointment. Besides, it's much easier setting a time at home when you know it means nothing. Doing it in another city with people watching using a setup you're not familiar with, much harder.
I was at the event today, they had it set up in arcade mode! what BS :)

Don't think it makes a difference really.

No difference at all. We use arcade mode all the time in the GTP_WRS time trials. Keeps everything equal as there is no break in or tuning etc. Good choice IMO.
Congrats to the stig 👍

No difference at all. We use arcade mode all the time in the GTP_WRS time trials. Keeps everything equal as there is no break in or tuning etc. Good choice IMO.

The physics model is different, if it makes 'no difference' because everyone is using the same model, I guess, but they should have used the academy demo imo.
The physics model is different, if it makes 'no difference' because everyone is using the same model, I guess, but they should have used the academy demo imo.

Really? I know that online and offline are light years apart, but other than that I think they are all the same.
Yeah almost 100% sure that offline GT Mode and Arcade physics are the same.

As long as everyone is using the same combo, makes no difference what so ever.
Congrats Stig!

I went 8th. Got back in line around 10:30, and left at 12 due to not moving for an hour and a half. Don't know what was going on with that. Back to WRS and autocrossing I go.
Congrats Stig! Good to "see" him and thanks to wardez and R1600 for the nice coverage. No way to concentrate at work tomorrow. Hopefully we get to see some nice coverage online too.

Go Stig Go !
The rigs were nice, the only problem I has was not being able to go twice, I ended up putting a 1'58.7 down. I was .1 off but ended my hot lap my over cooking the tire's on the Chicane, there was so much braking-understeer it was nuts!

I had a chance to meet up with the GTP members! What a Show for us watching Patrick !! I'll have a video up soon and pictures.

Thanks Guys! Good Luck!
I believe this is the stig gentlemen...

sorry for the crappy quality and huge pix btw
I wont be able to go and watch the race in person since I have to go babysit -__-

But I'll be watching on live stream. So demolish this competition Stig!
And Patrick; you will be forever known as Racer X; well done!

Nope he will always be Pony Boy! ;) however Racer X is a pretty cool title.

Congrats man!
Who were all the people taking photos? Someone took like 4 shots during my run and I was wondering if I could get copies haha.