Racers Reunited. Zo's Indulgence 200, 12:00 mid-day BST Saturday 12th August 2017.Finished 

  • Thread starter Zolon32
Well guys I am not sure if I can make it tomorrow.

Oh Quentin! I'm so sorry, I don't think anyone has put more effort into this than you have (Except BloodyBoyBlue, perhaps :)). I was really expecting to have good battle with you. Sleep is overrated though, you know.

So wish I was joining you all - indulge in a great 200:tup:

Thanks Joe, I really do hope it's enjoyable for everyone. I've raced AI on the track, but there's nothing like going head to head with other old blokes indulging their motor racing fantasies (I often have a 24 year old Diana Rigg sitting on my lap whilst battling with the RR crew. No, she doesn't get in the way, her head is... er...)

Cheers, Zo.
So far it's looking good for my participation in today's races. I may have to miss race two to go make lunch. But all being well I'll make an appearance. Because things tend to change at the last moment DON'T hang around waiting for me though

No, she doesn't get in the way, her head is... er...)
Something to do with polishing and crash helmets?
Oh Quentin! I'm so sorry, I don't think anyone has put more effort into this than you have (Except BloodyBoyBlue, perhaps :)). I was really expecting to have good battle with you. Sleep is overrated though, you know.

Thanks Joe, I really do hope it's enjoyable for everyone. I've raced AI on the track, but there's nothing like going head to head with other old blokes indulging their motor racing fantasies (I often have a 24 year old Diana Rigg sitting on my lap whilst battling with the RR crew. No, she doesn't get in the way, her head is... er...)

Cheers, Zo.
How did it go Zo? Yes it does suck because of all the laps I ran getting my times down. And I really became addicted to driving that course. Things happen and that's life for you. I'm sure there will be more opportunities in the future for a race like this. GTSport needs to hurry up and be completed.
How did it go Zo?

Well... My driving was pretty diabolical, Jammy's was anything but, and Suts was right on the pace, as long as he could keep it on the track.

All in all, it was a bit underwhelming, considering how the plan had been laid out originally. But I blame that on the poor timing of the event; so many people have left GT6 now, it's difficult to get a grid together. As you say, come on GTS. It will be interesting how many people are tempted back to the GT way of things, once PCars2 is out.

Big thanks to those who were able to make it chaps, it was a valiant effort, especially by Blue in the first race, keeping driving when his wheels were falling off!

Cheers, Zo.
I felt like an elephant on roller skates, except at the beginning of the third race, that's the only time the car was ever doing what I wanted it to do. I managed to get my lap time down to 3:35. Most of the time I was well over 3:40 though.

I've never understood all these people "moving on" to the latest game, surely it isn't that hard to blow the dust off the old console and older games for once. It seems like most people I've met are successful/normal people with families or have enough disposable income to buy wheels and online racing "rigs", not people who are so strapped for cash that they have to sell their last console to buy a new one. I also don't understand how people break consoles or games. Everything I've ever had still works like the day I bought it. I sold my Genesis (Mega Drive to you Europeans) after 22(?) years solely because I never play it, and all the games are available on compilations and digitally for the modern consoles, and it still worked perfectly. I would sink into depression if my N64 ever broke, and the GameCube, not exactly the paragon of reliability, is still going after the day I lined up in the cold to get it on release date, November 18, 2001.
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It's fun track, one of the best I have driven in GT6. It's got everything - uphill and downhill, fast and slow corners. Love it!
It was unfortunate that race didn't come as was planned (33 laps) and 10 or so drivers. It would have been fun.
Still happy that we got those 3 (?) 9 lappers races at least and all hard practice didn't go waste.
Thanks Zo putting this up :cheers:
Hard to say how category worked out as there was only 5 of us driving and as you all know (who have driving the track) track is demanding. Me and Zo reduce our cat 3 car's power by 10% but still difference was quite big (as to my pace, but I did lot of practice and knew the track well and everyone haven't practice that much or have time to practice).
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Yeah cheers Zo. Glad I could make it for a couple of them. Although I wasn't that competitive I felt I was in the mix here and there, except when I was spinning when I felt I was in the mixer.

Hey, I even lead for 3/4 of a lap!
0.001 Blue ;)

The usual "Well done" to Jammy on his impeccable driving. 👍
Hey Zo and all

It was actually really good fun. I have to confess I was one of the guys who didn't practice that much but found the Citroen GT and maclaren great fun and even in the wet.
First 2 races good. 3rd was a disaster for me but looked really close up front.
Unfortunately apart from Zo none of the others could challenge Jammy.
Thanks for putting this together Zo and with Joe's help the categories did result in some close racing.
Amazing track but something about this track that makes me really sleepy. It's definitely not boring. Perhaps Zo's trying too hypnotise us all into some other mad idea!:eek:💡:sly:

It's fun track, one of the best I have driven in GT6

Thanks Jammy :)

So how did the car cats. play out?

It was difficult to assess them properly, but they undoubtedly helped. Paul did lead for a while, and I couldn't shake Suts off for pure pace. On a track we all knew, with no lag problems, I recon it would have been quite tight.

OK no I didn't, actually.

Oh yes you did!

Cheers, Zo.
this track that makes me really sleepy.
Actually I went off for a quick doze during race 2 OK no I didn't,
Oh yes you did!
Oh OK I did. Time for this picture...